Life. Love. Food

Brandy Marinated Grilled Chicken Wings

Have you ever had those moments where you wake up with a song in your head and it plays all day long? Such songs have you forgetting everything because they are all that is occupying your mind. I was trying to remember where I got inspiration for this but I couldn’t, why you ask? Because boomba train by E-sir and Nameless has not stopped playing in my head since I got up.

“Tumekuja kuparty. DJ hebu weka tracki. Tukule hepi, alafu, tufungue sakafu. Sababu inabamba. Inashika! Wingu la tisa inatufikisha. Ukiwachilia mahewa, maze DJ unatubeba ah……”

I hope you were dancing as you sang along to those lyrics :D! If you do not know this song, you are too young my friend! Isn’t it amazing how we can remember songs from over a decade ago but can’t remember inspiration of a dish you made less than a month ago?! Anyway, as we indulge in the celebratory spirit of Friday, savor my brandy marinated grilled chicken wings.

COOK TIME: 40 MINUTES                                                       MAKES:7


For the marinade.

3 oranges, juiced

6 cloves of garlic, minced

1 sprig of rosemary

1/4 cup of brandy

3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

For seasoning

1/2 a tablespoon of black pepper

1/4 teaspoon of turmeric

1/2 a tablespoon of coriander powder


Put all the ingredients of the marinade in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once it has slightly reduced/thickened,  take from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature. This will take about 10 minutes. Then pour this over the wings and allow this to marinate overnight. The longer you marinate, the stronger the flavors.

preparing the marinade for my brandy marinated chicken wings_brandy marinated chicken wings marinade_how to make brandy marinated chicken

marinating chicken in brandy, orange, apple cider vinegar_chciken marinade recipes


In the event you have extra marinade left after pouring some over , keep it. Use it for making a sauce which you will pour over the wings. All you will need to do is to cook it longer, on low heat for 10-20 minutes until it thickens and pour this over your wings. I discarded mine and realized I could make the tastiest sauce out of it later. Bummer!


After the marination time is over, drain the excess liquid from the bowl and season the wings with the turmeric, coriander powder and black pepper and proceed to grill them. If you please, you can boil them first a little before grilling to hasten the cooking process. Also of you do not have a grill,  you can place them in your oven at 300 degrees for 20 minutes.

Besides grilling in the oven or over a grill pan, you can also choma on an outdoor grill. You can check out some selections from Globo Surf on their 10 best rated outdoor grills. Globo Surf have also – in the article- shared amazing tips on how to choose a fab grill so make sure you read up!

seasoning chicken with coriander powder, turmeric and black pepper for my brandy marinated chicken

brandy marinated chicken wings_grilling chicken wings_chicken wings seasoning_african food

The grill I use is one my mum bought ages ago (from I don’t know where) but still serves us well. You can find such grill pans from rupu. It may seem abit more on the expensive side but you will have this for life. It is a worthy investment.

Once they are done, garnish with the coriander and dig in. If you were fortunate enough to make the brandy sauce from the remaining marinade, drizzle some over your wings and get carried away to taste heaven. Chicken wings taste great. Now with brandy, it tastes even better. this is how Friday looks like. It adds a ton of flavor and goes so well with the orange flavor.

In case you are wondering, you cannot get drunk when you eat food cooked with alcohol. Alcohol is used simply for flavor purposes. So if someone acts drunk after eating my brandy marinated wings, slap them and tell them to stop pretending. Other dishes where I have explored different drinks in my food include my beer beef stew and red wine pasta.

Cheers to timeless songs, great food and to Friday!


Get the full recipe here:

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  1. Debbie

    LOL! Now that song is stuck in my head..Thank you for this kuku recipe. must try for me!

  2. Naomie

    OH!am so trying out this recipe. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Must try for sure !!!

  3. Ivy

    Great recipe.on my list for the weekend!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Perfect pick! You will love this soooo much! :)))

  4. cynthia

    When you say we can boil them first is it before or after marinating

    • kaluhiskitchen

      after. boiling is always after marination.

  5. Emmah

    Why did you boil the marinade in the initial stage

    • kaluhiskitchen

      To thicken it and to meld all the flavors together and to intensify them. Very important step.

  6. Shiro

    Hi Kaluhi. Let me start by confessing that am like totally obsessed with your blog. Right now am on vacation yet here I am, on your blog. Please never stop doing what you do.
    Now to my question, am looking to buy my first grill pan. Between the one that has a surface made of cast iron and one that is non stick, which one would you recommend? In terms of how well it grills coupled with durability.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Shiro!!

      So glad you enjoy my content! <3 And for sure I will never stop.

      I would recommend a cast iron grill pan. Reason being, it spreads out heat evenly, it can be used in ovens (some non-sticks cant) and have an overall higher durability. Some non stick pans have teflon which chips away over time and it all ends up in your food. Cast iron pans are more expensive, but a worthy investment.

  7. Kayo

    What can I use instead of Brandy?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Whiskey. Rum. Gin. Beer. White wine.

  8. Kayo

    What can I use instead of Brandy?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Whiskey. Rum. Gin. Beer. White wine.

  9. Bernice

    with your awsome recipes,am sure mamas chicken will surely die in style …thanks kalu

    • kaluhiskitchen

      *Kaluhi :)) And you’re welcome!

  10. monira

    Am new to your site but have really liked it than others.Have always been on jikoni magic but was contented as yours.Your blogs are soo nice and easy to do.will always follow then , am addicted now.I love it.keep it up.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Karibu sana to the family and I hope you enjoy every single recipe you try out <3


    Tasty cuisines😎… I love myself some chicken

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Chicken is always a mood! <3

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