Life. Love. Food

30 random things about me

Someone asked me to tell more about  myself beyond what I share on the blog. To just get to know me. It is abit beyond what I feel comfortable doing, but no harm in doing it. So here is a tiny bit of who I am: 30 things about me.


1 I am Diana Kaluhi daughter of Adagala. Yes, Kaluhi is my real name, my gorgeous middle name! I chose it as part of my blog name since it is unique and I wanted my brand to identify as African at first glance. African names have all the saucccceeeeeeeeee!

2. I like cleaning and arranging (a bit obsessively) and like to do so when I wanna relax or streamline my thought process. Is that strange? I think not 🙂

3. I am always on time. When I say 10.30 a.m, I actually mean it; not a minute later or hours later. My biggest pet peeve: People who do not keep time (insert angry face). I do not partake in ‘African Timing’ which these days is somewhat a badge of honor.. no! Second pet peeve is littering. I can even cut ties with someone who throws their trash all over. Sadly, Kenyans in general do not find an issue with littering but I hope we will become a more conscience citizenry in coming days.

4. Everyday is my favorite day :))

5. Positive comments power me up. But negative comments power me too since I channel that energy and use it as motivation . If you tell me i can’t do something or i’m not good enough, I take it as a challenge and go ahead and do it. And more often than not, i surpass expectations.

6. I am very very very very verrrrrrry private. I am very picky about what i share on my blog and anywhere else and try to keep it below 2 % of my life after careful thought of exactly what and why I am sharing. Some people share their lives and live as open books openly and do it so so beautifully and effortlessly, that however is not for me. To each their own, right? I think what makes moments special is keeping them sacredly intimate as opposed to broadcasting them to the universe. I guard my personal space and my people very jealously!

7. I am very particular about how my things look. For example, my Clothes have to be arranged according to category, then according to color and according to shade.

8. Laughter of and hugs from small children fill my heart with so much joy. I think they are the most fun age group to hang around.

9. I am a strong advocate for environmental conservation and cleanliness. I hope to be among the people who will help make Kenya clean and green. And this change has to consciously start with each individual.  I mean you can’t be the one throwing trash out your car window and expect the government to pick up after you. Be part of the solution, not the problem. If you are reading this and you throw litter all over our streets, SHAME ON YOU and grow up! *flips table* lol

10. I am very opinionated and find it very easy to speak my mind. I try keep my arguments assertive (NOT aggressive) as objective as possible.

11. I am slim by this country’s standards (32-26-36) despite being a huge foodie.And I totally love it!!! My weight is the most constant number in my life and may it stay that way! In highschool, I hated that I was a slim girl, and the constant pressure to gain weight  and look a certain way as ‘a true African woman’ SMDH never made it easier. But today, I wouldn’t change my slenderness  and it is my favorite characteristic!


12. I may not look like it but I am a rock girl. Punk rock and Alternative music is all I jam to. I am always tuned to X FM.

13. I am an ambivert (introverted extrovert). I fit in both of those extremes seamlessly. I enjoy meeting new people, making new friends and networking but I also like just eating out by myself and don’t find it arkward. I can be the most talkative or the most quiet depending on the feel of the crowd. I feel so confident and energized talking in front of large groups of people but I also enjoy and intimate hushed-down conversation.

14. In general, I am a homebody. Clubbing does not excite me AT ALL. I have tried it, and each time I did I just hated it. I feel like screaming when I am in those claustrophobic, dark, loud, smoke-filled rooms. Just not my thang! My ideal Friday night is either indoors watching a movie with good food and a great wine or at a good restaurant with great ambiance where we can actually hold a conversation not screaming over each other. Tell me I am not alone in this!!

15. I find it so hard to ask for help. I first try all options on my own then when all else fails, I ask for help. I am trying to get out of that since I am no (expletive) superwoman and can’t do everything!

16. I am a very good saver or a very frugal spender and a future very very rich lady. (AMMEEEEEEENNNN)


17. I enjoy learning new things and this makes me do things on my own. Instead of paying someone to do something for me, I will learn it and do it on my own (unless its something like performing an operation on my appendix or like landing a rocket on an comet).

