Life. Love. Food

Author: Kaluhi (Page 14 of 23)

Swahili Cooking Class III – Mkate wa Mkono

By the time we reached to our final dish of the cooking class, we were all buzzing with excitement. After making makaki ya kulisha and faluda, which were both very very delicious, I could barely hold in my excitement as we delved into our final dish, mkate wa mkono. “Mtapiga picha kwanza ama niendelee?” (Would you like to take pictures now or shall I just proceed) Our teacher for the day, Ummu would politely ask. We would then snap away and attentively watch her as she cooked. I must admit, following Ummu in her kitchen, watching her as she cooked and learning new techniques reminded me how I used to follow my mom around in the kitchen when I was young.  Its safe to say, the learning process never stops.

Today I show you how to make mkate wa mkono, which is a snack with the texture of a biscuit, popularly served at weddings and other major occasions. It has very beautiful intricate designs which mirror the culture of Lamu. But they are so easy to make and I will show you :))

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Swahili Cooking Class II – Faluda

I love experiencing how different people from different regions enjoy their meals. It opens up your mind to a lot more and that is how you grow. When I go to a new place, I try as much as possible to try out new things for that very reason. Lamu was the perfect place for an adventurous culinary experience.

I noticed that the people of Lamu like to incorporate as many flavors as possible. You will find something savory, something sweet, something a bit tart and something a bit spicy. They make their banquets a whole experience. Our Swahili cooking class reflected exactly that. Now that we made something savory, it was time to delve into the sweet. Faluda is a jelly-like dessert with soft floral notes and mild nutty taste. And guess what, it is so easy to make!!!!


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Swahili Cooking Class Part I – Makaki ya Kulisha (Swahili Pizza)

What would a trip down to the culturally rich Kenyan coast be without learning a couple of new dishes to make?! I wouldn’t have lived with myself if I came back to Nairobi without new knowledge about food preparation and new recipes in my head. As part of our trip’s package, we were privileged to witness and learn the preparation of three signature Lamu dishes. As a food blogger, this chance was not to be skipped since it is through learning new things that we grow. And no one never ever knows it all, right?

Our teacher’s name was Ummu Ahmed. We could tell from the way she spoke, handled her food and engaged us that she was one foodie at heart. We learnt how to make Faluda, Mkate wa Mkono and Makaki wa Kulisha (swahili pizza) but today I will take you through step by step of the latter so that  you don’t get too overwhelmed. Makaki wa Kulisha also known as Swahili pizza is basically a flat bread stuffed with a selection of ingredients but most popularly veggies and sauteed chicken. The recipe isso easy and you can definitely try these out at home too. In my opinion, this is one way you can get a feel of the Lamu sunshine right at home.

makaki ya kilisha also known as swahili pizza is a common coastal dish served in

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Red Onion and Ghee Chapati

While in Precious Blood Riruta, like all other boarding schools, visiting days were always the most anticipated days of the year. Those were the days we would spend those lovely hours with our siblings and parents who we left back home. It was the day we got reminded how the outside world feels, smells and tastes like beyond the school walls. Most importantly, those were the days we were treated to delicious food from home that we normally wouldn’t have in school . For us, this day was even more anticipated because we had just one visiting day for the entire year (I know, that sucked!) To make the most of it, we would specify the exact foods we want brought in from home. For me and my friend Gaciku, we had to have chapati. It is not only delicious but it could be kept a bit longer compared to other foods long after visiting day was over. I hear these days they have chapati as part of their school menu. How lucky! They will never understand our struggle :DD

Today, I have put a twist to my all time favorite flat bread. I hope you like it too.

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#TembeaNaKaluhi – My Lamu through 30 Photos

After attending the Lamu food festival, we returned home with a ton of new memories after falling in love with the  rich culture of the people of Lamu. Lamu Food Festival presented to us a beautiful way of experiencing all that Lamu had to offer. Besides just food, we were captivated by other aspects of the Island that we felt were so captivating and just showed how beautiful our country  is. If you are yet to read my first two Lamu posts, check them out here and here.

