Life. Love. Food

Herby Cinnamon Grilled Carrots

A great side can really make a plate and grilled carrots is definitely one of those! I love having all food groups on my plate and if I can have an extra serving of veggies, I never hesitate! I have always reached for grilled carrots  because not only are they super delicious each time, I love making some because they always turn out fantastic each time round! My eldest sister loves when I make some and I cannot wait to make these for her next time she is in Nairobi!

This is a quick recipe, delivers on flavor and is the perfect addition to your plate both in terms of taste and nutrients it adds to your body!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!

PREP TIME:  5 min   COOK TIME:  35 min       SERVES: 3


5 large carrots

½ tablespoon of cinnamon

½ teaspoon of chili flakes

6 tablespoons of honey

1 stick of butter

¼ teaspoon of dried thyme

¼ teaspoon of dried oregano

½ teaspoon of ginger spice

½ teaspoon of garlic

¼ teaspoon of cumin

1 cup of chopped dania


Peel and chop your carrots into finger-sized pieces. You can cut them as large or as small as you like. I just find the finger-size as best. The carrots really shrink down after they grill, so it is overall better to start with a seemingly large quantity as they will shrink down by nearly half after they grill.

To begin, melt your butter and add some salt into a sufuria. To that, add the dania (both stems and stalks). Make sure your heat is low. There after add the spices.

Because of the heat of the chili, I needed something to contrast with that and so I reached for some honey. Add it in and mix. And let this simmer for a minute of two. Give it a taste and confirm that everything is balanced out. If any note needs adjusting, do so at this stage.

This should be done quick so that the honey does not burn. Also ensure you keep your heat low.

Once combined, douse over the chopped carrots and spread then on a tray and add abit more fresh coriander over the top.

Allow let these bake at 170c for about 35 minutes. The time they take to bake may be slightly less or more depending on how large your carrots are sliced.

Check them from time to time and once soft, let them stay on for a few more minutes until the exterior slightly brown and gets wrinkly. Once done, serve her up!


These grilled carrots had the perfect stickiness to them. The warmth of the cinnamon played up that of the honey and gorgeously contrasted with that of the chili. The warmth of the herbs really popped and tied everything together so so well.

These can be served as a mountainfull just on their own, or can make for the perfect side as well. They would make a perfect side to my mushroom fried rice and this coconut snapper. Or my garlic potato wedges and kuku choma. Or my braised mbuzi with masala fries. The options are endless and whichever way you go, you are sure going to love this!!

Thank you so much for watching the complimentary video and for subscribing to my channel as well! Have a gorgeous Wednesday!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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    I do like the recipe.

    • Kaluhi


  2. Catherine Njoroge

    Trying this today. I love your recipes.

    • Kaluhi


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