Life. Love. Food

Author: Kaluhi (Page 12 of 23)

#TembeaNaKaluhi – My Jozi Through 30 Photos

I can safely and confidently conclude that my best travel trip this year has been to Johannesburg. The island paradise Lamu was enchanting and Dublin was great, however Johannesburg was simply magical!!!!! I met AMAZING young, driven, passionate creatives from different parts of the continent doing amazing things with their gifts. I discovered and fell in love with the vibrance this South African city has to offer. I sharpened my networking skills and indulged in South African cuisine which I absolutely fell in love with. It felt a lot like home, yet spoke of a culture so different. My mind has been opened to so much more and I just cannot wait to go back!! If you follow me on Instagram (If you are not, what on earth are you waiting for??!), you must have seen my daily adventures for our week long excursion through my InstaStory. It is an experience that is one of my 2016 highlights. This post is a highlight of many such moments through 30 photos. It was not a road trip for sure, but I will use the guide below to take you through snippets of Jozi. The hashtag #TembeaNaKaluhi is swahili and in translation could mean Journey with Kaluhi. I hope you get to feel the essence of Jozi through my post relive my experiences through what I share :))


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Chili Coconut Tilapia Masala

I was walking towards our bus stage with my friend one hot humid afternoon after running some errands. We were both quite tired and the heat was not making it any easier. With everything we set out to do complete, all was left to do was to get a meal. And when I am hungry, that is all that occupies my mind. I try as much as possible not to go into a supermarket when hungry, since I end up buying things I do not even like to eat or end up binging of sweet things that I normally wouldn’t have a stomach for. On this particular day however, only one thing was on my mind: fish. I love fish! And for me, that would be the perfect way to end my day and unwind. I quickly made my way to the nearest fish vendor and bought myself some tilapia then rushed home. My Kraving resulted in this very delicious, mind-numbingly good chili coconut tilapia masala. Perfect marriage of flavor; very unexpected, but so delicious!

Proceed with caution though, because my tilapia masala can very easily turn into a very real addiction.


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Caramelized Cinnamon Banana Stuffed Crepes

I love a good brunch dish. One that is so rich, and so flavorful and one that literally sings to the deepest part of your soul. My friend Soni always says, brunch is not a time of day, but an experience. And I have to say, I agree with her. She loooooves brunch, and really takes in every moment and savors all the delicious things that most brunch banquets have to offer. A little bit of sweet. A little bit of savory. For me, during most brunches, I find myself gravitating more towards the sweet. Considering tomorrow is another glorious weekend, and most of us will be sleeping in. It would be an absolute delight to have something very delicious to wake up to! I have always loved crepes, because they double as both a breakfast dish and a dessert dish and no way to bring this together than in this brunch dish! A word of caution though: My caramelized cinnamon banana stuffed crepes may just end up being one of your top addictions!


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#Kaluhi’s Kravings -Turmeric Chicken Sausage Pasua Combi

If you went to a boarding school in high school, you understand how important those occasional outings were! We called them ‘funkies’ back in my day, and we scrambled to be on the bus whenever each one came. It was a breath of fresh air to be in a different environment and meet new people and of course, mingle with cute boys. The two main funkies that had a sequence of events were Drama festivals in the first term and music festivals second term. I was all in during drama festivals. Besides all the fun activities, I also lived for eating good food especially considering my school, Precious Blood Riruta, banned most junk food.

As girls, most boys just bought us food. I guess as an ice breaker, but we knew they knew it was the best way to get our attention. Yes, we were shamelessly greedy. I loved Lenana School (or Changes as we used to call it) because they had a wide variety of snacks they had. I especially loved their Combi, which is basically a combination of a filling of choice inside a maandazi. At the end of the funkie, we would anticipate receiving mail from our crushes and since most of us did not have mobile phones while in school. Times have changed and now, our crushes are just a call away. Just a message away. And with a strong network such as Safaricom 4G, days of waiting for mail to hear form our crushes are long behind us! Each time I have a sausage pasua in town, I get major throwback of the good ol days! This recipe was inspired by my favorite high school period as and one of my favorite Kravings I indulge in when hunger strikes, but ofcourse with a touch of K!


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#KaluhisKravings – Lemon Bhajia Masala

The worst emotion that you could ever be at the mercy of is Hangry! Being hungry makes me super irritable. And the absolute worst is being Hangry, being in the hot sun and at the same time thinking about your adulting problems. Hunger just amplifies all those feelings. Suddenly you start thinking about those deadlines that are coming at you like a massive tsunami and bills you need to pay. Suddenly you remember that text that bae selectively chose not to respond to. Hunger can really stir up emotions! But thank God, when we are in need of a quick meal, street food is always there to rescue us!