Jayson suggested that we do a 30 photo road trip challenge to try capture the essence of this beautiful island and I thought this would be the best way to give you a visual feel of Lamu. If you are yet to, ensure Lamu is on your list of places to visit this year. 30 pictures are not enough to capture the beautiful architecture, warm people, amazing food and rich heritage, but I shall try. To really feel this, you just have to go and experience Lamu. I hope one of these fine days we shall bump into each other on the narrow streets of Lamu <3.


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Pear and Nutmeg Pancakes

My elder sister Sieva LOVES pears. She loves pears with the same intensity that I love my mangoes, so you can imagine how much she loves her pears. Growing up, I never really enjoyed pears. I watched Sieva eat her pears with such deep enjoyment and theatrics that accompany chowing down of good food. As I grew up and became a lot more open minded to trying our new things, I came to really love this cute little fruit. Now that they are in season, I am also trying to incorporate them in as many meals as I can. I am having plenty of fun in the process :))

These pear and nutmeg pancakes will warm your heart and fill your tummy. There are so full of flavor and easy to make, in true #KK fashion. Do yourself a favor and whip yourself these beauties soon!

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The Lamu Moon Houses- Enchanting Kiwandani House

If you are like me, a trip is always made 100 times more exciting once you know where you are going to be staying. For Onja Food bloggers and myself, this was exactly the case. Our three day attendance of Lamu food festival was made better by being accommodated at Kiwandani house. Kiwandani house is located at Shella beach in Lamu and it is one of 8 moon houses. The moon houses are given that name due to their white glistening at night, just like the moon. You can check out the other houses here.This post is a full review of our stay at Kiwandani house.

affordable accomodation in Lamu_Lamu bed and breakfast_Lamu food

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Tastes, Sights and Sounds of Lamu Food Festival

It rained hard last night while I was editing the pictures that I took during the Lamu Food Festival. I couldn’t help but contrast the Nairobi weather and secretly wished that I was editing my pictures from my room balcony overlooking the ocean, feeling the warm night ocean breeze and hearing the soft waves against the beach. I swear, I can still feel motion as though I am on a boat. It had always been a dream/goal for several food bloggers and I to attend Lamu food festival and we vowed to make this year the year. After few emails and several calls were on our way to a culinary adventure in one of the most dreamy destinations in Kenya, Lamu. I had a hard time choosing which images to use for this post. If I had it my way, I would just post them all!! I hope as you read through, you get to feel the tastes, sights and sounds of Lamu. Here is how the festival went down:


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Ginger Matoke Masala

I have been seriously into potatoes lately! Ok, maybe I have always been into potatoes :DD. Besides their wholesome taste, they can be made in countless different ways. The day I made this super delicious ginger matoke masala, I had originally planned to use potatoes. My heart was absolutely broken when I found out I had none. But in true food blogger fashion, all that was necessary was a change up the original recipe and use what I already had at hand. We had received plenty of matoke  from our kin in Maragoli and I decided that is exactly what I was going to use. That was the best choice I made that day!

Before we get into it, let me warn you, the chances of you getting addicted to this are real! This is one matoke recipe I can have every other day for the rest of my life. Yes, everything can be made delicious. And my ginger matoke masala pays tribute to that very statement.

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Crispy Rosemary Potato Wedges

On the night of April 1st, Nairobi and much of central Kenya received its first rain after the beautiful sunny months of Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar. There was no transition, just abrupt rain with the close of March. Being someone who lives for and thoroughly enjoys the dry months and the intense heat everyone complains about, I sadly welcomed April rains and already started looking forward to December. But I remembered how I pointed out in this post that I will be more thankful for everything and indeed, there is plenty to be thankful about even in grey, rainy April. Even as mango season is now behind us, I am happy that pear season is rolling in. Even as the warm sunny weather I love is gone, I am thankful that the air is clear and its green all around. Even though I can’t enjoy my flirty skirts, at least now I can rock my thigh high boots (ladies do you feel me?!!). There is always something to be thankful for.

