Life. Love. Food

Crispy Rosemary Potato Wedges

On the night of April 1st, Nairobi and much of central Kenya received its first rain after the beautiful sunny months of Dec-Jan-Feb-Mar. There was no transition, just abrupt rain with the close of March. Being someone who lives for and thoroughly enjoys the dry months and the intense heat everyone complains about, I sadly welcomed April rains and already started looking forward to December. But I remembered how I pointed out in this post that I will be more thankful for everything and indeed, there is plenty to be thankful about even in grey, rainy April. Even as mango season is now behind us, I am happy that pear season is rolling in. Even as the warm sunny weather I love is gone, I am thankful that the air is clear and its green all around. Even though I can’t enjoy my flirty skirts, at least now I can rock my thigh high boots (ladies do you feel me?!!). There is always something to be thankful for.

For today, I am giving you yet another potato wedge recipe that will warm your heart and fill your tummy in the rainy days ahead.

crispy rosemary potato wedges_kenyan food blogs_best kenyan food bloggers_how to make potato

PREP TIME: 20 MIN               COOK TIME: 15 MIN          SERVES:3


6 potatoes

1 sprig of rosemary

7 cloves of garlic, minced

1/2 of a thumbsized ginger root

1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric

1 tablespoon of garlic powder

1/2 a tablespoon of paprika

1 tablespoon of black pepper

1 cup of maize flour

2 eggs

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying



Peel your potatoes and slice them up into wedges. Put them in a sufuria together with some salt, your minced garlic and ginger, rosemary leaves . Put to boil until the potatoes have just softened. Drain the excess water if any and set aside.

boil the turmeric with some fresh garlic, rosemary, ginger and turmeric ad the first phase of cooking your potato wedges_kaluhiskitchen.com_food bloggs kenya

Do you see hot beautiful the potatoes look just coz of the turmeric? At this stage, they also have the taste rosemary, garlic and a hint of ginger. Iknow some people who eat only boiled food for health reasons, but wonder how to make it tasty. Well, boil it with fresh herbs, you will have the same flavor as when you would have cooked it any other way.

the potatoes take in the color of the turmeric and flavor of the garlic , rosemaRY AND

Mix the garlic powder, maize flour, paprika and black pepper together until evenly distributed.Why did I choose to use maize flour as opposed to breadcrumbs? Because of their rougher texture, coating your potato wedges with this mixture will result in a much crispier coating.

for the rosemary potato wedges, i used corn meal flour, paprika, black pepper, lots of garlic powder and finely chopped

Crack your egg and whisk. Dip your boiled potato wedges in the egg then proceed to dredge it in the flour until it is fully coated. The egg is mandatory for this as it acts as “glue” for the flour coating to stick onto the rosemary potato wedges.

dip the potatoes in the egg mixture, gredge them in the flour misture then set asiide to awaud frying. THe egg acts as glue for the

coat the rosemary potato wedges in the flour and then set

Heat your vegetable oil and once it is hot enough, flash fry your potato wedges.

ensure the oil is very hot before proceeding to fry. this will prevent excess oil from being soaked up by the potatoes

Ensure your oil is hot enough. If you fry the potatoes when the oil is not hot enough, they tend to soak up too much oil resulting in a soggy mess. Test and see if your oil is very hot since all you will need is to flash fry these wedges.

always make sure your oil is very hot before proceeding to fry, this makes the potatoes not soak in too much oil and get a nice char

Remove from the heat and allow to drain on a paper towel. Serve

I had my rosemary potato wedges with good ketchup and some coleslaw and beef dry fry. For me, I am currently digging African Kaya sweet and sour sauce. It would have been too perfect with these potato wedges. My eldest sister went with the one i bought with her to Nakuru so I must purchase another one.  You should too. Its impossible to live without it once you try it out.

how to make potato wedges_crispy rosemary potato

These wedges were crispy on the outside and totally soft and tender on the inside. The yellow of the turmeric really infused in the potatoes. The crust was flavorful and its flavors complimented those of the potato itself. Perfect.

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Easy and fast in the usual #KK fashion. After you five this a try, ensure you also try out my other potato wedges recipes. The links are provided below in the related posts section.

how to make potato wedges_kenyan food_best food blogs in africa_best foodblogs 2016_best food blogs in

Happy Eating!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Masika Mwamutsi

    OMG!!looks sooo delish! So trying this out thanks for sharing

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Anytime! :))

  2. Carolific

    This looks so nice n must taste delicious. Am gonna try this for my family. Thank you for sharing this amazing recip.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are more than welcome Carolific! I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did :)))

  3. eunice

    love ur blog… wat can u substitute paprika with

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Eunice!
      The paprika in this case serves a very unique purpose, it needs to be used. By the way, sio kali, ni vile tu ni red na inakaa kali. Plus, it is available in ALL supermarkets, the large can costs 120 bob. Have you checked?

  4. sharon

    hi I would like you to please suggest for me pasta sauce that I can make that’s not complicated . urgently

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey sharon,

      I prepared a marinara sauce sone months back. You can just search “marinara sauce” and the recipe will appear. But if you are using mobile, just google “kaluhi marinara sauce” the recipe will come up.

  5. adashofpepper


    • kaluhiskitchen

      You bet! :))

  6. Wacera

    We’ve had these for dinner today. My hubby loved the wedges. Thankyou again KK. Keep them coming ???? I didn’t have Rosemary used bay leaves instead haha#experimentinggalore

    • kaluhiskitchen

      When hubby is happy, you know it was good! And I totally encourage that experimentation, bay leaves actually go so well with potatoes!!! Next time, try with rosemary :))

  7. Jay

    I tried making this over the weekend, EPIC fail. I’m so sad and how hard I had tried.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Wait what ?!!! What went wrong? Let me know and lets find the problem together.

  8. Rose

    Hi, thanks for wonderful recepies! Can we bake these potato wedges instead of frying?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes you can. However, with this kind of coating, I cannot guarantee the outcome

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