18. Chocolate and chapo are the SI unit of all edible things. Ugali is yummy too.

19. I have struggled with being overly anxious in the past (something I picked while in the very strict catholic boarding school Precious Blood Riruta) when things do not go as planned but I have successfully embraced the ‘Its never that serious’ school of thought and become a lot calmer nowadays. #TypeApersonalityProblems. I also used to feel so guilty when relaxing or resting, and felt I could be using that time to do productive things (another BAD THING instilled in us while in highschool), but I have embraced rest and relaxation as an important part of one’s productivity.

20. I can write greek backwards with my left hand…. Just kidding!

21. I love travelling and I want to see as much of the world as I can.I do not desire to live in another country, but just travel and still call Kenya home. No place in the world will ever be better than Kenya! <3

22. I feel best in soft, feminine, flirty clothes and colors. I own just 3 pairs of jeans which I rarely wear. I have nothing against jeans, or wearers of jeans, I just personally LOVE how I feel in dresses and skirts.

23. I am not a Grammer nazi. I make too many typos to be one anyway :D. As long as you understood what the other person is trying to say, I do not think its important to school strangers on the internet over the difference between ‘their’ and ‘there’. There are bigger things to fuss over.

24. I am a huge romantic. I love love. I love the beauty of the sacrifice and purpose of love. I love the warmth of love. I love the tenderness of love. I love love in action and in feeling. I love love!

25. I am more into moments, effort, memories made and thoughtfulness other than money spent on me. You know about the five love languages right? My top two are quality time and physical touch. But that does not mean I would’t appreciate a gift once in a while. If you want to buy me a Tom Ford Perfume, there is no way I am saying no to that 😀

26. I remember dates and faces very well. But i am not good with names.

27. I did German in high school (did not quite like it) and Japanese in University as part of my BCom degree. I liked Japanese and hope to polish up on it as I go along. I can’t wait to visit Japan soon!

28. White Roses, white lillies and sunflowers are my fave flowers! <3

29. I am not a chef, not a cook, not a caterer. I am just a girl who likes cooking and blogging about it. Everything I know is self taught.

30. I do whatever I like and what other people think (especially strangers on the internet who think they know me) rarely bothers me. Once I set my mind to do or never do something, there is absolutely no way of making me think otherwise. As long as its not immoral or illegal, I seriously follow my heart and listen to my gut.

30.b I loooooooove being outdoors! All my favorite Saturdays are those that have involved some outdoor activity somewhere in out gorgeous country!

30.c) Favorite color? I just can’t choose! I love all colors and only choose one depending on my mood. Sometimes its, blue, sometimes grey, sometimes, yellow.

And that’s just  the tip of the iceberg. I hope we get to know each other as we go along.

Feel free to comment about the things that make you distinctly you below 🙂


  1. sue

    I like eating out all by myself too

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It is very peaceful! but I also do not mind eating with other people..

  2. lucy ngina

    we are so similar,even body measurements,its weird,haha. but not arranging clothes i hate that.(hides face)hehe. thanx for sharing.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOL That’s weird. Even though its not celebrated in our country #TeamSkinny rocks too damn much!

  3. Cory

    Am terrible with names but good with faces 🙂 and I enjoy your blog. Its my got to whenever I want to have fun cooking.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I literally do not remember names.. I’m always like “have we met?” “do we really know each other?” “remind me your name please…” LOL But anyway, glad you enjoy my blog 🙂

  4. Faith Daniels

    Since I discovered your blog,I have become such a huge fan.keep the recipes coming can’t wait for this months edition. Be blessed

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Faith! Pleased to have you as a reader. Plenty of fab stuff lined up for August, currently preping for September recipes. You will enjoy everything!!!

