Life. Love. Food

Coconut Cream and spicy sausage matoke

I really love Kenyan food. That puts Matoke as one of my favorite foods. Like many other cuisines around the globe, there are millions of ways to have the same meal. Unfortunately for majority of Kenyans, there is not that much experimenting with new ways of cooking the same meal. But worry not, that’s where I come in 🙂

The first time I added my twist to a matoke dish was in this post where I used coconut milk and fresh herbs to bring my dish to life. In today’s matoke dish, I used coconut cream, which makes the matoke luxuriantly creamy,thick and fragrant. To add to that, I added some spicy sausage, which brought this otherwise one-note dish to a whole new level.

Ready for something different? This is for you:



coconut cream and spicy sausage matoke ingredients

9 Matoke (uncooked)
Coconut Cream
3 lightly fried sausages of your choice
3 tomatoes, diced
1 large onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
1 heaped tablespoon of Royco (all-spice mix)
1 tablespoon of ground cumin
1 tea spoon of black pepper

Peel your matoke and slice them into ¼ inch-thick pieces. Soak them in water as you carry on with the rest so as to prevent them from oxidizing.
Longitudinally slice your sausage. In a heated frying pan, add them, together with half a handful of your diced onion and your black pepper. Let this shallow fry until they have darkened in color (not burnt, just darkened). You will also notice that they get this crispy coating but still remain soft on the inside.This textural element will work in our favor for this dish.

sauteed sausages and onions and pepper


crunchy fries sausage for matoke
In a separate sufuria, add the remaining onions and garlic. Let this sauté until they are soft. Add the tomatoes and tomato paste and let this simmer for about 4 minutes then add your sliced matokes.

adding matoke to tomatoes and onions
Mix your ground cumin, royco and some salt with some water and add this to the sufuria. The same method we did here. Then add your coconut cream, 100 ml ( which was about half of my packet) then cover with a lid and let them cook through.

adding coconut cream to simmering matoke
Test with a fork/tooth pick if they are cooked by passing it through one piece. If it passes through, they are ready.After they are cooked, mix in your spicy sausage and serve.

served coconut cream and spicy sausage matoke

f for any reason you do not eat sausage, you can substitute it for chicken. If you do decide to use chicken, use the thigh or the breast. Give it the same treatment as we did in this post before mixing it in with your matoke. And with that, you will have created Coconut Cream and Spicy chicken Matoke… Sounds just as good 🙂



Healthy does not have to be boring. Surprise your taste buds today and give this a try.

Happy 2015!!


So sure you will love this.. Download the recipe here.

Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes

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  1. Rae

    I love how tiny addition to normal food make all the difference, this is a must try!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      That is the beauty about cooking. That same mind set changed the way I cooked my food. Just a small twist, and there you have a fantastic meal.

  2. Yvonne

    Hi what are some of the accompaniments to this meal..please be mentioning if you don’t mind

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Hey Yvonne :)),
      I actually always mention my accompaniments in the summary PDF recipe print out. Its just how I choose to do my blog posts. But anyway, for this recipe, you can have it on its own. If you choose to leave out the sausage, you can have it with beef stew or chicken curry.

  3. Karen Katete

    Can i use boiled eggs instead?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Instead of sausage? No you cant. That will result in a totally different dish in terms of both taste and appearance. You can eliminate the sausage entirely and have just the matoke.

  4. Wangui Kiragu

    thanks for the recipes. loving them all. quick one Royco all spice mix is available in which supermarket? i have checked Naivas, Uchumi and Tuskys with no luck.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Allow me assume you were born and raised in Kenya since you have mentioned all local supermarkets. If so, Wangui, unataka kuniambia haujui ROYCO? Sweetheart, royco si iko kwa hizo supermarkets zote umetaja? Royco is in ALL supermarkets and even road side kiosks, I can bet my life on that.

  5. Finola

    Hi, am a mother married for 13 years now , but there is one thing that still bothers me a lot ” what are we eating today ” that has become the most scary thought in my life ( i know am not alone😜) therefore, can you help please if you do not mind by giving me and others in my predicament a weekly menu 🙈🙈

    • Kaluhi

      From the recipes on the blog, you can make a menu yourself. Yo are the best person to do it because you know what your family likes and you know the budget you are willing to spend.


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