Life. Love. Food

Garlic Potato Wedges with Pineapple Habanero Dip

My mom and I have quite a number of likes we have in common when it comes to kitchen ingredients. Lately, we have been obsessed with a habanero dip we got from Kez Organics. I did an Instagram story (If you do not follow me in Instagram, you’re wasting your life!!) sometime back when I was making matumbo step-by step with this dip instead of regular pili pili, since this is how mum and I love it. We have been hooked since and everyone else at home is now almost as obsessed!

And you know what makes it even better? It is made by Kenyans, In Kenya, for Kenyans!!! It fills my heart with joy when we make such quality products and buy from our own. This is one of many Kez organics chili recipes I will be making because I just want you guys too to experience quality products that are readily available and deserve to be known by everyone. Now, lets get down to business!!! For today: Garlic Potato Wedges with Pineapple Habanero dip.

PREP TIME:        MAKE TIME:        SERVES: 6


For the potatoes

15 new potatoes

1 large red onion, finely diced

1 bulb of garlic, minced

3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary

3/4 tablespoon of turmeric

3/4 tablespoon of paprika

Salt  and pepper to taste

Vegetable oil


For the dip

1 cup of mayonnaise

1/2 a cup of fresh pineapple

3 tablespoons of very finely chopped onion

1/2 a teaspoon of Kez Organics Habanero dip

1/2 a tablespoon of honey

1/2 a teaspoon of finely chopped rosemary



Wash and peel your potatoes. Slice them up into wedges and place them in a large bowl. Add the red onion, garlic, rosemary, paprika, turmeric, salt, pepper and some vegetable oil enough to just coat them.

Mix everything up until combined. Spread them on your tray and put them to bake at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes or until completely cooked and soft.

You may be wondering ” What if I do not have an oven, does that mean i’ll miss out on this recipe :((?” Well, worry not, I have you covered <3. If you do not have an oven, you can boil your potatoes together with the spices, rosemary, garlic and red onion. Once they are done, proceed to fry them in very hot oil to get the exterior nice and crunchy. Do not use tepid oil as you will get a soggy result.

As that is going, work on your sauce. I used my Kez organics Habanero dip in this sauce. A jar costs KES.400 and lasts a lifetime since it is very potent in my opinion. Check out their Instagram page for more deets.

In a blender, add your mayo, followed by your pineapples, and the honey. Your pineapple MUST be sweet. Blitz it until everything is completely combined.

Be careful not to make it too runny. If you do not have/do not like pineapples, you can use mangoes/sweet plums.  Ladle onto a small bowl add your habanero chili, very finely chopped onion and rosemary. Add the chili bit by bit and taste then adjust upwards if need be to suit your taste. Allow to chill for a few minutes.

Once everything is ready, serve.

One of my favorite contrasts is that between hot and cold; and you can be sure that the hot garlic potato wedges and the slightly chilled pineapple habanero dip delivered just that!

Not only was that hot-cold contrast so good, but the flavor definitely delivered! The garlicky-rosemary flavor of the potatoes wend well with the mild sweetness of the creamy habanero dip which had the same notes too.

The Potatoes that were crispy on the outside and nice and soft on the inside were the perfect accompaniment to this pineapple habanero dip. This pineapple habanero dip, with it’s sweet spicy herby kick, would also be so perfect with roast chicken or really spicy fish fingers.

So easy to make and such explosive flavors! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Much love!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Samoina

    hey Kaluhi (now that I use your site for menu planning hahaha)

    Can one boil the warus and then deep fry them, because, oven missing in action?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      YES! I have indicated that on the post. If you do not have an oven, boiling then frying is perfectly fine. Just make sure you fry them in really hot oil so that they do not soak up too mush of it hence making them soggy.

      • Samoina

        LOL, how did I miss that, seeing it now. Guess that is what i will do…that habanero dip looks so so yum and perfect for this! thanks for helping me plan my meals 😀

  2. ipalei christine

    Hey Kaluhi,am totally in love with this recipe,so simple yet so elegant.You inspire me in many ways

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you so very much Christine! <3

  3. Betty Lamar

    yikes!!! this is a must try for the love of pineapples…amazeballs

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Cheers to pineapples :DD I am sure you will love this one as well <3

  4. Miss Arim

    Question, if you boil the potatoes, si the oil that you had initially soaked the potatoes in will be washed off? Or it still delivers?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Coating with oil is ONLY for the potatoes going into an oven. For boiling, as I have stated in the blog post, just add the herbs and spices in the water boiling the potatoes THEN proceed to fry. Do not coat them with oil then boil.

  5. Emmah

    will hunt that habanero dip this weekend and try out the recipe…thanks for sharing…

    • kaluhiskitchen

      My fave dip of all time!!! You need this in your kitchen!

  6. Mwesh

    Hi Kaluhi.The onion won’t burn before the potatoes are ready?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      No it will not. If you regulate your heat it will not butn but instead cook with every thing else :))

  7. Cacy

    I was wondering what I will do with all the potatoes I have, thanks my new always come through. Issa date today(kitchen,kaluhi ,cacy, potatoes) let’s ndu this..hahahaha

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOOOOOOOOOL! Go forth and prosper!

  8. Olivia

    As much as am not a potato lover, this looks tempting I must admitt

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Must try for sure!! <3

    • Betty

      Potatoes are God’s precious gift to mankind for their survival. Lol. It is why we live .. To be amongst potatoes. Haha.

  9. Okana

    Hi Kaluhi, I wanna try this recipe. Where do you buy fresh rosemary and can I use the dried ones (tropical heat) as a substitute?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You can use the dry one. Fresh rosemary in ALWAYS available in supermarkets, in the herb sections

  10. Latti

    Hi kaluhi,

    What dip can be used as a substitute. Am all the way in Kampala and there is no such thing here….Otherwise,i am.on a mission to try out all your recipes after succesfully nailing the cardamon,lemon zest mandazis. (I hate mandazi and chapo,but these ones, they are my fav,n the recipe is my personal secret…hihihi)

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You can use any other condiment love. Also remember any chili is a substitute for habanero :))

  11. Kevin

    Sipmly amazing can’t wait to try this…keep up the good work.

    • kaluhiskitchen


  12. Danielle

    I grow habaneros every year and have a TON I keep in my freezer and use for marinades. Instead of the habanero dip, does subbing with a pepper and processing suffice? Or do I need to add other things to makeup for the dip?

    • Kaluhi

      That would be perfectly fine love!

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