Life. Love. Food

Easy Dessert – Cake and Custard

Have you ever smelt something or ate something and it immediately reminded you of a memory of something or someone? I am sure you have experienced this, whether food related or not. When it comes to food, one of the aromas that take me back to the 90’s is the aroma of custard. It reminds me of the afternoons we would spend with uncle Kivayiru at his home in Kileleshwa. My sisters and I loved it there! We would play so much, get sooooo dirty and fall right asleep in our car ride back home in Langata. To this day, I love custard. There is a way to make it from scratch, but a little shortcut hurt nobody. Especially now that temparatures are dropping, cake and custard will sure warm you up.

easy desserts_cake and custsrd using a shortcut populat in the kenyan market_Kenyan desserts


Custard Ingredients

shortcut into making custard_you only need two ingridients and takes a short time

2 cups of milk

1 tablespoon of custard powder

2 tablespoons of sugar


Put your milk in a sufuria and heat it.

In a small bowl,  mix your custard powder  with a small amount of milk to a paste. You can get this particular type of custard by Zesta in any supermarket. The large tin costs less than KES.200 and lasts a very very long time.

mixing up custard powder into a paste to before adding it to the milk_Kenyan dessert

Once the milk is beginning to come to a boil, pour in the custard paste and mix it in with a mwiko as you pour.

the milk addows the custard to become creamy and also to gain body_it smells really good and is a nice dessert


If your has lumps, that may be because your paste was not smooth to begin with. If your custard solidifies, it could be because you used too much powder. Always have more milk than powder. A little goes a long way.


Stir until it is evenly mixed with a uniform consistency.  Let if stay on the heat for about a minute or two then laddle onto bowls and serve.

serving custard when it is hot is best_laddle into a bowl and gobble down

This goes so well with some fresh cake or fruit such as bananas. I opted for cake. And yes, I had to shape mine as hearts <3  :)). It has a light texture and deep milky taste. It smells really sweet and inviting.

Kenyan Food Blogs_How to make custard using custard powder

Perfect way to warm up. If you are looking for something sweet, very easy to make and warming, this you have to try.

Kenyan food_Kenyan desserts_ready made custard

Keep Warm


Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. Debbie

    You have no idea how my nieces flip when we make custard. They love it too darn much… i think i do too 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      #teamcustard 🙂

  2. her little space

    I have made such a mess with this in the past… will be happy to try this out 😀

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      I have once made real ugali custard…. yaani its so easy to make messes with custard. But once you know the correct proportions for the milk you have, you learn to always make good custard. Try this and I tell me all about it once you do 🙂

      • Aziza Muriuki

        I can relate to the ugali part… my first time i messed up …

        • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

          But thank God it is through our mistakes that we learn and grow…

  3. Doll

    great recipe……. how long can this be stored in the fridge?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      For about two days. But in my experience, it is best to make just a little which you can have and finish at a go as opposed to bulk quantities. Custard that has stayed over, even in the fridge, does not taste as good as fresh custard.

  4. MK

    We thank God for your Recipes 🙂
    Last night we made the 7 Spice Sunny Rice, Mango Mint and this Cake and Custard that reminds me so much of Sunday dinner in highschool. They are so easy to follow and super realistic coz we know where to get the ingredients. I didn’t take any pics coz we finished so late but the next time i shall take pictures. Also could you create something for what to take for a picnic and how to prep it?
    Love & Light!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So happy for your feedback! May you continuously enjoy that good food! In my opinion, what you carry for a picnic will solely depend onyour taste and preferences. Some people prefer canned soda, others go all out and even carry champagne. Some people carry sushi (no kidding!) others prefer just a hotdog. In general, picnics are great with finger foods: wings, drum, samosas, sticks, burgers, salads, an array or drinks, salads etc, hata if you want to carry pilau, do it, why not?. Include as many things as you can and as you prefer.Once you know what you like to have, use my blog search tab and get the recipe!

      Cheers! <3

  5. Ris

    Let me go give this a try, hope my babies like it…. Sikujua what to do with the custard I bought thinking it was “custard sugar”! Thanks Kaluhi

    • Kaluhi


  6. Grace

    Niice and easy to make recipe thanks to your straight foward and easy steps.

    • Kaluhi


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