Life. Love. Food

Coconut cream & Oregano Githeri

My younger sister, Kadesa, finds it so weird whenever I say I am Kraving githeri. She finds it so so so weird that I actually enjoy githeri. She does not find githeri any way exciting because of how frequently we had it in boarding school, same way I deeply dislike cabbage because of high school. Different folks, different strokes, right? I love anything with beans, and githeri is right up there among the things I love! I could eat it everyday of the week! But you know what’s even more exciting? That it can be prepared in 6 million different ways with each recipe bringing out its beauty in a unique, exciting way!

For today, I hope you truly enjoy my coconut cream and oregano githeri as much as I did <3. I made a beautiful short video on the same, but first, lets get into detail!




4 cups of boiled maize and beans

1 red onion, finely chopped

3 tablespoons of finely chopped spring onion

1 tomato, grated

1 teaspoon of tomato paste

Dhania (stems for cooking, leaves for garish)

2 small carrots, cubes

1 cup of coconut cream

1 tablespoon of royco

1/2 tablespoon of black pepper

1 teaspoon of oregano

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying



In a sufuria, add some oil then both your onions (i.e the red onion and spring onion), the garlic, plus the dania stalks. Let this this simmer until it fragrant. I used two kinds of onions because I wanted the base to have a bold intense flavor that will in turn beautifully compliment the githeri so well. To amplify that, I also threw in my dania stems, which are more concentrated with the flavor of the herb, and set aside the leaves for garnishing later on.

After the onions have cooked, softened and fragrant, add the  tomatoes and tomato paste, mix it in followed by your spices. Add 1/4 cup of hot water at a time (DO NOT ADD AN OCEAN PLEASE!!) to allow the spices to cook down and the sauce to thicken.

I bought my oregano from the supermarket spice aisle at about 100 bob a can. Besides githeri, you can use it in kamande, ndengu, beef and potato stew, njahi etc; you won’t buy it once and never use it again so do not worry <3

Turn down the heat and after about 5-10 minutes when the sauce has thickened, add the boiled maize and beans. I love my githeri with Wairimu beans specifically, since they retain their beautiful brick color even once cooked and also hold their shape well through out the cooking process. Plus, they are super delicious <3. You can use any type of bean you fancy. Their is no right or wrong, it is just down to preference.

About 3-5 minutes later, add the carrots, followed by the coconut cream and let this simmer on low heat for about 10-15 min. I add the carrots toward the end so that even after they have cooked, they will still have some crunch and provided beautiful texture  to the dish.

I also cut them up quite small since they look better that way in the food, they cook faster that way, and allows one to have plenty of them in a single spoonful. Totally worth it!

Be sure to check out the video here as well: (and if you haven’t subscribed, please do! :))


Once done, garnish with the dania leaves you had earlier set aside, not forgetting some creamy avocado and serve.


This looks way too beautiful, that one would feel hesitant to eat it! But you know what, it also looks so inviting and you know what, whatever the stomach wants, the stomach gets! My coconut cream and oregano githeri will be such an experience!


You can never go wrong with the combination of ANY bean dish + coconut cream. Never (By the way if you are yet to try out my coconut milk and chili bean stew, I am judging you!!) The soft nuttiness of the coconut cream, the boldness of the onion and the herbiness of the oregano was the perfect, unbeatable combination! Truly must try recipe!

After you have tried out my coconut cream and oregano githeri, check out my other githeri recipes: sage and ginger githeri, and this amazing garlic chili githeri.



Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Debbie

    Best Blogger of all time! Keep shining and thanks for this gem! Can’t wait to try it out 😍

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The game done changed!!! I hope you love this one once you give it a try! <3

  2. Christine kadima

    This is beautiful 😊

    So yummy yet simple
    Thank you ma ❤️

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thrilled that you enjoyed this! <3

  3. Eunice

    I am seeing this post today and am loving it. I will definitely try it out tomorrow. Thank you.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Do let me know how it goes <3

  4. Benson

    This is simply amazing. Thank you for this.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Anytime! <3

  5. Neemo wairimu

    Oh my God Girl😭… You have no idea how much you done helped me in the kitchen!! I’m not afraid to spice it up anymore😂. #Knation all the way!!! ❤❤❤

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am beyond thrilled to know this!!!! Chees to many more! Wooooohooooooooooooooooooooo! #KNation rocks!

  6. Bancy

    I tried this today and i can tell you for a fact, i never knew i could make such yummy githeri!! My bf had two plates yet he is not a fun of githeri. My kitchen is fully packed with the spicies you use and ive been trying out almost all your recipes. Thank you Kaluhi!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Githeri never disapoints and I am so so so glad you enjoyed it’s magic as well!!!

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