Life. Love. Food

Peppery Hot dog with Lemon and Garlic Plain Yoghurt Sauce

Let’s be honest for a second… the whole world loves hot dogs. Or at least in my head, the whole world does. Perfect snack. And depending on what you add to them, you can get all food groups into your hot dog. There are so many ways to have your hot dog. And that gets me excited since it awakens my creative power.

I decided to make my hot dog with the frankfurter sauteed with green bell peppers until they are crispy. I also decided to replace the  mustard with a tangy lemon and garlic plain yoghurt sauce. So for my 100th post, savor on this brilliant and delicious beauty.

peppery hotdog with garlic and lemon plain yoghurt sauce_kenyan food blogs_best kenyan food

Peppery hot dog with garlic and lemon plain yoghurt sauce ingredients


peppery hotdog ingredients_how to make the best hot dogs_Kaluhis kitchen


3 beef frankfurters

½ green bell pepper

1 tablespoon of black pepper

1 tablespoon of ground coriander

1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice

50g of plain yoghurt

3 cloves of garlic, minced

Finely chopped spring onion

Salt to taste

Hot dog buns

Vegetable oil for sauté



Pour your yoghurt into a bowl. To this add the minced garlic, ½ a tablespoon of black pepper, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, finely chopped spring onion and some salt to taste.

garlic and lemon plain yoghurt sauce by Kaluhi adagala author of Alternative for mayonaisse and mustard

Mix it up until all the ingredients are evenly distributed. Set aside and begin working on the stuffing.

Take your Vienna/frankfurter and slice it thinly lengthwise. Do the same to your green bell pepper. Throw these into a frying pan with some heated vegetable oil.

Add ½ a tablespoon of black pepper and 1 tablespoon of coriander powder.

peppery hot dog, making hot dog adds plenty of texture and nutrients to the otherwise ordinary hot dog Mix and let this sauté for about 5-7 minutes until they become slightly crispy.

peppers and frankfurters make hot dogs alot more wholesome and healthy_Kenyan food bloggers

Take them from the heat and stuff them in our bun.

best hot dog recipe which adds alot more nutrients to the average hot dogas presented by Kaluhi Adagala

Pour the lemon and garlic plain yoghurt sauce over it and take a big bite. Dont you just want to stuff this in your mouth?

best healthy hot dog recipes_kenyan food blogs_peppery hot dog with garlic and lemon plain yoghurt sauce

The chilled sauce goes so well with the hot juicy frankfurter and peppers. And because they are shredded, taking a bite becomes alot easier and the flavor gets to seep in deeper. You ca replace this sauce with the sweet and sour sauce I made here, or the tatziki I made with these bhajia in this post.


The weekend is here, and this you have to try.


Get the full recipe here:

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  1. Yvonne

    This looks so yummy, definitely trying this recipe out this weekend!!! Thanks for sharing Kaluhi! 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are most welcome! Sure you will enjoy it 🙂

  2. linda

    discovered you after your comment on this is ess. You are sooo bookmarked. Im a veeerrrry lazy cook and those hotdogs have me SOLD! Sunday typah lunch..

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Oh YES! Karibu sana to the KK family, I am more than happy to have you! Cooking can be fun, I also started from the bottom, but slowly and surely I improved. You will too with time, promise. Let me know how the hotdogs go down with you on sunday. And maybe take some pics and tag me on IG

  3. Miriam

    Just tried this out yesterday when I came upon your website, but used pork viennas instead. It came out beautifully and everyone loved it. Thanks, I love your website and look forward to trying out more recipes. I appreciate the simplicity!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are most welcome Miriam!Happy you tried this out and shared it with your loved ones. Looking forward to you enjoying the other recipes 🙂

  4. Nancy

    I too discovered you from your comment on this is ess blogspot……n all I can say is woooooooow!!i love cooking..I should have discovered you like yesterday….I wish I could leave a comment on all your recipes.but I guess that would be somewhat creepy…..I’ll definitely try this one for my son who loves hotdogs…??keep up the good work mami

    • kaluhiskitchen

      A comment on every post…that’s the kind of creepy I like LOL! Karibu sana to the KK family!!! 🙂 Do keep me posted as to how this goes down with your son after you try it out 🙂

  5. Shiro

    Making this for lunch but with the sweet and sour source. Is it weird that go through this blog when am bored ????
    This blog, without a shadow of doubt, has been my greatest find in 2015. It’s completely reignited my love for cooking which had experienced a slow death.
    Keep up the good work pretty one.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Shiro,

      Thank you so so much for your absolutely heart-warming words! I am beyond happy to know my blog has added value to your life. That is some major motivation for me to keep going!

      + It is totally not weird to go through my blog. You are the kind of stalkers I want to hug!


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