Life. Love. Food

Coconut french toast with caramelized pineapple

I have always loved french toast for breakfast. It is such a lovely way to begin the day. Besides that, there are so many ways you can have your french toast, and I love this because it allows one to be creative in the kitchen. I did orange zest french toast some months back and they were unbelievably tasty! My Uncle brought us some coconuts from Mombasa when he came to visit us in Nairobi and I decided to make coconut french toast this time round. I added some caramelized pineapple and this perfectly complimented the coconut in the french toast. I was not disappointed.

I hope you give this a try because they really are the tastiest french toast I have had so far!

coconut french toast with caramelized pineapple


coconut french toast ingredients

3 slices of wholemeal bread

2 eggs

1/4 a cup of milk

1/2 a cup of grated coconut (fresh or store bought)

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon of sugar



Beat the eggs  together with the milk and the teaspoon of vanilla essence. Once you have done that, add the coconut, the sugar, salt and cinnamon and beat the mixture once again.

After this is done, put your slices of bread and let them soak the egg mixture. This may take about 1 minute because the quantities I have given are not too large. Because some coconut may still remain on the surface of the tray after the eggs have been absorbed, you can scoop them and place then on top of each slice so that nothing goes to waste.

coconut french toast absorbing mixture

Then lightly grease your pan and on medium heat, place the loaf slices and allow about 2-3 minutes on each side. Do not use high heat because the outside will burn but the inside will still remain raw.

frying coconut french toast

After they are done, plate them and work on your pineapples. For that you will need the following:

caramelized pineapple inredients

So lightly grease your frying pan, then once it is hot, place the pineapples and drizzle the honey over them. Let each stay on the frying pan until the slightly brown. Then remove from heat and serve.

caramelized pineapple

caramelized pineapple on french toast

I always believe anything with coconut is tasty, but this was just out of this world. The acidity of the pineapple balanced the sweetness of the honey and these two had the perfect marriage with the coconut. Couldn’t have this any other way!

caramelized pineapple on french toast

french toast with coconut

I wish I could attach a link of how great this smells… but because I cannot, this gives you the perfect chance to try these coconut french toast and experience the amazing taste and smell.

coconut french toast

More next time



download the recipe and try it


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  1. irene

    Hey i love toast•Iwill most definately try this one.The creativity is very good.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Irene. This still remains among one of my fave breakfast dishes. You will love this too. Take many pics as you cook and tag me on Instagram 🙂

  2. iffat

    Your link was God sent to me mahn!!! I am a foody and a coconut addict. So grefamazing ideas…????????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am so so glad that you love this!

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