Life. Love. Food

Creamed Spinach

In my country Kenya, the most popular vegetables that accompany any meal are kale and cabbage. They are nutritious, but when you have them too often one yearns for a bit more variety. That’s when I always indulge in veggies popular in my tribe, the Luhya tribe, which offer greater variety and  have bolder flavor and character. Such as these include tsisaga, mutere, murenda,kanzira, seveve, mto e.t.c.  They are usually cooked with cream and various other ingredients that make this vegetables rich and beautifully tasty. During the times I cannot access them, I usually have creamed spinach. Creamed spinach usually go with nearly everything. In majority of the recipes I have done in the past, I usually recommend them to be served with creamed spinach. One of my readers requested this recipe and I was more than delighted to share with her, and with all of you :).

creamed spinach with garlic_ kaluhi_s_kitchen


creamed spinach ingredients

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

1 white/red onion, sliced

1 large bunch of spinach, finely chopped

3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg

1/2 a teaspoon of black pepper

1/2 a cup of heavy cream

salt to taste


Stem your spinach and finely chop them. Put them in a frying pan and add some water to them until you can just see it rise along the sides. Do not drench them. Bring it to boil and cook for 2 minutes until they are just wilted. Do not overdo this since the cooking process will still continue.  Drain in a fine mesh strainer, pressing with a large spoon to release as much water as possible and set them aside.

slicing up spinach preparing for the creamed spinach


boiling spinach briefly before making creamed spinach

Add your oil into a medium saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic, green or red onion, nutmeg, black pepper, some salt and cook, stirring, until soft and fragrant.This will take about 2 minutes. It is important to add your spices and salt at this point as this will add flavor the oil and allow the vegetables to be evenly seasoned

sauteed onions and garlic for making creamed spinach

Add the spinach and cook, stirring, just until the onions and spinach are mixed well.

adding spinach to sauteed onions

Add the cream and cook until the cream is reduced and blended well with the veggies. This should take about 3 minutes. Do not overcook your vegetables. When they start becoming black or a shade between dark green and grey and severely shriveled, they are overcooked. Your veggies should retail their green color.

The heavy cream I used was from boiling milk fresh from the cows our neighbor has, allowing it to cool and harnessing the cream on top. However, you can buy your own from the supermarkets. I recommend the heavy cream by brookside brand.

Once the time has lapsed, remove from the heat and serve immediately.

This dish goes so well with meatballs & spaghetti, potatoes  & beef stew, ugali and stewed fish, any rice dish & gravy and nearly anything you so wish. You can also stuff this in an omelette together with mushrooms and chillies. #yum 🙂

creamed spinach with garlic

The beauty about this recipe is that you can use it for both traditional veggies and everyday veggies such as spinach. One of the best tasting traditional veggies that you can have with this recipe would be managu. They are perfectly heavenly when creamed, promise!

creamed spinach with white onion

Nothing is better than a healthy meal that is absolutely delicious. This will make everyone a vegetable lover. Whether you choose to try this using Spinach, Managu or any other traditional vegetable, it will rock your world. But be sure to take photos as you cook and tag me on Instagram 🙂

Cheers to Fantastic food!


– Miss Kaluhi A.D

Download the full recipe here:

Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes

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  1. irene

    Hey kalhui,any idea on how to cook sukuma wiki ‘kale’ apart from the normal way of steaming them.Wonderful blog dear i love cooking .I enjoy your blog so much.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you Irene. I have several ideas. I will work on them and hope to upload them in the coming weeks.

  2. Rae

    always wondered where the cream was from since I don’t see it in most supermarkets. thanks for the recipe

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