Life. Love. Food

Achari ya Limau

I find it very amazing how our food cultures are very much globally intertwined. What we may think belongs exclusively to our nation, may actually in fact have it’s roots in another nation. Also, how one culture makes a certain thing could be prepared in a different way by another to achieve similar results. In Kenya for example, many of our dishes have their origins in India: chapati, dhania, chai, nearly all our masalas and as I recently discovered, achari. It definitely is prepared in different ways from region to region along the coast, but what it has in common is the pickling of lemons and or limes specifically in achari ya ndimu. Slow but sure culmination of flavors, achari ya ndimu, like wine, gets better with the passing of time. This is one of those condiments you do not rush. The longer it sits the better. I prepared mine over the course of last week and of course, added my own touch. Everything is always better with a touch of K! I encourage you to try our my achari ya ndimu and enjoy amazing taste together with your favorite meals.





4 limes

4 lemons

1/2 a teaspoon of kez organics chili paste

1/2 a teaspoon of paprika

1/4 teaspoon of turmeric

Salt to taste

Sprig of rosemary



Slice your limes into slithers and place inside your jar. Some people simply slice them up into quarters, however, I like mine in smaller slimmer slithers so that Once it is easy, I can have a bite of each without having it overwhelm the dish I am having it with. Also, slicing then thinner allows their juices to seep out faster also makes them fit better in the jar.After your limes are in, add your spices into the jar.


Juice your lemons and mix in your chili paste with the resultant juice. I used Kez Organics chili paste, the same one we used here and here. It is a very potent paste and for me, a little goes a long way. I used 1/2 a teaspoon but you can always adjust the proportions to suit your preferences. Once mixed in, pour this into your jar and mix it in util evenly distributed.

Alternatively, you can use fresh chillies, slit them and add them to the jar so that the spicy flavors slowly diffuse into the achari.



Cover with a lid and allow to pickle for 4-7 days. Place it by the window or even outside where there is plenty of sunshine to facilitate the pickling process. It is currently so hot and sunny in Nairobi so it is time to make some achari. Mix it from time to time through out the day just to make sure everything is evenly distributed.

Preserved lemons are prepared more or less the same way, only difference is for achari, we use juice from our citrus fruit instead of water and also, we add an array of spices to bump the flavors.


*** UPDATE : DAY TWO ***

The sauce had significantly thickened, but the flavors had not completely melded. I decided at this point to add a fresh herb, just to  give it a fuller more wholesome flavor and give it my own touch. I had basil in mind, however since I did not have some at hand, i used rosemary. Be adventurous and use different herbs: thyme, dill, coriander etc.



This was unbelievable juicy. To be honest, I thought it would backfire. I loved the tang it had and the unexpected freshness brought about by the rosemary.


You can enjoy this with anything you prefer, Maybe together with you biryani, or as a side to your fried fish or as an accompaniment to your fries, potato wedges and roast potatoes. Of course, you have to enjoy achari ya ndimu with potatoes :P.


Make the most of the sunny days and prepare some achari. In my opinion, it is one of those things you must always have stocked in your fridge.


To many more



Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Elick Kanda

    Can i taste ? i need some lessons on how to do this , am in love with this

    • kaluhiskitchen

      But I have just shown you how to make this on the blog post :D. I hope you give it a try. :))

      • Elick Kanda

        I did and if I was to give myself a grade I could have a B+ hehehe , anyway good work you are doing keep it up

        • kaluhiskitchen

          And you will get even better without doubt! Thanks for trying this out :)))

  2. hannah nyawira

    Haki your blog is a pure class for me . There is a difference between lime and lemon. I want to sue my Primary teacher. Thank goodness Kaluhi happened. Blessings.

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