I was Kraving some bhajia the entire day yesterday, and when the kraving kalls, you have to heed.  I kept you in on my bhajia hunt yesterday afternoon on my Instagram story under the series #KaluhisKravings. Thanks to Safaricom 4G, I was able to document it all without any hitches and with the little airtime I had. After a quick bhajia lunch from Diamond Plaza and my soul literally calmed down. I loved it so much, I decided to give this a #K twist and that led to my spectacular Lemon bhajia Masala.


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Mint Strawberry Posset

The past week had been a huge adventure!!!! We first visited Anfield in Liverpool for a live Liverpool vs Manchester United match courtesy of Guinness. The next two days we spent in Dublin, Ireland which has become one of my favorite places to be. Besides the genuinely nice people, I loved getting immersed in the history of the city which is well preserved and proudly shown off. This too was the case at the Guinness Storehouse where we managed to learn the history of Guinness beer, its introduction into various markets, especially the Kenyan one, how the beer is brewed and various foods that can be prepared with the brew. What struck me was how seamlessly Guinness can be used to bring out flavors in both sweet and savory dishes; something most beers cannot really emulate.

I was telling my younger sister about my Dublin adventures and she was particularly curious by how an assertive beer would taste in a sweet dish. I decided to give her a taste and she was absolutely blown away with how delicious my minty strawberry posset, laced with Guinness was. She is such a sweet tooth, and this dessert completely won her over to team Guinness!! It was over in minutes!!! And that is always a good sign as to how good the dish tastes. This sweet chilled treat is perfect for sunny Nairobi. So easy to make and unforgettable to have!


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Ginger Rosemary Carrot Fingers

I have been loviing myself some really savory and indulgent meals lately. Not that it is wrong to indulge, but you know, things get soooooo good when you are eating those rich indulgent foods and it completely sucks you in!!! You find your self wanting to eat only really indulgent meals. You go from one more burger bite, to greedily eating two more. Don’t judge me btw, greed is a real thing LOL! Then after your two burgers are sitting in your stomach and you are basking in the after glow of phenomenal flavors, health guilt sets in. What is health guilt you ask? It is that voice that reminds you to stop eating like an idiot and balance the clean with the indulgent. Since I know in my hearts of hearts I will never be one to live on only raw veggies (God bless those who do), what I will do is balance. A bit of indulgence and a bit of clean; because life is all about balance right?

I love my carrots and I made this fast carrot dish that brings out all it’s great qualities. Healthy does not have to be boring though, and my carrot fingers have all the flavor you will need for this lifetime and the next.


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Passion Fruit Marinated Honey Pork Chops

October has this magic about it. It’s brilliantly sunny days, warm nights and breathtaking jacaranda blossoms enveloping Nairobi make this one of my favorite months. With all these aspects all in one month, this makes it perfect for picnics! What better way to enjoy great weather, appreciate beautiful blossoms and enjoy great company than with fantastic food? My friends and I decided to do just that by hosting a get-together picnic.  Each person was meant to bring a dish of their choice. I decided to make one of two meat dishes: my passion fruit marinated honey pork chops. I was so thrilled with the results and this is one recipe I just had to share with you guys. The passion fruit marinade was so perfect for this! I could hardly keep it together while taking the pictures. I almost ate it all before leaving for the actual picnic LOL! I hope this recipe unleashes one hell of a party on your taste buds as it did on mine!



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Sweet Chili Mbuzi Choma Rolex

This past Sunday was the premier of Coke Studio Africa’s fourth season. With the success of the past seasons and the roller coaster of excitement they were, I had to follow this season from the get go. With some passion fruit drizzled vanilla ice cream in tow, my youngest sister and I were sitted at 8 p.m. sharp. Phones almost away, singing, dancing, having our very own concert right at home only taking breaks to critique performances and finish our ice cream. She is a Sauti Sol die hard. Believe me, Kuliko Jana constantly plays at home. It is her song. And Sauti Sol are her band. And them being part of the premier episode was just more reason for her to tune in. We enjoyed it! I hope you tuned in too and had a ball!

This season is all about discovery. Discovery of new music. Discovery of new artists, new sounds, new cultures. Being the foodie I am, I took this upon myself to make it discovery of new foods. Each month I will be doing a fusion dish, melding 3 cultures together, based on the countries performing on Coke Studio. This month’s dish is a fusion of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzanian flavors; which culminated in my glorious sweet chili mbuzi choma rolex. You are going to love this!!


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Cumin and Eggplant Veggie ‘Meatballs’

You know you are officially an adult when receiving vegetable deliveries excite you LOL. I wanted to work on some new recipes but I was too lazy to leave home and do my own shopping. Ain’t no one got time or energy for the walking in the excruciating October heat. And in such instances, veggie delivery is the way to go. I was so thrilled to received my veggies, courtesy of Fresh Pro. Just one phone call away and  I had all I needed and more: cabbages, eggplant, tomatoes, apples, managu (my fave!!), egg plant, dhania, lettuce etc.

