Life. Love. Food

Coconut Cream Sweet Potato Soup

I am kinda warming up to this cold weather (pun intended). I am, in my heart of hearts, a girl who is really into hot weather as I feel that kind of weather really energizes me. But I also love the cozy feel that cold weather brings. I love how evening walks are a lot more bearable with this weather. I am enjoying a less dusty Nairobi. Loving my knits and my boots. And most of all, loving all the delicious soups I am making now which I am excited to share with you in the coming weeks.

For today, I made this delicious, silky, absolutely delicious sweet potato soup! It is so flavorful, rich and crazy easy to prepare. I was quite suppressed that quite a number of my audience, especially on twitter, he have never had some sweet potato soup. If this is your first time coming across sweet potato soup, this is for you. If you have always loved sweet potato soup, add this one to your collection <3

I got a mic for my videos so no more yelling :D. I hope you enjoy this one and do not forget to subscribe:

PREP TIME:5 min     COOK TIME: 20 min        SERVES: 2


1 sweet potato

1 cup of coconut cream

1/2 white onion, finely chopped

1 tablespoon of rosemary

1 1/2 tablespoon of grated ginger

1 1/2 apple

Salt to taste

1/4 teaspoon of black pepper


In a sufuria, add the onion, ginger and rosemary. The reason why this step is important is because it forms a nice, solid, fragrant base for the soup. You can add garlic as well if you like, but I felt ginger on it’s own was just perfect for this.

Sautee these until they are softened and fragrant.  Add the sweet potatoes, apple plus some salt and pepper and then some water until they are just covered. Go easy on the water, ladies and gents! I chopped my apples and sweet potatoes really small so that they can boil faster and so that I can save time.

Let this boil until the sweet potatoes are completely soft. Once done, let this cool for a few minutes. Add everything into your blender, together with the water the veggies boiled in, and let it blitz until it is all completely smooth. If you feel the water is too much, sieve some and set aside and then add it bit by bit as you are blending until you attain the soup consistency that you prefer. If you like thick soup, less water, if you prefer light soup, more water.

Return the pureed mixture to the sufuria and add the coconut cream. Let this simmer on low heat until everything has come together. I completely love how the mild sweetness of the coconut cream would marry with that of the sweet potatoes! Nothing but magic right here. I usually use coconut cream either by Kara or Thai Pride, both available in any well stocked supermarket.

Once done, ladle it onto your bowl. Garnish with your herb and nut of choice. or maybe even some cream. I went with cilantro and pistachios. You can forgo the garnish entirely if you fancy.


I must admit, I was EXTREMELY kinda nervousness about how all this would turn out. And I was so pleasantly surprised with how magically everything came together. This is definitely among my top three soups, so make sure you check those ones out as well!!

The sweet and mild tartness of the apple went so so well with the sweetness of the sweet potato. The ginger complimented both sweet flavors and was the perfect warm ingredient for this soup. The warming qualities of the rosemary were also much welcome and it was indeed the perfect herb for my sweet potato soup. You must try this one out! Make sure you watch the video too! <3

Keep warm loves!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Jedida

    Can i add nduma?

    I loooooove this one!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you love! But haki imagine don’t add nduma. You can add carrots though

  2. Kayleigh B

    Prepared this for my daughter and she really enjoyed it. Now when I make food for her, always also make a bowlful for myself. Thank you!!

  3. Edwin Ruhiu

    very good piece

    • kaluhiskitchen


  4. Mannie K.

    I tried this today and L.O.V.E.D it!!! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So so happy for your feedback! And thrilled you loved this one as much as I did <3

  5. Linnette

    Hey Kaluhi, is there a substitute for coconut cream for those with allergies to coconut 😩😩

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Coconut cream is a MAIN INGREDEINT. It cannot be eliminated without changing the overall flavor of the dish

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