Life. Love. Food

Garlic Kuku Kienyeji (with homemade spice blend)

My mom is obsessed with her chickens! Each time she comes back from her visit upcountry, she has to bring new chickens with her. I do not like them because of the work involved rearing them. I would prefer if we kept just three at a time, but she wants us to have a whole brood with us. Recently she brought 3 new ones, which later got anxious because of the new environment, panicked and retreated to the hedge. So my mum and I in unity and strength I had to chase them down, catch them and get them to their pen. It is never an easy task! My mum was laughing the whole time while I was doing the hard work. This city girl just couldn’t keep up!! But eventually, all three were caught and secured in their pen. Keeping chickens is such a hassle, which I would rather not indulge in. But all this is made worthwhile by knowing the feasting that will come after all the trouble will be unforgettable. And my sweat paid off when I dug my teeth into this kuku kienyeji (free range chicken) recipe that I made with a homemade spice blend. I shared sneak peaks with you on twitter and InstaStories over Easter but today, the long wait is over and I will share the recipe with you! You will loooooove this one!



For the spice blend

1 tablespoon of dried rosemary

1 tablespoon of whole black pepper seeds

1 tablespoon of cumin seeds

1/2 a tablespoon of chili flakes

3 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

1 bay leaf

1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric

1/2 a tablespoon minced ginger


Other Ingredients:

1 kuku kienyeji (free range chicken), chopped into pieces

1 red onion, finely chopped

5 cloves of garlic, minced

1 green bell pepper, finely chopped

1 tablespoon of tomato paste

2 tomatoes, minced

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Coriander for garnish



Let’s make our spice blend first :)). I decided to go with: rosemary, clove, cinnamon, bay leaves, turmeric, chili flakes, cumin and black pepper. All the spices were whole, which i proceeded to slightly toast, then crush with a kinu (pestle and mortar) since my spice crusher decided to break on this very day *sob*! I purchased ALL my whole spices from Tuskys but they are also available in CarreFour, Chandarana and Nakumatt with prices ranging between 60bob-180bob. You can use already crushed spices too though. I like crushing my own since I like my spice blend not to be too fine. Also, you can adjust the ratio of the spices and the mix to fit your preference and that is what makes cooking fun!

Once done, put that aside and get into cooking your chicken.

Chop your chicken into sizable pieces. Put them to boil together with 4 tablespoons of munyu mukhereka which will act as a meat tenderizer and add more flavor to it. Kuku kienyeji takes quite a long time to cook. You do not boil it until it is cooked through, but go further and boil it until it is tender. That can take up to 2 hours but if you have a pressure cooker, the time can be much shorter.

I know you may be thinking, what on earth is Munyu Mukhereka?!! Let me explain:


Munyu Mukerekha is a salt which also doubles up as a tenderizer widely used by Luhya people to add flavor and make certain foods softer or more tender. It is made from the ashes of burnt sun-dried bean pods or sun-dried matoke peels. The ash is then put in a perforated tin with some water and left undisturbed. The water drains through the perforated tin without debris but contains a lot of the sought after sour taste and alkalinity.

The resultant liquid is the munyu mukerekha. To tenderize, our kuku kienyeji, matumbo, meats (and kunde and sometimes meat too), we boil it with it. It is not compulsory, but makes a world of difference when used. In my opinion, it is a MUST HAVE for every kitchen.

Where can you get it? It is unfortunately not sold commercially (it used to be but production stopped) but you can always borrow from your Luhya neighbors. We are a giving people, so just ask them for some Munyu and you will be sorted! <3


Once the chicken is tender and the water had dried down, let it the chicken get a slight char then set aside.

In that same sufuria, add you red onion,chopped green bell pepper and minced garlic. This allows them to cook in the fat of the chicken and hence have a fuller flavor. I also did not want extra sufurias to wash ;)).

Once the onion and garlic is softened and fragrant add the tomatoes, and tomato paste plus some salt and 1/4 cup of hot water and allow this to cook down for about 4 minutes.

