Life. Love. Food

Butternut Soup with Crispy Toasted Seeds

I could hear the rumble of thunder from a distance, and I knew that particular weekend would be a cold, rainy one. The house grew dark & cold, so I went upstairs to grab myself a pair of socks. No sooner had I come back down than the rain began aggressively beating on the roof. Huge, angry drops of May Nairobi Rain. A bright flash of lightning lit the entire sky and with it, power was gone. Typical! Since I could not go anywhere outside, nor watch anything I decided to retreat to my favorite place: the Kitchen. That day, I decided to prepare some soup to warm myself up as I waited for electricity to return and keep myself busy.

This butternut soup is so beautiful I literally stared at it for so long. I took so many pics of it and it is one of my most visually appealing dishes yet. It is so filling, very nutritious and very warming. While it is currently not as rainy in Nairobi right now as it was a week ago, it is still rather cold especially in the evenings (22° C / 72F qualifies as cold in this equatorial country). This is the best soup for you to have. Whether as a the perfect prelude to a magnificent meal or just to warm you up, this butternut soup will still make you happy!

butternut soup with crispy toasted seeds courtesy of Kenyas best food blogger Kaluhi Adagala

Butternut Soup Ingredients:

how to make butternut soup_butternut soup ingredients_Kenyan food blogs

For the soup:

  • 1 small butternut squash
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • Rosemary leaves
  • 1 small red onion,  thinly sliced
  • Salt and white pepper, to taste
  • Heavy cream, for garnish

For the crunchy rosemary topping:

  • Washed butternut seeds
  • Fresh rosemary bud for garnish


Cut open your butternut and remove the seeds. Clean them up then dry them. In a frying pan, heat some vegetable oil (very small amount). Add the cleaned and dried butternut seeds and toast them for about 5 minutes or until they turn to a darker shade of brown. Remove from the heat and set them aside.

all components of the butternut are nutritious including the seeds which provide alot of zinc

washing butternut seeds before toasting them makes them better tasting

toasted butternut seeds add texture to the buternut soup and also some more nutrients

Peel your butternut and chop it up. Have it boil together with the onions, garlic and rosemary. Test if they are done by passing a fork through them and if it does with ease, drain any excess water and mash it up with a mwiko.

how to make butternut soup_butternut is rich in vitamins including vitamin A, C and E

boiling onions with red onion, rosemary and garlic adds alot of flavor and depth to the butternut soup

Allow it to cook a little bit then put all this into a blender and blend for about 1 minute. This makes the consistency light and creamy.

blending the boiled butternut before making the soup gives it a good creamy consistency

Return this to the heat and add the milk, your pepper and some salt to taste. Stir this on low heat until it begins to simmer. Then remove from heat and ladle it into your bowls. I used white pepper as oppossed to  black pepper because the former is milder than the latter and it will not leave heavy black speckles all over my soup. White pepper is fast becoming one of my fave spices as I told you guys on Instagram.

heavy cream with the butternut soup adds creaminess and makes a beautiful garnish for the soup


Some of you may wonder, ‘What if I do not have a blender???’

Here is what you can do:

After the butternut is boiled through, just mash it up with your mwiko as finely as you can. add your milk at this point and mix it for about 3 minutes then sieve the soup. Return it to the heat for a minute or two then serve.


Pour some of the heavy cream onto the surface of the soup using a table spoon. Then pass a toothpick through the center of each drop to make dainty streaks across the surface. I bought my heavy cream from Tuskys Kenyatta Avenue.

using a toothpick to form streaks in the soup makes it look even more appealing

Garnish with the toasted seeds then serve immediately.

how to make butternut soup as shown by kaluhis kitchen_best butternut soup recipe_butternut soup with toasted seeds

When you have something that is nutritious, delicious and beautiful, you cannot help but love it. This butternut soup perfectly fits the bill. I hope you indulge in this as days get colder in Nairobi.

kenyan food blogs_best butternut soup recipe garnished with toasted seeds and rosemary

Stay happy 🙂


Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. fidelis

    Any other alternative for the heavy cream?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Fidelis, I unfortunately know none at the moment but when I do I will let you know.

    • Sue

      Kaluhi, this is such an easy recipe, saving it. And butternut is so great, the only suggestion I have is to add grated ginger, very warming in cold weather.

      @Fidelis, I think you could skip the heavy cream and the soup would be just fine. The cream makes the soup richer or creamier. Also if calorie count is a factor, skip the cream.There are soups like corn or clam chowder that use heavy cream and I have had versions where people cut back on the cream or eliminate it and use potatoes instead. But I suppose you would have to puree the soup abit to make it smooth. But there’s an idea for you to try.

      • kaluhiskitchen

        Yes ginger would be perfect to warm us up this coming July. What an intelligent addition Sue 🙂
        Also, thank you for your reply to Fidelis. Your explaination is very clear and insightful.

    • Di

      I use raw cashew nuts in place of cream in soups. If you have a high power blender, you won’t even need to soak them first. Just add in to the rest of the ingredients and pulse. You will be pleasantly surprised by how rich and creamy cashews make the soup🤗.

      • kaluhiskitchen

        Wow! I have just learnt something new! I will totally try it out your way. It sounds super delicious just thinking about it!

  2. wachiuri

    Huh this is so nice thanks a lot i will surprise someone this weekend using your recipe

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I loved it too. Tell me how the surprise goes 😉

  3. festus

    Looks yummy thanks for this

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It was. Hope you try this too.

  4. Kanini Mutua

    I have noticed (and totally like) that your all posts always point out which and where we can get the ingredients so specifically. I also follow you on Instagram and you do the same. You have no idea how much of a life saver you are, makes my cooking a lot easier. Thanks.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am glad I have actually made a difference and made your shopping alot easier. it is always nice when you know where to find exactly what you need to use. Cheers!

  5. Ellah

    Thanks for you recipies they are too simple to make and you use locally available ingridient we are in 2016 but im still reviewing youre 2015 recipies keep up your good work .
    Love Ellah .

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So soo easy but very delicious and with ingredients you can easily get here. That’s what I am about :)) Hope you enjoy what you’ve tried so far

  6. Sammie

    Your recipes are amazing! The food is full of flavor and texture and perfectly balanced. Thank you for taking my home cooking experience a notch higher.😊

    • kaluhiskitchen

      <3 <3 <3

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