I have been craving some good egg plant for the longest time. Just a note: I am talking about the real egg plant :DD. And I was more than happy to have some in my Fresh Pro delivery. With that, along with courgettes that were in the crate, I decided to make veggie ‘meatballs’. What a paradox that is: veggie meatballs. Who says you can’t enjoy your veggies just as you do your meat?? Ready to have something different with a touch of K? Here we go!!


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Thorn Melon & Apple Smoothie

Over the past month, my body has been feeling very lethargic. I stopped exercising and that is not something I am proud to admit. Despite being relatively tiny, exercise and clean eating is still very important. And when my body started slowing down, I knew exactly what it needed and what was missing: More fruits more vegetables, and daily exercise even just a little bit. Someone once told me I do not need to exercise or eat clean because my very high metabolism keeps me slim. But exercise and clean eating is not about loosing weight only (one of the many peculiar beliefs of Kenyans), but more about feeling good and having your body perform in its best possible state. Yes, it is ok to indulge once in a while coz YOLO, and it is also ok to cut back and show your body some love. To do that, I made a really refreshing green smoothie: my thorn melon and apple green smoothie that has become one of my favorites! I just had to share the recipe with you and hope your body will enjoy it as well. Cheers!!


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Chicken Bacon Knockout Burger

After posting my Triple D drumsticks, and the amazing buzz it created online, EVERYONE just couldn’t wait to try that recipe out. And majority just wished they could simply appear infront of them. My elder sister, Sieva, who was away for work sent me a quick message telling me she would love to have those when she came back home after seeing them on my Facebook page. Since I couldn’t make that particular recipe at the time, I decided to work on my next bomb Guinness recipe which she would feast upon: my chicken bacon knockout burger. Growing up with siblings, when there is something tasty you are planning to feast upon, you have to hide it so that no one else eats it. I forgot to hide Sieva’s  burger and sure enough, my other sister Kadesa ate it. I should have recorded the look on her face when she sank her teeth into it…priceless! Burger ecstasy! And a stamp of approval for another aced recipe!

These burgers have everything you could ever want in the perfect burger: a moist patty, lots of cheese, a rich unique sauce and of course, bacon. Can you handle this knock out ;))? You better!


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Coconut Banana Frozen Yoghurt

One of my favorite textural contrasts when it comes to food is having a mix of smooth and crunchy or soft and crunchy. It really does make the whole eating experience a lot more exciting. Eating is more than just to get full but also a dance of the senses. The more senses involved, the better the experience. For me, texture plays a key role in that.

For today’s recipe we shall be playing with crunchy and smooth textures. As part of Onja bloggers monthly posts, this month’s theme is texture.  An easy silky luxurious banana and coconut frozen yogurt recipe is what I have for you today, and of course in true K fashion, simple, but exploding with flavor 🙂


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Salted Caramel Banana Milkshake

In most African homes, bananas are almost always present. They serve so many purposes, the main one being dessert. As an African child, whenever you craved something sweet while at home, you would be handed a banana to calm those cravings down. Going to school and had nothing to carry for break? Worry not, bananas were always there to save the day. Too hungry while you waited for supper/lunch that’s taking too long? Grab that banana. Going for a long trip and you’re reaching for something mom packed? Guess what you find first? Bananas. While I disliked that growing up, nowadays I snack on fruits since it was how we were raised. The best way! And despite bananas being among my least favorite fruits, I still find myself reaching for some when my rumbling tummy needs some soothing.

With only bananas at home and me craving something a bit indulgent, I decided to make a banana milkshake. But you know with me, something has to give. It is no ordinary one since I added a homemade salted caramel that’s so easy to make ant takes your banana milkshake from basic to fantastic!


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The Triple D Drum Sticks

I love a dish that has a ton of character and flare to it. My triple D Drumsticks has to be one of those; Delicious. Daring. Dark. At triple dose of  juicy goodness in each meaty bite. Easy to make yet with such beautiful culmination of flavors, these drumsticks will change your life for ever! And you know when I say that, I actually mean it ;))

I was home alone while making these, and I gave you a sneak peak on my InstaStory mid last week. Lord God! These were really good! So many of you asked for the recipe, and the day is finally here that I get to share it with you. I was kinda broke but had to make enough so that when my sisters came back home they would a taste of my best drumstick recipe yet. Food is simply a lot more delicious when you can share it with people you love, is it not? Today, I give you this recipe, which I hope to bring you just as much joy. My Triple D Drumsticks are exactly how delicious chicken should taste like and made even more spectacular with a dark rich garlic stout BBQ sauce that has the most daring of all flavors. Buckle up! This will take you to the moon and back!


