Life. Love. Food

Fish Fingers with Avocado Tartar Sauce

One of my favorite humans in this world is my sweet friend Nasimiyu. She is seriously genuinely sweet and always a pleasure to hang around. Whenever we meet for lunch, I always let her decide where we are going to eat. She always seems to know the best places to have a good meal. She is more conversant with great places to eat out than I am. And nothing beats girly musings, mischievous  giggles and hearty laughs over a good meal. One of the places she introduced me in 2009 was an eatery that had the best fish fingers ever. I have forgotten it’s name, but never how good those fingers were! Being fresh from boarding school, that was as close to heaven as my tongue could get. I decided to create fish fingers at home but of course with a  #KK twist. You will totally love this!

best kenyan food blog_best african food blpgs_fish fingers with avocado tartar

PREP TIME: 10 MIN                 COOK TIME:20 MIN                          SERVES:3

Fish fingers Ingredients

how to prepare fish filet_ingredients for fish fingers_kaluhiskitchen.com_fish fingers ingredients

2 medium sized fish fillet

5 tablespoons plain flour

1 /2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 lemon, zest

1 teaspoon of white pepper

1 large egg

1 handful of breadcrumbs

1 handful of sesame seeds


Cut your fish  fillet in horizontally in half then proceed to cu into strips lengthwise.

while cutting your fish fingers, make them slightly thicker si that they do not become too crispy_fresh fish from nairobi city

Put the flour+white pepper, the breadcrumbs+sesame seeds and egg+lemon zest in separate  containers. Begin by dredging the fish in the flour+white pepper. Then dip them in the lemon +lemon zest. Finally, roll them in the bread crumbs and sesame seeds. Set them aside as you go.

how to coat your fish fingers_best coating for fish fingers by kaluhiskitchen.com_how to make fish fingers

how to coat fish for fish fingers_kaluhiskitchen.com_fish fingers coated in crumbs and sesame seeds]

Put some vegetable oil to heat up and fry the fish. It will take about two minutes for them to cook through. Remove from the heat and allow them to drain on a serviette.

For the tartar sauce


avocado tartar sauce ingredients_tartar sauce goes very well with fish

4 tablespoons cup good mayonnaise
1 tablespoon of chopped spring onion
1 tablespoon apple cider wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
1/4 ripe avocado
1/4 teaspooon ground black pepper


Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them up with a fork. Once all the ingredients are well blended and evenly distributed, it is ready. Be careful not to over-churn as it will become too light.

tartar sauce with avocado_how to make tartar sauce_kaluhiskitchen.com_african cuisine

Laddle the avocado tartar sauce into a bowl and serve together with your fish fingers.

The hot fish goes so well with the tartar sauce. The avocado simply adds to the creaminess of the sauce and also brings with it a world of nutrients.

kenyan food_kaluhiskitchen.com_best fish fingers recipe with avocado tartar sauce

Swirl the fish in the sauce and take a bite. Enjoy how the crispy crust gives way to the soft fish and how the zestiness goes very well with the creamy sauce. best kenyan food blog_how to make fish fingers with tartar sauce

If you are a fish lover just as I am, this is one recipe you must try. Try it with my garlic masala fries or with these unskinned potato wedges.


Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. Ms. Shee Art

    I have never come around to understanding white pepper, and I love fish fingers, , you shared a beautiful post dear
    Lovely weekend

  2. Kaluhi's_Kitchen

    Asante sana! If you love fish fingers, this recipe will multiply that by 100,000! :))

  3. christine

    Hey, can this be with fresh fish or must it be with deep fried fish

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Christine. I think this has to be fresh fish. If you use fish that has already been deep fried it will not be able to hold when you cut it into strips. So raw fish is the best option.

      • hannah nyawira

        Hey Dear,

        I trust your keeping well. I have read the fish finger recipe but didn’t get it on the frying bit. Do you deep fry (kama mandazi) or you shallow fry.
        I loove fish fingers i usually eat them at a restaurant called Green View Behind Jamia Mosque. I would be so delighted to try cooking them out.

        Awaiting for your feedback.

        Kind regards..
        Hannah Nyawira.

        • kaluhiskitchen

          Hey Hannah! I deep fried mine. This was a fab recipe, hope you like it too :))

  4. rose kambua

    simply amaizing i love…looking upto more n more of your recipes….:)

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Cheers to many more!

  5. Pesh

    I’ve been really searching for fish fingers recipe coz am a mad lover of fish fingers and coming across your recipe, well I must say I cant wait to try it.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I hope you try many more :))

  6. Tamika Brown

    Thank you for the information on cooking fish. Go ahead.

    • Kaluhi


  7. Kathy Osburn

    This is an informative site. From here we are getting various accurate information. There is a lot to learn from here.

    • Kaluhi

      For sure! Thanks for reading!

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