Life. Love. Food

Chili Cinnamon Butternut Soup

Last week was wet and rainy and i enjoyed every second of it. In my heart of hearts, I am a girl who loves sunny weather. Sunny weather puts everyone in a great mood. It brings excitement.  It brings a mood of celebration.  As i grow older though,  i have come to appreciate the comfort that rainy weather brings. Serenity. Not forgetting indulging in amazing soups! I have about 13 soups on here and now we are adding yet another one. It may not be too rainy today, but this will def come in handy as we move into November! Whether on it’s own or as part of your spread,  my chili cinnamon butternut soup will always make your heart sing!!!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!

PREP TIME:  10 min   COOK TIME:  20 min       SERVES: 1


1 cup of chopped butternut

1 apple, chopped

3 sprigs of fresh thyme

1 red onion, diced

1 teaspoon of minced ginger

1/4 teaspoon of chili paste

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of clove

1 1/2 cup of coconut cream


In your sufuria, add your red onion, thyme and ginger. You will find fresh thyme in any well stocked supermarket with a bunch retailing at about 25 bob.

Sautee until softened and then add the diced butternut and apple. The apple you use MUST be sweet so that the flavors balance out. Do NOT use a green apple.

Mix them in and after two minutes, add the spices and the chili followed by the coconut cream. You can use coconut milk too if you want a lighter soup. Either way you go, both cream and milk are available in any well stocked supermarket.

Mix it all up and them let it simmer until the butternut is totally soft.

Once the butternut is soft, proceed to puree it In your blender. If you have a hand mixer, just do it in the sufuria. I have only a big blender so that’s what I used.

Warm it once again and then ladle into your bowl. Garnish with some fresh thyme sprigs and enjoy!

So pretty, delicate and beyond delicious too. Light yet filling, and it being suitable for both supper/ lunch or for a snack makes this so perfect!

I love how the nuttiness pf the coconut went so well with the softness of the cinnamon.  The butternut and apple gave this amazing body and the warming nature of chili and ginger really did elevate this. The thyme tied everything together and made this literally unforgettable!! Must try for sure!

Check out my other butternut soup, my broccoli soup, my white wine soup and my carrot soup as well. There are many more, but thought i’d mention my favorites!

Pass by my channel,  subscribe and enjoy the watch! ❤


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Chris

    You are amazing. I love everything you represent. Great vibes, high energy , a quirky side, a beautiful spirit , beauty and intellect and most of delicious recipes to memorable meals. I would love to collab with you it would be an honour,
    I’m a decor enthusiast and a video content strategist . Chris is my name.
    Keep flying into 2020!

    Check out my content below

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I love your channel! Cheers to creating more in 2020!

  2. Mebo

    Hey . Always inspiring. Do you have any recipes for sauces.. dipping sauce etc?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      billions of them. Type in sauce in the search tab

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