For today, I am giving you yet another potato wedge recipe that will warm your heart and fill your tummy in the rainy days ahead.

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Sweet & Spicy Chicken Wings

I made these sweet and spicy chicken wings when my sisters were home over the weekend. It is always fun when we are all home. Suddenly, the house is loud and noisy, but in the warmest and most inviting way. We then catch up on stuff we have been doing, stuff we are planning to do and get some good laughs in. And what better way to do this than over delicious food. Not only were we eating these bomb chicken wings, but also enjoyed this orange and ginger cake my eldest sister had baked that very morning. I love my foodie sisters <3

These wings are very simple to make but they are so so sooooo good! The marinade used for them is very simple and passed down form my mum to us. Do yourself a favor and try  out these sweet and spicy chicken wings.

SWEET AND SPICY CHICKEN WINGS_food blogs kenya_food blogs _best kenyan food recipes

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My Worst Ever Food Fails

I am always asked this question “But do you ever have kitchen fails?” And my answer is always the same “Like everyone else on earth, I make kitchen blunders” It does not matter if you are the best chef in the world with years of training, mistakes are bound to happen. Let me tell you, I make major messes, it’s just that I do not show them to you or you do not see them all. But that has never kept me from trying and improving. I am a food blogger, but that does not meat I am a demi god who has never made a cooking error. For me, I take each failure as a learning point. After each mistake, you get to learn what not to do next time of what to change up next time. I encourage each one of you to develop the same outlook. Mistakes will happen, but do not stop trying and growing.

Today, I am laying myself bare. I will show you some of my countless errors. And I must say, I would not have gotten as good if I did not make mistakes along the way. Let this serve as encouragement to you, mistakes will happen in the kitchen. You will make master blunders. But never let than prevent you from getting better and better. In no particular order, here we go:

My most memorableFOOD FAILS

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Mango Mint Salad with Passion Fruit Syrup

Admit it, that title made your mouth water, even just a little ;). For me, each time I read it, I literally drool like a wild beast. And when I remember how fantastic it tasted, I literally drive myself to the brink of insanity. My mango mint salad with passion fruit syrup is a taste of heaven. It captures the warmth of golden Kenyan sunshine and almost embodies the fullness of the hearts of the Kenyan people and beauty of Mango season. I am in love with this salad!

I love my mangoes. They are still in season for the next few weeks and I want to make the most of it. Last year, I was busy eating mangoes (duh!) and experimented very little with them in the kitchen. This year, I have really tried :)). As we head into the dusk of 2016’s mango season, let me leave you with a salad with flavors so beautiful it tastes like music <3.

mango mint salad with passion fruit salad_kaluhiskitchen.com_how to make a salad with mango_mango recipes

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Garlic Marinated Fish Masala

Fish has got to be one of my very favorite white meats! Not only is it so tasty to have, but it can be prepared in so many different ways so that makes it almost impossible for you to get bored with it. I had fish fillet in my freezer for some weeks and when my fish craving kicked in, I was so glad I had some at home. I immediately decided to make some fish masala, but to my dismay, I had run out of the premade fish masala mix usually available in supermarkets. Being the adventurous foodie that I am, I made my own fish masala spice blend and it was so bomb! I am excited to share the same with you and I hope you give this a try.

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Green Mango Posset

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that I told you I used to enjoy walking home as opposed to taking the bus when I was in primary school. One popular shortcut was called “Wall”, which was basically a section of a wall around Ngei I estate that had collapsed and allowed passer by’s to cut through the estate enroute to other parts. Besides wall being a shorter route, we liked it because of the mango trees that grew close to the wall. We definitely helped ourselves to their sweet green mangoes before proceeding with our walk home. One evening, dogs from a nearby home  escaped and came furiously at us while we were lazily chowing down mangoes we weren’t meant to be eating. Was it a sign form God? Maybe. The boys immediately took to their heels and left us *rolls eyes*. It was too late to start running too so we started climbing the tree (of course we never reached high enough), screaming, with tears streaming down our faces. A watch man heard us, came and chased the dogs away. We descended and went home so fast without turning back! The collapsed wall was eventually repaired and our favorite shortcut was no more. We resorted to using the long route there henceforth.

