Life. Love. Food

Cumin and Clove Viazi vya Rojo

I have always loved the hotter months of the year. I love that I do not have to fuss over carrying a coat just in case it rains. I love that it is the time of year I can wear my favorite short dresses and flirty skirts to my satisfaction. I love that I eat plenty of my favorite fruit, mangoes, and the hot weather forces me to drink more water than I usually would. I live for December-March! We have just entered our rainy season and I am actually really digging the cooler weather which is a bit out of character for me. I love my boots and sweaters. I love my hot chai masala and biscuits as I watch Scandal (My current favorite character is Eli Pope!) I love the pitter-patter of rain on the roof top as I drift to sleep. I find dark, dense, heavily pregnant clouds so pretty! I love the indulgent food this weather compels me to have! One of them, which is quite warming and filling is this cumin and clove viazi vya rojo, which I am happy to share with you and hope you will enjoy as much as I do!



7 potatoes

1 sprig of rosemary

4 cloves of garlic

1 table spoon of tamarind paste (or lemon juice)

1 onion diced

4 tomatoes, blended

1 clove

1/4 teaspoon of whole cumin seeds

1/2 teaspoon of paprika

1/2 teaspoon of royco

1/4 tablespoon of chili flakes (or fresh chili)



Peel the potatoes and slice them into wedges and place them to boil together with the rosemary, cumin, clove and garlic until 3/4 way cooked. The flavors will sink into the potatoes and that is exactly what we want. Once done, remove from the heat and set aside.

In a pan, add some vegetable oil, together with the red onion and garlic. Let this cook until it is fragrant. Add the tomatoes, the ukwaju paste (or 3 tablespoons of lemon juice), paprika, chili flakes and royco. Check out how you can extract your Ukwaju (tamarind) from this post.

I used Royco Sundried because it has a deeper color and provides all the flavor depth I needed without using too many individual spices and added paprika to enhance this amazing quality. I attended a Royco Cook off last week and I was pleased to know that they will have both the original variant and the sun-dried variant in the market. This means, you can choose which ever one you want and like and still enjoy the same goodness :))).

If you choose to use the original Royco for this recipe, you will justneed to add some turmeric too to make the color pop! Regardless of the Royco variation you choose to use, the outcome will be bomb! Let this simmer down for about 5-7 minutes so that all the flavors really meld and come together.

Once the time had lapsed, add the potato wedges and allow them to finish cooking through in the sauce so that they absorb all the flavors.

Once done, garnish with some fresh rosemary/basil/dhania and serve. Look at this amazing beauty! **licks screen**

Not only did the potatoes have such a beautiful abundance of flavors due to the herbs and spices they were cooked with, but the rojo also had such fullness which perfectly complimented the potatoes. The warming qualities of the clove and garlic make this meal even more comforting as we set into the rainy season.

You can serve this with a fish dish such as my chili coconut tilapia masala or my meatball tikka masala and I can guarantee you that this will be a feast you will live to remember! So so soooo delicious yet also very very simple to prepare!

To bomb recipes!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Samoina

    potato nation united!! I will definitely try this!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      We are here and WE ARE READY!!!!!

  2. Randy Pontiff

    damn! This is more like Viazi vya roho *insert Spanish accent*

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The accuracy in that statement is BEAUTIFUL LOOOOOOOL!!!!!! Love it!!Viazi vya roho!

  3. Miss Kuyo

    I love how you do this so effortlessly;I’m learning that I can make my dishes tasty and awesome instead of tasteless and boring.And one can actually download your recipe!Thank you.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So happy to know you are up to making your meals tasty! Do let me know how it goes once you try it out!

  4. JJ

    Beautiful ,looks yummy

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Tastes even better !

  5. ASCAH

    This reminds me when i visited Mombasa and viazi rojo was my all though meal …Can’t wait to prepare myself now that i have the recipe courtesy of you Kaluhi.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  6. Emmah

    a must try, thanks for recipe

    • kaluhiskitchen

      *high five* !! Let me know how it goes!

  7. Kare

    Looks yummy…its a try! It’s a must!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      For sure boo!!!

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