Life. Love. Food

Cardamom Coconut Faluda

I have reached that time of year where I am just itching for a trip. A cute stay-cation would do just about now. I am aching for the coast, especially after looking through my pictures from my Lamu trip. I want to wake up to the sound of waves beating the white sandy shores. I want to have a slooooooooow morning and have breakfast overlooking the ocean. I want to spend my afternoons walking through the narrow Lamu streets, having a taste of every single delicacy I come across. I want to have some faluda after enjoying some sea food pizza for lunch. I want to go have an afternoon nap, and there after go for a sunset dhow ride . I want to have prawns and fries for supper then have a little sippy sippy on the floating bar. I want to go back to Lamu so hard!

When I was eating this dish I had Lamu on my mind. I made this recipe in November of last year and the pictures got lost. But now that I have found them, I am excited to share the recipe with you inspired by one of my favorite places on earth! <3



3/4 cup of coconut cream

3/4 cup of heavy cream

2 tablespoons of dessicated coconut

3 cloves

1 teaspoon of crushed cardamom

Grapes for garnish

1/2 a teaspoon of gelatin


In a sufuria, add the coconut cream and the heavy cream, immediately followed by the cardamom and cloves. Mix everything and let this simmer on low heat. after it has just come to a boil. Mix the gelatin with some water until it forms a thick paste then add it to the  simmered coconut mixture.

I bought my gelatin from carrefour, the same one we used in this post. You can also find some at Walibhai on Biashara Street. Ladle it into a bowl, add the dessicated coconut and any remaining cardamom.

Pop this in your freezer and let it stay there until set. Garnish with your fresh grapes (or macerated strawberries #yassss), then serve chilled.

One of the things I love about the coast is how seriously they take their meal times and how they deliberately make their meals a full experience. This Kenyan dessert, with coastal roots will def be your favorites!

Beat the January heat in style!

Much love


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Debbie

    Doing this for brunch on Sato!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      YAAAAAAAAS GURL! get it!

      • carol kamau

        Hey where do you buy gelatin from?

        • kaluhiskitchen

          I bought mine from supermarket but in the blog post I have given you three other places where you can find it. I truly hope you have read the blog post

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