Life. Love. Food

Garlic and Paprika Potato Sautee

Will all potato lovers please get into formation!!!!!! This one potato recipe I absolutely love and I am so excited to share with you. Nothing beats an easy recipe that is so so delicious it would make any grown human being cry. Before all ye fellow potato lovers get into formation, have you guys seen this absolutely silly formation cheerleading video? It cracks me up each time :DDD. Life its indeed about the small pleasures.

This recipe was inspired by my elder sister Cheredi. She was home for a couple of weeks and we cooked up a storm. Remember the raisin and coconut pancakes I once showed you on my snapchat? She made those! This potato recipe has my own little modifications to her original one but nevertheless, my garlic and paprika potato sautee will not disappoint you.

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PREP TIME: 10 MIN          COOK TIME: 30 MIN            SERVES: 3


7 new potatoes, peeled

A handful of finely chopped spring onion

5 cloves of garlic

1/2 a teaspoon of whole cumin seeds

1 thumb sized spric of fresh rosemary (or 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary)

1 tomato, blended

1 heaped tablespoon of tomato paste

1/2 a teaspoon of paprika

1/2 teaspoon of turmeric

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for frying

Onion chives for garnish (or finely chopped coriander)


In a sufuria, add some cold water the peeled potatoes, the fresh rosemary, salt and cumin seeds and allow this to boil until the potatoes are cooked through and tender. Always boil your potatoes in cold water so that as the water gets warmer the potatoes cook through evenly. Using hot water will result in a soft exterior and under cooked interior. And we don’t want that :))

boil your potatoes with some cumin seeds and rosemary for all the flavor to deeply

Also boiling the potatoes with the cumin and the  rosemary allows the flavor to really penetrate the potato. I bought my cumin seeds form tuskys at around sh.70 a pack.

As that is going, you can begin working on your sauce. Add some vegetable oil in your sufuria and add your spring onion and the garlic. Allow this to sautee until the onion has just softened and fragrant. Be careful not to burn your garlic since this will make your entire dish really bitter.

saute your sprin gonion together with your garlic_be careful not to burn your garlic since it will make your whole dish

There after, add your tomato, tomato paste and the spices with a tiny bit of water and let this cook down for about 5 minutes until all flavors meld and the sauce thickens. Remove the potatoes from the heat, drain any excess water and add them to the tomatoes.

add the potatoes into the cookes tomato sauce and let it somme in it for about 5 minutes before

Mix them gently until the tomato mixture coats them evenly. Allow this to stay on the heat for about 3-5 minutes then garnish with your onion chives or fresh dhania. Go ahead and eat your heart out!! Lets have a moment of silence and appreciate how fantastic these potatoes look. And honestly guys, how easy was that dish??!

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You can enjoy this with meatballs, some beef stew or my favorite, some kuku kienyeji. It was so easy to make and that makes it perfect for week nights. But since it has a ton of amazing flavor, it is also befitting for a festive dinner. Why don’t you give this a try and add your own twist to my recipe :)). Id love to see your take to this :))

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Happy feasting!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Ivy Muteshi Mukabwa

    This i must try today!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Awesome! Looking forward to your feedback! Hope you love this as much as I did :))

  2. Shamillh kiptoo

    Making this tonight!! ????????????????????

    • kaluhiskitchen


  3. Kui

    I always have problems deciding what to cook for dinner! Then your Blog happened on my timeline! And today’s Din din just got sorted ????????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will without doubt enjoy! Considering it gets cooked in such a short time makes it perfect for week nights :))

  4. ritah

    I love this recipe

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So easy, right? And you wont believe how much flavor it packs! Must try for sure!

  5. Nasra

    I will stop looking at your instagram when I’m fasting. This looks absolutely delicious. Will definitely try them out.
    What’s your secret to taking such good shots?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The temptation can be very very real :DD. Cant wait for you to try this out. As for the pictures, i say its all about natural light and lots of practice :))

  6. Liz Ekakoro

    Nice,thank you! Apart from the recipe, also learned the importance of using cold water instead of hot water when boiling.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You are most welcome! I am happy you not only got a new recipe but learnt something new :))

  7. Wandia

    This is a must try!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      For sure!!!

  8. Ythera

    Wonderful recipe. I really enjoyed these potatoes. Merci.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So glad you did miss :))

  9. Kwamboka :)

    Mami your blog is on fiiiiire. I totes love your recipes especially because the ingredients are readily available. Keep doing what you do!!! God bless 🙂
    And I’m definitely trying this tonight!! Woop!! 🙂
    your biggest fan!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you so so much! As long as you love my work, thats all that matters. Cheers to fantastic food!

  10. Dan

    Was wondering what I’d make for dinner and this seems perfect

    • kaluhiskitchen


  11. Shiro

    I made this for lunch. Let’s just say, my husband also took a moment of silence for the potatoes.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When hubbz loves it, then you know its so good!!

  12. Kokola


    • kaluhiskitchen


  13. ben

    I have been wondering what to do with this sack of potatoes that’s been “living” with me for the past month. (bachelor struggles)… Thanks to your Recipe I now know what to do with them 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Well, this is the time to let the potatoes in your pantry SHINE with this recipe!!!!!!

  14. Phyllis

    As a potato lover how am I seeing this in 2018???!!
    💃💃 dinner tonight… I looooove Waruus 🙌

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Better late than never <3

  15. Black Butterfly

    I am so trying this for dinner. I was looking for a lunch recipe and I was like naaah this is too yummy for lunch lol. So now I have to look for a lunch recipe again lol.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOL one can never truly have enough! Glad you enjoyed!

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