Life. Love. Food

Chili Mango and Lime Cocktail

And now, March is upon us! Happy New Month #KNation!

I have a love hate relationship with our hot season. I dislike the dust and the crippling heat especially when one has errands, but there are also plenty of things I celebrate about it. I love that even at night, it is warm, and I do not have to worry about carrying a coat. I love that more sunshine in all it’s intensity, favors taking beautiful pictures and videos. I love that my little dresses and shorts can now come out and plaaaaaay! I love that it is during this time of year that mangoes are overflowing in every single corner of the country and being my favorite fruit, you can bet that I am over eating them each day and trying as much as I can to incorporate them in everything!

Today, I give you a cocktail that has flavors reminicent of, chili mangoes, my favorite childhood after-school snack (still love it though<3). Bold, out of the box, full of flavor and of course, delicious!

Here we go!

PREP TIME: 5 min    MAKE TIME:  10       SERVES:


1 teaspoon of grated Ginger

2 limes, juiced

1 tablespoon of honey

4 chilies

1 mango cheek, blended

Handful of mint leaves

1/2 a cup of whiskey/vodka

1 cup of soda water


Peel your mango and blend it together with the lime juice into a pure. You mango has to be sweet and ripe! If you prefer more mango flavor and not lime flavor, adjust accordingly. I personally love cocktails with an assertive citrus taste so the lime had to be quite prominent.  Slice your fresh chilies and place them in the puree to steep for some time so that the chili mildly infuses into the mango. Start with one chili, then add more as per the amount of heat you can take and how much heat you prefer. For me, two chilies were enough.

Remember, the taste of the chili MUST BE SUBTLE. You need to only get a HINT of it, not drink it directly. It should not overpower the other flavors.

I URGENTLY need to buy a new juicer :DDDDD. URGENTLY!!

After the chilies have steeped for about 30 -40 min, add the honey, ginger and mix all of this together.

Add this to cocktail shaker (Improvise with a travel coffee mug if you do not have a shaker. That’s what I used) together with the whiskey or vodka, and mix it all up by giving it a good shake.

Start assembling: add some fresh mint and ice to your glass followed by some ice cubes and then top it with some soda water. Garnish with some more mint leaves and another half slit chili.

Serve immediately.

If you have been following me for more than 3 years, you know I love food and drinks that have character, but are also layered in flavor!. I loved how this cocktail peeled its layers, first you will taste the sweet notes of the honey and mango, capped with the sharp zing of the ginger and of course the kick if your alcohol. As you swallow, you taste the chili whose warmth lingers after the drink is gone and is softly tempered by the soft sweetness of the honey. It doesn’t get better than my chili mango and lime cocktail! It just doesn’t!

What are some of your favorite cocktails? Which unusual combinations do you enjoy most? Let me know in the comment section below <3


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Nadine

    My literal actual favorite and now i know how to make it. May I repost to my blog?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Sure go right ahead!

  2. jayden

    Must try this in mykitchen, looks easy to prepare now that i have almost all the ingredients, thanks for sharing.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Anytime! <3

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