Life. Love. Food

Garlic Broccoli and Carrot Stirfry

I always remember watching cartoons growing up and I remember broccoli being depicted as a disgusting veggie that everyone hates. Dexter hated broccoli. PowerPuff Girls fought slimy Broccoli aliens. Billy form Billy and Mandy haaated broccoli too. So in my mind, broccoli was not that great of a veggie. That all changed the day I actually gave broccoli a try. I loved them so so much and I that was when my life long love for this gorgeous veggie begun.

We prepare them in a very simple fresh way, which preserves the nutrients of this veggie. You will love this one!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!

PREP TIME: 25 min    COOK TIME: 15min      SERVES: 6


700g of broccoli

2 carrots

1 red onion

8 cloves of garlic

1 sprig of rosemary

Salt and pepper to taste


Begin by preparing chopping your carrots into fingers and chop the broccoli into small florets. I chop my broccoli really small as I love having a taste of everything in one spoonful. I bought my broccoli form Carrefour but they are pretty common and you can source yours from whichever place is most convenient for you

Next we shall proceed with blanching of both the carrots and broccoli, separately though. Blanching refers to the cooking of vegetables, for short, timed period that allows them to cook through but also enables them to retain their nutrients, enzymes and texture. After blanching, the broccoli will remain bright green and yet cooked thorough. That is what you must achieve as well.

The same method was used for my carrots.

Once blanched and ready, drain the excess water and set aside.

In a separate sufuria, sautee the onion, garlic and the rosemary until softened and fragrant. The portion of garlic may seem alot, but it really isn’t. For this dish, the flavor note of garlic must be potent as it ties in so so well with broccoli. I love fresh herbs for my mbogas!

Once the onoions are done,turn off the heat and immediately toss in the blanched vegetables and you are done! That was fast, and guaranteed you will fall inlove with the fresh flavor!

As I mentioned in the video, the best plate if that that has something fresh, something rich and something to tie it all together. In this case, myy perfect plate would be these garlic broccoli and carrot sautee + my chicken curry + some rice. Or even these garlic broccoli + my lemon pepper chicken thighs and some potato wedges. Whatever you pair this with, you will enjoy it!!

Do subscribe to my channel too and spare 8 minutes to watch this recipe’s video too!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Jane

    I just love your job.
    Kudos girl.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Cheers to many more!

  2. Tamara

    Such a great recipe for our meatless Mondays! The flavors in this recipe are absolutely amazing, and it’s such a satisfying dish. Thanks for sharing.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I’ll def try more from you blog too for meatless monday! Best!

  3. Marta

    I can honestly SMELL this recipe sizzling away in the pan! It’s making me hungry just reading the instructions. I can’t wait to taste it.

  4. Aline

    I can’t tell you what I love more, this recipe, or your video making it!! Your energy is so beautiful!! Love it a million times!!! <3

  5. portia

    Yes sis! We eat veggie stir fry every week! The kids like it much better than boiling brocoli.I’ll have to try adding the rosemary! thanks for this recipe!

  6. Desirée

    This looks so good! Loving all the veggies!

    • kaluhiskitchen


  7. LaKita

    This looks so colorful and delicious! When you said 8 cloves of garlic, now you speaking my language. All the garlic please.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      There really is no such thing as too much garlic!!

  8. Brittany Fiero

    This dish looks so fresh and delicious. The colors of the vegetables really pop too!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Beautiful and fresh & we really love it!

  9. Adri

    This looks fantastic and I love that you included a video tutorial!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you love the video too!

  10. Jazz

    You’ve inspired me to try fresh herbs in my next stir fry!

    • kaluhiskitchen


  11. Jayne Rain

    This looks fun and easy to make. Thanks for sharing.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  12. Katrina Adams

    I love broccoli so I have to try this recipe!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will really love this one!

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