Life. Love. Food

Bay Leaf and Oregano Egg Curry

I loooooooooove eggs!! I love eggs in all the shape and forms they come in. If you open my chest, my heart is in the shape of my egg. That is just how deep the love is lol. Eggs are my second love after potatoes. They are my favorite breakfast item and thank God they can be incorporated in other meal groups as well. Upon request of one of my readers, this is another egg recipe that is gonna be a favorite in your home as well. This one you will love, just as you fell head over heels in love with my chicken curry recipe and my ukwaju whole tilapia curry recipe.

This egg curry recipe has such beautiful full flavors, courtesy of spices we can get right here. It is speedy to make, making it perfect for weeknights and when you want to impress guests on short notice. <3

The video on my channel:

PREP TIME: 20 min    COOK TIME: 20 min        SERVES: 3


7 boiled eggs

1 red onion, diced

2 tomatoes, grated

4 cloves of garlic, minced

1 teaspoon of minced ginger

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

½ a teaspoon of black pepper

½ a teaspoon of turmeric

1 teaspoon of oregano

1 tablespoon of curry

2 bay leaves

Salt to taste


Boil the eggs until hard boiled. Peel and set aside. The best eggs for an egg curry are hard boiled eggs. By hard boiled, I am referring to eggs that have cooked between 8-13 minutes.

In the sufuria, add the onions, ginger and garlic. Make sure you cook these on low heat so that they do not burn since when they do, they lend a bitter taste to the food and we definitely do not want that.

Sautee until softened and fragrant. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste and the bay leaves. Bay leaves are an amazing and for me, a key ingredient for every curry. They add a very unique taste which really brigs to life any curry. I chose to use dries bay leaves, which I bought from our supermarket, but if you have fresh bay leaves it is completely fine.

Thereafter, add the spices, followed by some hot water and let it simmer until everything has combines and thickened. Oregano was the star of my dish and I really love how beautifully it compliments the flavor of my eggs. It is also amazing with most stews so it is a muti purpose herb. Bought mine form the supermarket at 90 bob a can for the dried one.

Once thickened, add the hard boiled eggs. Allow this to simmer on low heat for a few minutes for all the flavors to combine. Very gently, scoop spoonfuls of the curry and douse over the eggs as I have shown you in today’s video. Please do not be rough.

It also helps if you smile as you cook lol

Once done, garnish with some dania then serve.

How gorgeous does this look though?!

Perfect symphony of mild heat from the pepper, herbiness of the thyme, bay and oregano and sauciness or the thick curry itself and all round richness because of the yolk. This is not only filling but absolutely delicious and goes with nearly all starches! Just because egg curry is easy to make does not by any means mean we make it boring to have! Look at this beauty!

Much love!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Damah

    I have waited for this for AGES!!!!!!! Asante sana!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Enjoy it! <3

  2. Wangui

    Can i add thyme as well? This looks FANTASTIC kaluhi!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes it will still turn out well.

  3. Sammy

    You keep out doing yourself! Trully the shiniest star we have in our skies!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Awww! So flattered!

  4. Alice Owambo

    Funny story, I love eggs after potatoes. Thank you for this recipe. My eggventure continues

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Team eggs forever!!!!!!

  5. Gatwiri

    Thank you very much for this.
    Thank you for honouring your word to come up with an egg curry recipe.
    God bless.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are most welcome love!

  6. Janelle

    I followed this recipe to the letter and wow!!! Yummmy….I loved it.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you loved this one! It is without doubt one of my fave creations!!

  7. Joan

    Do you remove the bay leaves afterwards? Also,whats the best accompaniment?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You can remove it. Have it with rice

  8. Christine

    Can’t wait to try this out… 😋

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will loooooove it!!

  9. Andrew Macmilan

    I will try this at home.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  10. Tandlyne

    K your simply amazing sharing such wonderful delightful amazing delicious recipes that are easy to make and readily available affordable ingredients. Thank you 😊👍

    • Kaluhi

      You are most welcome!

  11. Margaret

    This looks amazing I will for sure try.
    Thank you

    • Kaluhi

      You will love it boo!

  12. maryam

    This is sooooo good
    I am making this again

    • Kaluhi

      And may you enjoy it again and again and again

  13. Milkah

    hi Kaluhi …love love you show.. a quick one. is it safe to use these spices on babies 7yr old and 2yr old

    • Kaluhi

      A 7 year old – in my humble opinion – is a big enough person. Also in my opinion, they are safe eating things that come from plants i.e spices. Spices come from plants and there is no discretion that they are exclusive to adults only like alcohol is or any reason to be scared of them. Acquaint your lil cubs to seasoned food.


  14. Caroline

    Trying this today. I am inspired and enjoy when I cook . Thanks a bunch for your recipes.

    • Kaluhi

      You are most welcome!

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  16. Tanay Saxena

    Loved your cooking videos and passion. I was actually looking for Githeri recipe. Simply fantastic.
    I too love cooking and has taken next level.
    Pls share your contacts and would like share some awesome recipes. Mine is +254733426388

    • Kaluhi

      Reach me anytime on [email protected] or a quick DM on any social media platform of mine would suffice

  17. Sajitha

    Wooow… I loved it @ first sight 👌🥰
    Please add me also as a new
    (❤️ potato eggs❤️) team member..let’s continue our eggventure expedition towards success.. love from Kerala ❤️

    • Kaluhi

      Love to have you as part of my family!

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