This is the memory I always have when I see green mangoes. Green mangoes are common through out East Africa. I like them so much because they have a distinct sweet taste unique to just them. I used one of my favorite mango varieties to make what is now my FAVORITE dessert yet. Just three ingredients! Trust me, you can make this green mango posset too :))

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Its Going Down at Soko 254!

Have you ever purchased or tasted a fantastic ingredient then had a hard time finding it again around Nairobi? You know the manufacturers are Kenyan, but you cannot seem to find that amazing product you cannot seem to  get out of your head in any store around. Many sellers sight this to expensive rates for renting out space in Nairobi which hinders them from getting a permanent physical location. Soko 254 has come in to save both vendors by providing a really cool pop up market  to sell their amazing products and us by allowing us to access the best products in the market at one venue.

Soko is a swahili name referring to market. This one in particular will be a pop up market, which gives it a warm, inviting feel  while checking out amazing products and allowing also fun and socializing. It is a market place for all foodies and everyone who loves cooking, amateur or pro, and those who enjoy to eat and drink. I don’t know about you but I will definitely be going! Read on to find out more deets:

soko254 first pop up food market in kenya in conjunction with top kenyan food blogger Kaluhi Adagala of

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Mbuzi Meatball Mshikaki

The day I was cooking these mbuzi meatball mshikaki, I was really upbeat. Reason being, I was cooking as I was talking to you guys via Instagram when I had my first “Ask Me Anything” of 2016. I had a ball and quite honestly, I was pleasantly shocked by the response I received from you guys {{hug}}. The post is still up and if it passed you by, you can always pass by my Instagram and ask me your question, no matter how random it is :))

The good mood I was in reflected in the end result of these meaty beauties. I personally feel when you cook when you are in a good mood, it always shows. Always! These were so good, so easy to make and the love you guys filled my heart with this past Sunday is pretty evident in the end result. So here is something fantastic for your Friday :))

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Red Onion and Button Mushroom Omelette

Am I the only one who still gets super excited when parents return home from upcountry and they bring lots of fresh FOOD with them? Maybe its a foodie thing, or maybe its just me LOL. My parents always bring fresh produce with them since it is cheaper there and overall of better health and quality. The best honey we have is always from Maragoli and also, the best mushrooms I have ever tasted were from Maragoli. ‘Ovwova’, as we call them, are eaten quite often in shagz. I was so scared about giving them a try but after my mum made them and I had my first taste, I was sold! And that was the day my love affair with mushrooms started. I try add them to nearly anything and to my surprise, they go with almost anything in my opinion.

When I have eggs for breakfast, I like mine scrambled. But when I incorporate other things, I like making an omelette.. Oh! This button mushroom and red onion omelette was so so so good I am literally drooling as I type this out. And in true #KK fashion, it was so easy to whip up 🙂

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Mango and Dark Chocolate Parfait

If you have been following me for quite sometime now on Instagram, You know how much I love mangoes. This love dates back to  my primary school days. As we go through the final weeks of mango season, I am taking full advantage of this and eating as many of my favorite fruit as I can and incorporating them in my food and snacks too.

I love parfaits because they are the easiest things on earth to make. They make the perfect post-meal indulgence and can also make the perfect snack. There are infinite variations to a parfait but here is mine. It is sweet, fulfilling and pretty healthy too :)) This mango and dark chocolate parfait just shows you you can make the perfect snack or dessert without spending too much and with ingredients you can easily obtain.

mango and dark chocolate parfait_how to make a healthy yet delicious snack_kaluhiskitchen.com_healthy desserts bu top kenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala

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