Add the boiled tender chicken, plus the spice blend and mix it all in. Add some stock/hot water 1/4 cup at a time until you reach the soup thickness consistency you prefer. Do not pour 3 jericans of water then wonder why your gravy is not beautifully thick and rich unless of course that is your preference. Always add bit by bit then stop once your gravy is as thick as you prefer it to be.

Let this simmer on medium high heat until all the flavors meld and sink into the chicken. This will take about 30 minutes. Once done, remove from the heat, garnish with your coriander and serve.

Who ever says kuku kienyeji is not tender may not have mastered how to make it tender! This is one meal I just cannot miss out on when it is cooked, and with this garlic kuku kienyeji recipe, it is one I could have every singe day if I had the chance!

You can never go wrong with you garlic when you are making kuku kienyeji. It really came through and the home made spice blend knocked the ball out of the park! Such full flavors developed right in your kitchen! Something refreshing about knowing exactly what is in your spice blends and having the freedom to modify it as you prefer and please!

This was a major slurp fest! And thank God this would go with nearly all starches and sides; be it chapati, or ugali or roast potatoes or matoke. Whatever you choose to have it with, you will thoroughly enjoy!

Eat good!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Bentah

    Hehehe ati don’t pour 3 jericans of water lol, munyu is always at home, my mum ensures so too bad am far from home right now…. Will definitely try this out over the weekend, thank you

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I just had to be very very specific :DD. I know when you try this out that you will totally love it ! <3 <3

  2. Liz

    I have missed eating kuku kienyeji. It must have tasted really, really nice!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Girl this is a sign that you must try this recipe soon!! <3 I know that you will love it!

  3. Monique

    Love the recipe. I will try it.
    Can I make the munyu from the matoke peels? As an urbanite where else do you get munyu?
    A must try kesho

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes you can defifnitely use matoke peels.

      And as the blog post has indicated, munyu is not commercially produced. Everyone makes theirs at home.

  4. Claire Matunda

    Good job the chicken looks yummy 😋
    I want the munyu😰😰 how can i get it

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank. I have explained everything about munyu on the blog post. I hope you have read the blog :))

  5. Mama Ramos

    I like this chic. Her posts are educative and entertaining. I saw you’ve been nominated in Soma awards , you definitely have my vote. All the best

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you~ <3 <3

  6. zippy

    Nice. Very tasty. do you have a cook book? how can i get one?

  7. Phill

    Kumunyu kumukhelkekha 😍… Now I must give my mum a call to spare me some, didn’t know it doubles as tenderiser. Excellent recipe, let me roll my sleeves, am going in search for some kienyeji chicken. Explains where you get those chindumbu

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will totally enjoy this one!!! Put mum’s munyu to use! :))

  8. Sheei

    Oh my goodness njaa nayo! This looks delish..since I cant fund kuku kienyegi here can regular chicken work?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You can use regular chicken, but keep in mind, it will not and cannot taste the same as kienyeji would.

  9. Alex

    I was biting my tongue with each sentence of the recipe followed by quality pictures…!!! Mama Yooohhhh..! Soon to be tried out

    • kaluhiskitchen


  10. Zippy

    [email protected]

  11. Zippy

    I did not know you can use munyu on meat! Thanks for the tip. I discovered munyu at my mama mboga. She sells to me for making kunde tender.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Now that is a mama mboga you should keep for life!! She knows whats good!

  12. Teddie

    Can I use the ‘fake’ kuku kienyeji

    • kaluhiskitchen


  13. Jenny


    • Kaluhi

      Brilliant, right?!

  14. Lynn

    I must try this…it looks yummy,😋. Thanks for the recipe, and mostly the spices part🥰

    • Kaluhi

      It really is fantastic!

  15. Phil

    I live in the UK and I would love to try this recipe. My wife doesn’t like meat with bones, so I will need to wait until I have an evening to myself! My only question is about munyu mukhereka – I can get all the ingredients apart from this one. I don’t even know where to start to get sun-dried bean pods or sun-dried matoke peels ingredients to make it at home. Is it worth making the recipie without munyu mukhereka?

    • Kaluhi

      You can for sure make this without the munyu. It will be totally fine, however it does add something special.

  16. Hellen

    Tried it and loved it.

    • Kaluhi


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