Life. Love. Food

Chili Cinnamon Sweet Potato Fries

Traffic all over Nairobi at rush hour is usually mind numbingly crazy. I usually just stop thinking about how much time I will waste, lest it makes me irredeemably angry, and just think about everything else and hope to get home soon. My favorite thing to do is people watching. I wonder what the lady in the next matatu is laughing at while on her phone. I wonder what the school child heading home found most fun while at school. I wonder what everyone is thinking and why they are doing what they are doing and try piece together their lives together from my thoughts. Eventually, I will always make eye contact with the very assertive hawkers in traffic. Most I will not purchase anything from, but when I can, I can never let a good deal pass me by. A certain lady was selling enormous sweet potatoes, at a pretty affordable price, and I took just one as I knew it would feed many. I like having sweet potatoes for breakfast, and also as a soup, but this time round I decided to make something different and so glad I settled on sweet potato fries!

This recipe is fiery, sweet and herby all in one and your soon-to-be favorite!

PREP TIME:10 min     COOK TIME: 15 min        SERVES: 3

Sweet Potato Fries Ingredients

1 large sweet potato, 300 g

3/4 tablespoon of cinnamon

1 tablespoon of thyme

1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 teaspoon of paprika

4 tablespoons of coconut oil

Salt to taste



Peel your sweet potato and chop it into your fries.  You can chop them as large or as slim as you fancy, but I prefer to always chop mine really thin so that they cook fast. I used a regular dengular knife to slice my sweet potato root into my fries, you can watch this video to see exactly how I did it. But if you have a slicer, you can use that too if you prefer. The end result will still be the same

Immediately after chopping them, place them in some water so that they do not oxidize so much and also to ease their starchiness. The sweet potato  variety that is the most common in our country are the yellow ones, you can still come across they orange variety, though not as easily. Either way, this recipe goes well with all kinds of sweet potatoes.

After that,  drain the water, pat them dry, place them on your baking tray and douse them with your molten coconut oil. I love cooking with the coconut oil by Kentaste and you will find it in any well stocked supermarket at about 400 bob a jar. Coconut oil in general has a better taste, much fuller flavor as well and would pair well with sweet potatoes for this recipe.

Then, sprinkle the spices over them and mix until completely coated as shown in this video. I chose cinnamon as a complimentary spice to the sweetness of the sweet potatoes, chili as a contrasting flavor to the sweetness, and thyme, paprika and turmeric and enhancing flavors. While writing this post I felt that I should have added rosemary too and maybe some garlic, but we will leave that experimentation for next time. Sweet potatoes take up flavors of other ingredients so well so do not shy away from playing around with flavors.

Let them cook in your oven, preheated at 210 degrees, for about 10-15 minutes. They do cook through really fast which is a plus. As I mentioned above, the size of which you chop your fries will determine how fast they cook through so stay alert.

Because sweet potatoes are a complex carbohydrate, they are higher in fibre and digest more slowly. This means they keep you fuller for longer and are awesome if you are watching your weight. Major plus!!

Once cooked through then serve your sweet potato fries with your favorite condiment, veggies and meaty dish. I had mine with my african Kaya sweet chili jam as a condiment and some kuku choma I had in my fridge that day. This would also be amazing with kuku wa kupaka, my thyme garlic mbuzi dry fry, or my beer marinated mushroom beef stew.

I love my potato fries to death, but I must say, sweet potato fries are a much welcome break from the fries that will always have my heart. Do watch the video and I hope you love this recipe as much as I did once you try it out; very simple flavors but so heavenly when it comes together <3

Much love!



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  1. Aina

    Chopping sweet potatoes issa challenge. That thing is hard. What do u use?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I used just a knife. I do not find it that much of a challenge. Please watch the video to see how I did it

  2. Benta

    There are so many sweet potato fries recipes on the blog but i only wanted one by you and the day is here!! Thank you!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you love this one boo!

  3. Brenda

    Do you use a chopping gadget to slice the fries?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I used a kawaida knife. Please watch the video

  4. cecilia

    They are just so appealing to watch that I just had to go get the ingredients n make them.currently in the oven baking with 5more minutes to go…though chopping the sweet potatoes was a took forever…
    I hope they are asbyummy as they look!
    Good job Kaluhi.I love all ur recipes

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So so so so happy you enjoyed this <3

  5. Almasi

    I recently started reading your blog…and for a kitchen lover like me: I totally enjoy your blog. Can’t wait to start trying out the recipes😊

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hope you enjoy every single recipe you try out! <3

  6. Sheila

    Can I fry instead of baking? Do you have any tips for this option?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The seasoning will unfortunately slide right off if you fry

      • Wilson Ekiru

        What about using a grill pan? I have a grill pan that I want to try this recipe with. The fried sweet potatoes look yummy. I can’t wait to try them out.

        • kaluhiskitchen

          It will not work as well. Grilled sweet potatoes cannot magically transform into fries as the method of cooking is different.

  7. Mercy

    Hi love love this…but l ain’t a lover of coconut oil any suggestion for another oil to use…

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Only coconut oil

  8. Paula Ngige

    Can you also deep fry them,

    • Kaluhi


  9. Amber

    Where can I purchase Kaya sweet chili jam? Do you have a recipe? I’m curious and would like to try it.

    • Kaluhi

      It is linked in the blog post

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