  5. Muthoni

    I am a new follower and I have now been an avid follower of your blog. I approve!
    Also, reading through your facts, made me realize how we are in one way similar… or I am just fan-girling lol. It made me want to be your friend 🙂 *runs and hides*

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Oh Hey Muthoni! You have no Idea how happy it makes me to know that you like my blog, that means Ii am doing this right. Like begets Like… maybe one day we can be friends 🙂

  6. Spirit

    I love good food but I watch my weight like a hawk! I eat healthy, go to the gym at least three times a week, drink plenty of water and weigh myself once a week.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I last stepped on a scale last year November when I was sick in hospital… and my weight was the same as it was in highschool. But I want to be fit, for health’s sake even though I don’t gain weight that easily.

  7. Miss Y

    LOL that is some serious OCD.I love white roses too!!!Are you Erica’s sister by any chance?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Oh yes… OCD is a real burden… but I love it LOL!! I seriously cannot have it any other way. Yes, Erica is my eldest siz.I assume you are her friend :)) ?

  8. Jane Wairimu

    I don’t agree with you on number 23 because I personally can’t stand grammatical errors. Anywho,diversity is beautiful. Love your blog. Hopefully I can start mine soon.

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      What makes us different, makes us beautiful :)). Thank you. for the compliment. Find what you love, and what you would enjoy doing even when stressed and take the plunge. It takes alot of work, but its worth it. :)))

  9. Diana Mwango Ratemo

    And now I find out that we share a first name! 🙂 Woop woop! <3

  10. LouLou

    Aaaaww! I guess I’m a late bloomer…just started following your blog today after hearing my friends go on and on about it. I’m sheepishly smiling as I read through n slowly but steadily falling for your works! Well written I must say! I love No. 7, 11,15 and 26 because I can relate.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey LouLou! Welcome to the #KK family! Better late than never :)). So glad you can relate to stuff I wrote in this post, we are all connected through our common likes and dislikes. I hope to ‘see’ you more around here


  11. natalia

    I think you are trying totally cool in my definitely love to learn from the Learning from you.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3 <3

  12. Cheruto

    I am totally with you on time etiquette. I don’t understand how someone would repeatedly arrive late to meetings and be proud about it. I find it rather disrespectful. I follow you on Instagram now let me follow the blog.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Tell me about it!!!! Some people actually find it cute to be late. Ai!!! I cannot stand it! I just cannot be late!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Tell me about it!!!! Some people actually find it cute to be late. Ai!!! I cannot stand it! I just cannot be late!

  13. Angela

    No 15 and 16 soo me but that dress part it’s the other way round.. Got three dresses that i barely wear..

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are the ying to my yang <3

  14. Miss Lornah

    For a moment there I thought I was reading my biography till it got to the part of body size, of being a grammar Nazi😂( I mind grammar but I wouldn’t​ call myself a Nazi), time keeping and going out.
    Always a pleasure reading your blog and playing around with your incitive IG posts ( juu ya kukosa viungo vyote).Am addicted 😍😅

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So dope to know we have so much in common <3

  15. Schola

    Been an ardent follower of your blog for a couple of months now, best thing ever! 😍We share a couple of interests from traveling the world, eating out alone, learning new things, being self taught 😜 obsessive over time keeping 😁, dresses though not my go to kind of look 😊lastly bad grammar just doesn’t cut it sorry🙈😀. Keep doing your thing on behalf of all the foodies up in here we thank you!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3 <3 <3

  16. Che

    I’m reading this I’m like that’s me! Thanks for your blog. I started cooking because of you hadi my boyfriend was like what’s your agenda and what do you want? Coz he used to do all the cooking. Love love you

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3 <3 Sending love right back!!! Keep surprising bae with good food hadi achanganyikiwe kabisaaaaaaaa! LOL!

  17. Sheila

    Oh know are we by any chance related.. You must be the lost twin I never had. Lol I’m so inspired by you girl. Thank you n God bless you
    Another K

    • kaluhiskitchen

      We are forever connected by our similarities girl :DDDD

  18. Mercy

    Not a fan of clubbing either because of the environment just how you described it😂😂Not against any party goer ..We are homebodies and that is ok

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