I am the kind of person who is very analytical before I get into something. A few weeks before I started this blog, I used to post some pics of what I make at home on my personal Face Book page. I did that to see how the reception would be and how the public warmed up to them. To my surprise, people loved them and requested for the recipes. I was then sure the best platform to share the recipes would be via a blog.
One of the pictures I shared were those of this banana split. I made it first for my sisters and it was a hit. I initially made it with just ground nuts but this time I tweaked it a little bit and added some raisins for some extra sweetness. This is one of those very simple desserts that are just as healthy as they are breathtaking. The flavors of the chocolate, robustness of the raisins, softness of the vanilla yoghurt and texture of the nuts came together in perfect harmony in this banana split.
As I posted on Instagram, for the month of May, I shall focus on very simple recipes that bring out high profile flavors. Today, feast your eyes (and tongue) on this 🙂
Serves: 1 Prep Time: 2 Minutes Make time: 5 Minutes
My banana split ingredients
1 banana
Grated chocolate ( as much as you prefer)
2 tablespoons of raisins (or dried currants)
3 tablespoons of roasted and skinned ground nuts (or peacans or pistachio nuts)
Vanilla Yoghurt
Spread a thick layer of your yoghurt in a bowl or a deep saucer. Ensure you use a good quality thick vanilla yoghurt.
Peel your banana and and slice it longitudinally. Place it in top of the thick yoghurt layer.
Sprinkle your raisins and ground nuts on top of the second layer of yoghurt. Then add a final layer of yoghurt to cover the raisins and the nuts. You do not have to completely cover them.
Grate your chocolate over the entire dessert (as much as you prefer) then serve. If you are having a hard time grating the chocolate, put it in the freezer for a few minutes then after it is from, begin grating it.
That banana split was so easy right?
It is one of those things you should indulge in when you need something sweet, but not too overwhelmingly sugary. You can also try this variation of the banana split which I made some months back but added some fresh strawberries.
Keep it KK 🙂
Get the full recipe here
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