Life. Love. Food

Amarula and Lime Zest French Toast

Am I the only one who cooks according to their mood? Sometimes I just want something rich and sweet sometimes laziness doesn’t even allow me to step next to the cooker and I settle for leftovers. On this day, I was feeling the former. I woke up with the sole goal of having something absolutely delicious for breakfast. And since I had nothing sweet ready for me, that meant some experimentation and lucky for us, a new recipe :)) Side note: Have you subscribed to my YouTube channel? You should!!!

Since I had had a tiny bit of Amarula Creme Liqueur in my fridge, I decided to make my breakfast one hell of a feast. Let me tell you, my mouth is watering as I am typing this out since I can remember how out-of-this-world good! Guys, easy does not have to be tasteless. You can have it good right at home! Warning: Chances of you getting addicted to my amarula and lime zest french toast are very high!

amarula and lime zest french toast_how to make french toast_brunch recipes_kaluhiskitchen.com_kenya best food bloggers kaluhi


ingredients for amarula and lime zest french toast_french toast recipes_kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food


2 eggs

½ a cup of amarula crème liqueur

1 teaspoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of whole cardamom seeds

½ a teaspoon of cinnamon

3 slices of bread

1 teaspoon of lime zest


In a container crack your eggs and add the amarula crème liqueur. Beat these together until mixed through. Set aside. Let me say, you CANNOT get drunk while cooking with alcohol. You will get the boozy flavor in your food, but because alcohol has a very low boiling point, it evaporates during the cooking process. So next time someone “gets drunk” after eating food cooked with alcohol, slap them in the eye and tell them to stop pretending :DD.instead of whipping your eggs with milk, whip them with amarula crem liqueur for extra flavor and mild booziness_lime zest french toast_best kenyan food blog

On an ungreased pan, add your cardamom seeds and toast them until they are fragrant. Put them in a pestle and mortar and split the pods open. Place the black seeds inside and crush them. The cardamon seeds are toasted so that their oils come out and their aroma become more potent.

I purchased my whole cardamom seeds  in Tuskys at around sh.100 ($1.00) and they last a really long time. Their smell and flavor reminded me of Lamu.

whole cardamom seeds add a fresh warm feel to the amarula french toast and go well with the creme

crush the hust of the cardamom pod open, extract the dark seeds inside and crush them until they pulverize_cardamom_how to cook with cardamom

Add the freshly crushed cardamom seeds, the cinnamon and sugar to the whisked eggs and mix them in. Once they are just mixed, add the lime zest and give this one more mix. You can also use orange zest for this recipe :))

to the egg mixture, whisk in the cinnamon, freshly ground cardamom seeds and

final step is to whisk in the lime zest which adds a tang thats sweeter than lemons but deeper than

Take your slices of bread and place them in the egg mixture.  For me, I prefer to just dip my egg so that it just covers the bread. However, other people like to allow the bread to soak in the egg mixture a bit more. It is a free world so you are free to go by the method you feel works for you :)). Cook coated slices on your buttered pan for about 2 minutes each until they turn golden brown.

allow each side to get about 4 minutes on the pan_amarula and lime zest french toast_french toast

Once they are done, plate them  and serve.

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I have made several french toast recipes in the past, like these ones with coconut and these other ones with tangerine zest, but I think this one is my best one yet. The flavors were superbly balanced out! You could taste the cinnamon, smell the Amarula creme liqueur and pick up hints of its silkiness and get bursts of the lime zest. These Amarula and lime zest french toast unleash a grand party on your taste buds!

Tomorrow being a public holiday in Kenya, make your brunch the bestest with this recipe :)).

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If you decide to have these for brunch, make the whole dish come together by throwing in some fresh berries such as these macerated strawberries or any berry compote. Go all out! And if you shall be hosting people at your home, please whip this up; minimal effort with magnificent flavor!

As we bid goodbye to May, may you all go into the new month with renewed energy, a ton of joy and optimism and a heart ready to bless others.

Happy cooking and eating!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Debbie

    Tomorrow’s brunch = Sorted!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Ensure you throw in some berries too :))

  2. Jess Muiruri

    Made this today and all my mum said was, “kijana ulitoa hizi skills wapi?” ????soo amazing! Thanks for the recipe!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOL! Mums rock!! Give your mum a hug on my behalf! I am so happy she enjoyed it and that you gave this a try! Cheers to many many more!

  3. Kate

    Slap them in the eye?Really?

    • kaluhiskitchen


  4. Nyokabi

    I tried this recipe yesterday, i dint have Amarula so i used Baileys!!! All I can say is Thank You Kaluhi!! It was tooooo AWSOME! 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *happy dance* Baileys is a perf substitute since they are both creme liqueurs. I am so glad you loved this :))))

  5. stephy kiddoh

    Hi…just stumbled on your post and i am really impressed!Good work and i hope my skills will improve as i commence this beautiful and exciting journey.thank you so much.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Right place at the right time! You will improve with no doubt. Just have an open mind and open heart to learning new things and you’re good to go :))

  6. Ranju


    • kaluhiskitchen


  7. Chantelle

    I cannot find the seeds what can I use as a replacement please.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Are you talking about cardamom? If so, use cinnamon or nutmeg. I think I mentioned that in the post too.

      • Chantelle

        Oh you did thank you!

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