Life. Love. Food

Curry and Coconut Cream Githeri

Githeri is a bean and maize casserole of sorts and it is served throughout Kenya. It is a very popular meal because it is healthy and also because it makes it easy to include all food groups in one meal. In my country, this is one meal that all boarding schools have in common. Before I joined boarding school, I would hear tales from my elder sisters, Cheredi and Sieva, about how hard the maize in their school githeri was. I quietly thought to myself that it really couldn’t be THAT hard! That was until my first Wednesday evening when our supper was githeri. The maize was indeed hard, and for the first time, that hot January evening, I really missed home food. But I put on my big girl pants and had my meal, appreciating the fact that at least I had something to put in my tummy that day.
The githeri I made today has the softest maize though. Traditionally, it is made with only onions and tomatoes, however my twist on this Kenyan delicacy is adding the richness of coconut cream & curry powder, and using cumin and mustard seeds, whose oils play up the githeri flavor. This is the best githeri you will ever have without doubt!

CURRY AND COCONUT cream githeri


githeri ingredients
3 cups of boiled maize and beans
Minced garlic
Minced ginger
Sliced onions
Finely chopped coriander
200ml of coconut cream
ΒΌ teaspoon of turmeric
ΒΌ teaspoon of curry powder
1 teaspoon of mustard seeds
1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
1 heaped tablespoon of ghee/margarine

*** Be sure to use coconut cream, not coconut milk as the former is thicker than the latter and it is what gives this dish its body.

Put the cumin and the mustard seeds in a sufuria without oil to roast them. This enhances their flavor and brings out their natural oils. The mustard seeds will start to pop, kinda like the way popcorn does, and when this happens, take them from the heat and crush them with your pestle and mortar.

rosting mustard and cumin seeds
Put your onions n the sufuria with a bit of vegetable oil to fry them. To this, add back your crushed cumin and mustard seeds and your crushed garlic and ginger.

red onion and cumin seeds
After the onions are soft, add your tomatoes and after they are reduced, add your boiled githeri.

tomato reduction


Allow it to seat on the heat for about five minutes then add your turmeric and curry and give it another five minutes.
Then, add the coconut cream and mix. It smells so good at this point and it gives the githeri a rich, creamy body. If you like your githeri drier, you can add less coconut cream. Add your heaped table spoon of margarine, or ghee. Stir this in and let this stay on the stove for 10 minutes.

coconut cream in githeri
Take it from the heat and mix in your finely chopped coriander and serve.

finely chopped coriander

githeri with avocado

Not only is this githeri soft, but it is aromatic because of the coconut cream. It has layers of flavor and you taste every note, from the ginger to the curry to the cumin and the coconut cream.

delicious githeri
This is the kind of githeri I picture being in an advert somewhere. But this looks good and tastes great too. And the best part is, you can make this too.

Try this and let me know what you think.
Sending my love,

Download the recipe and try it out πŸ™‚


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  1. Waruguru

    Yummy!!! I will try this out-have already downloaded the recipe. Nice!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will not be disappointed, my friend!

  2. mark voni

    This looks tasty. i want to learn how to prepare biriyani with that sauce just like they do it in the coast..Teach me and i won’t forget you.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It really is! Try this, then later we will make our biriyani *Adds biriyani to my to-do list*

      • Waruguru

        Yeah! Then I will surprise my family with it. Having a “Coastarian” addition to our family has really literally spiced things up, and biryani has been said to be a hard nut to crack…I wanna crack it open myself.

        • kaluhiskitchen

          We will overcome that challenge. This has motivated me actually, we shall do biriyani next week πŸ™‚

        • mark voni

          that is if you beat me to it

  3. mark voni

    Got a few questions though:
    1: How do you mince ginger?
    2. How do you mince garlic?
    3. Is coconut cream sold or do i prepare it myself?
    4. Is the maize dry maize or is it that other one? ile mbichi?
    Forgive my ignorance.:P

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I do not mind the questions. Ask as many as you can πŸ™‚
      Mincing garlic and ginger simply means smashing or crushing. In Kenya we use a Kinu, but globally its called a pestle and mortar. I did not include a picture but i think i have one which i will put up shortly.
      Coconut cream can be made at home, however I have never tried. I bought mine and I use the one by Kara since theirs is of high quality. But I do know how to make coconut milk,which I shared on my facebook page week on September 7th.
      For the maize, I always use fresh maize from the cob, because that way you will ensure its tender enough for everyone. Dry maize may end up being really tough, just like highschool githeri :-D.

  4. Emily Mungwana

    I love the blog..

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thanks Em πŸ™‚

  5. Eve Munyi

    wooow…im so trying this today

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I know you will like it. Tell me how it goes when you do πŸ™‚

      • Cynthia Kimola

        I made this and it’s the most delicious githeri i have EVER eaten πŸ™‚
        I added hoho (capiscum) to my ingredients too and the explosion of tastes – oh it’s indescribable! yummy in my tummy!

        Keep em coming Kaluhi….

        • kaluhiskitchen

          YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! So glad you liked this. Its the best githeri, no exaggeration here! Now I will try this with hoho too πŸ™‚

  6. Rae

    oh wow! I love githeri and i cannot wait to try this. *downloads recipe* πŸ™‚

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This is the best githeri you will ever have πŸ™‚ Let me know how it goes!

  7. David Muriithi

    P.O. Box 46851

  8. David Muriithi

    I am officially your No.1 FAN!!!!!!!!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Honored to have you as a fan πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :). Welcome to the KK Family!

  9. JayPee

    this food looks very tasty! Good creativity gone there. Would you think of quick to make, tasty and heavy meals which can easily be done by men who stay alone.

    Good work!

  10. mercy

    i tried this recipe yesterday and trust me githeri will never be the same again. it was the best githeri i have ever made. the cumin seeds and coconut cream jus changed the whole plain githeri to wow! sadly i dint get mustard seeds at Naivas -westlands but will search. Thank you for changing our meals!
    also mine i added capsicum n gorget (sp)!!!! wuhuu amazing

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are most welcome Mercy! There are a million ways to cook the same meal and this is just one way to cook githeri. And I am even more happy that you added your own twist to my recipe. Cheers to great food πŸ™‚

  11. Emmanuel banx

    Sounds yummy,surely i gat to try this wit my galfrnd

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Even better when you have special company ;). You will love this

  12. Bryan Mwashigadi

    I tried this recipe. Only, it was coconut beans, in the place of githeri, to go with cumin rice (also found here). And the onion and lime guac. ?
    Thank you sooo much.

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Hey Bryan!
      I totally love what you did. You can never go wrong with coconut cream in bean stew. And you had it withthe cumin rice! Yummerzz!! And them you added guac….that was simply genius!

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      And you’re welcome :))

  13. Patience

    Ok where do i get the coconut cream?n can desicated coconut be used?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Any supermarket. Plus there are so many brands to choose from. I think for this recipe just use coconut cream since it will also contribute to the creaminess of the githeri

  14. Rebecca

    Can I use canned pinto beans instead?? πŸ™‚

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It will taste slightly different but , yes!!

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