Life. Love. Food

Grape and vanilla yoghurt mini trifle

I made these smaller versions of a trifle last evening. They were a huge hit with my family and I can barely contain my excitement presenting this heavenly dessert to you!!! It is a very simple recipe and the ingredients meld so well you may think the flavors took a day to develop but this actually takes less than 20 minutes to make. A trifle that’s this velvety and takes a short time to make is the ultimate win-win, don’t you think?

I chose grapes because they are small and succulent and their subtle yet sweet taste would not overpower the other ingredients and also because I just really like them. I had already gobbled down a good number of them while making my masterpiece. But in all honesty, we all eat some (or all) of the ingredients while cooking ,right?

My original plan ,however, was to use strawberries but I grossly underestimated how difficult it would be to get those fruits in our lovely tropical country. Grapes were the next best alternative, though I believe any fruit can be incorporated into a trifle.

So here are the things you will need for the easiest dessert in the whole world :-):

*makes 7 mini trifles

  1. 500 grams thick vanilla yogurt
  2. 2 cupcakes
  3. 500 grams of fresh grapes
  4. 1 bar of milk chocolate
  5. Freshly prepared grape compote

I know without doubt that the  ingredients can be obtained by everyone. Before we go any further, lets first talk about the grape compote. A compote is simply fruit, fresh or dried, stewed together with sugar over  medium-low heat until they soften and release their juices. For a small quantity such as this one, takes about 10 minutes to prepare and it’s used in desserts to enhance sweetness. In this dessert, the grape compote enhanced the natural sweetness of the grapes. Its a little addition, but it makes a huge difference!

Now lets go step by step for this dessert.


  • Put a handful of the grapes in  a frying pan together with one tablespoon of sugar over low heat.

  • After 3 minutes, you will notice that they begin to release their juices. Stir them slowly to allow the sugar to dissolve in the juices.
  • For the next five minutes, increase the heat to medium and stir until the juice thickens and the fruit reduces to a pulp. (And it smells really good too). At this point, you may add freshly squeezed lemon juice and/or cinnamon to build more complex flavors but I chose to deal with just grapes.

  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool before incorporating it into the main dessert


  • Cut the cupcake and the grapes into thin slices. You can begin the bottom layer with either the grapes or the cake but i preferred beginning mine with the cake.
  • Pour your yogurt over the cake.

  • The second layer should have the grapes and add a little compote to them.
  • Then the fourth layer has some more cake with vanilla yogurt

Just continue layering until you reach the top of your glass or bowl.

For my garnish, I simply used the remaining grape slices, attempted to make a pretty flower (which ended up looking like a pretty lettuce) and added my grated chocolate on top and viola!!! Absolutely no sweat and you have this showstopper!  I need to mention how beautifully the richness of the chocolate compliments the juiciness of the grapes at the first bite. And once you get started, there is no stopping!

Have you ever looked at something on a screen and felt like reaching out, taking it and just eating it because it looks too damn good?? Well, you may want to reach out for this trifle but you cannot. But the good news is, you can make this! Go ahead and try this and let me know how it goes 🙂




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  1. Anonymous

    Am gonna try this today! 🙂

  2. Eva

    I like how doable this is and the results look amazing! love the look of your blog by the way!! Great pictures too,
    I’ll definitely be following 🙂

    • dianakaluhi

      That’s what I was aiming for: Something soooo pretty and soooo yummy but at the same time very easy to make. Glad you liked it.
      Thank you for the feedback on the blog, what is mine, is yours :-). And because you like it, imma work harder on it.

  3. Sash

    I just came across your blog and I love it! Can’t wait to try out all your recipes. Lol! Keep writing, keep sharing

    • dianakaluhi

      Hi Five to that! and cheers to great food!

  4. Carol Oyola

    Love this!! Can’t wait to try it. Will do it with cookies too 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Cookies?? Sound so delish already! #nomnom Let me know how it goes, Carol.

  5. Juliet

    stumbled by this blog and i love
    so much to try

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Karibu sana to the family! You will enjoy everything you attempt and I am glad to have you as a reader :))

  6. Wambui Thimba

    I made this last night and my guests loved it! Thank you for the recipe 🙂

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So glad you enjoyed! <3 <3

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