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Achari ya Limau

I find it very amazing how our food cultures are very much globally intertwined. What we may think belongs exclusively to our nation, may actually in fact have it’s roots in another nation. Also, how one culture makes a certain thing could be prepared in a different way by another to achieve similar results. In Kenya for example, many of our dishes have their origins in India: chapati, dhania, chai, nearly all our masalas and as I recently discovered, achari. It definitely is prepared in different ways from region to region along the coast, but what it has in common is the pickling of lemons and or limes specifically in achari ya ndimu. Slow but sure culmination of flavors, achari ya ndimu, like wine, gets better with the passing of time. This is one of those condiments you do not rush. The longer it sits the better. I prepared mine over the course of last week and of course, added my own touch. Everything is always better with a touch of K! I encourage you to try our my achari ya ndimu and enjoy amazing taste together with your favorite meals.


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Lime Poppy Seed Drop Scones

In our neighborhood, we usually have annual or bi/annual neighborhood get-togethers. One home volunteers to host the entire street for an afternoon of great company, catching up from our otherwise busy lives and also to indulge in some great food in community. Not to be picky, but their is this one home I never ever miss when they are the hosts. The lady of that home is called Violet but we call her Aunty Vio, because in Kenya, anyone who is not you mother is your aunt by default. Let me tell you, Aunty Vio can make one mean banquet. She does not joke around when it comes to hosting ; from the tender marinated meats, to the freshly baked moist cakes, to the array of fresh salads, and hearty starches. It would be mean to say I attend just for the food and not the company, LOL, but as a foodie, food is a huge part as to why I never miss out on the get-together when Aunty Vio is hosting. One of my favorite cakes that she usually bakes is her lemon poppy seed cake. She gets it right! From the texture and moistness of the cake, to the flavors, to the frosting. It is always a hit!! I make sure to get a huge slice each time and sneak some back home with me, in true Kenyan fashion, for post party indulgence. Do I sound greedy? Well, maybe I am :DD

With these memories as the back drop, I decided to make drop scones, one of my favorite breakfast recipes with a hint of  my favorite cake flavors. I substituted lemons for limes, but either way, they were super duper delicious. Can’t wait for you guys to try this out!!

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Cheesy Guinness Beef Samosas

“Tuko hapa Nyayo, umepika?” (“We are at Nyayo. What have you cooked?”) I hesitated to answer the question. I knew I had nothing ready, yet my impromptu guests were not too far off. My mum would literally slash my head off my shoulders if she found out people came home and left without something memorable in their bellies, even if the guests were mine and not hers, LOL! You see, there is a certain pressure that comes with being a food blogger. Everyone expects an elaborate banquet each time they visit your home, regardless of whether or not you are tired or you have been surviving on (delicious!) left overs. We all have those times when we just have nothing grand to present, regardless of whether you are Siba or Kaluhi. But in an African home, when guest come knocking, you have to provide. And as a food blogger, you just have to pull all the stops. I just had to deliver. #pressure

Since I was a bit time strapped & feeling a bit lazy yet still excited to have my friends over, I just had to make it work. I decided to make my cheesy Guinness beef samosas. I took an ingenious shortcut along the way, but I was sure using my Guinness and part of adding flavor to my samosa filling would be dynamite!!! As you all know, I always go an extra mile :)). These were cleared so fast coz they were just that good! Thinking about something to ring down the weekend? This is it, baby!

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Iliki & Coconut White Chocolate Trufles

White. A color that represents innocence and purity. Or at least that is what we have been conditioned to believe LOL. Perception. It has a strong influence on our entire outlook and even decisions. Why cant blue represent innocence and green represent purity? I have realized this past weekend how much we have been conditioned to think. And I am bit by bit breaking away from it and deciding whatever it is I want to represent for me.

When it comes to white food, it can easily be thought as bland. White may invoke feelings of single note flavors. Think Ugali kavu or plain rice.  But white food or snacks can just as easily delicious. As I always say, it is all about making the right combinations. This month, the Onja food bloggers challenge was ‘white’. Let me not lie, it was a challenge indeed. I decided to break the mold and make something delicious, full of flavor and easy to make. Today I give you my nutty coconut white chocolate trufles.

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Garlic Paprika Liver

I always get inspiration for my dishes form different sources. But one of the most inspirational sources are the conversations about food that I have with my sisters. Like most siblings who are close in age, we talk about everything! From makeup, to boys, to politics, to religion,  and of course we always end up talking about food. My eldest sister, Cheredi, is a huge foodie with mean kitchen skills. Somewhere in between our usual chatter, we of course started talking about liver and exciting recipes we can try out. She told me that she made this liver recipe that was so bomb and believed using paprika made all the difference. I decided to develop a paprika liver recipe of my own, of course with inspiration form her, and I was so so so blown away by the outcome.

Today we are going to make: garlic paprika liver. Sounds delicious right? Well, it is!!!

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