Life. Love. Food

Iliki Banana Pancakes

The simplest foods are often the most comforting! I love how a biting into a mango feels like sunshine in my face. I love how creaminess of avocado and githeri feels like melty body butter on my skin. I love how labania za maziwa feel like a shower of forehead kisses. I love how chai masala feels like comfortable, familiar excitement. And I love how pancakes- specifically banana pancakes feel like staying in bed longer on a slow Sunday morning!

Banana pancakes are so simple to make, and are one of my favorite things to have. I always switch it up when I make mine, but my faaaaavorite way to enjoy them is with my favorite warm spice taking center stage- as iliki banana pancakes. You will fall in love with this one too!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!

PREP TIME:10 min     COOK TIME: 20 min        SERVES: 3


1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour

1 1/2 cups of mala

4 tablespoons of molten butter

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 eggs

2 bananas

1 teaspoon of iliki

1 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

4 tablespoons of sugar


Begin by whipping together your eggs and the sugar. This is part of what will give your pancakes their rise as a result of the bubbles formed at this stage. Once frothy and pale yellow- which will take about 3 minutes- then set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine your dry ingredients. Baking powder is a rising agent and must be part of this recipe as it is what will give our pancakes their rise. Mash your bananas and remember as I mentioned in the video, the spottier the bananas are, the better they are for this recipe. Check from   3.50 – 4.13    on how best you can store a large batch for future use.

Now that we have everything set, we proceed to combine.

Add in the egg sugar mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredeints. Roughly mix then add your mala, another key ingredeint. Mala is fermented milk and perfect substitutes to it are amasi, buttermilk, kefir or plain yoghurt. Because of it’s high fat content, you will get supper soft, moist fluffy pancakes at the end. Mala is a fridge staple! If you are not cooking with it, you are definitely baking with it or marinating with it.

Add vanilla extract (I get mine from Naisenya foods), your mashed bananas and molten butter. Your butter needs to be molten but not hot so that the eggs do not scramble and cook in your bowl.

Mix it all up. Once just combined, proceed to cook them on a well greased pan.

Each side will take about 2-3 min to cook. Keep the heat steady, so hat you get then nice and golden brown. You will know your pancakes are ready to flip once they form tiny bubbles on their surface, as my video shows from  6.15 – 6.32 , and when you do flip then. This is the beauty that you will be staring at!


Once done, pile then up, place a dollop of cream freshly whipped cream (or your favorite flavored yoghurt- I used peach yoghurt), sprinkle some almonds over it and serve with some chai and enjoy!!

The perfect stack!

You know what guys, sometimes  most times the most delicious, most comforting, most soul warming meals are those that are the simplest. The simple comfort of banana pancakes is indeed one of those. In this case, my perfect iliki banana pancakes is one recipe you are sure to enjoy time and time again. I know for sure this is definitely going to be a weekend brunch staple of yours.

I am really looking forward to seeing your posts once you give this a shot. Pass by my channel, watch the video and do subscribe if you are yet to. We are on the road to 50k subbies *screams!!!*

Happy Wednesday my loves!

Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Anna

    Hi Kaluhi, Iโ€™m just about to make these! Look tasty ๐Ÿ˜‹
    You didnโ€™t mention how much of the molten butter though?

    • Kaluhi

      Please read the blog post

  2. Anna

    You didn’t mention how much butter and vanilla extract

    • Kaluhi

      Kindly read the ingredients. Read. Because it is literally mentioned

  3. Winnie

    Hi kaluhi what can I substitute with all purpose flour?

    • Kaluhi

      Follow the recipe as is. (wanted to say self raising but it just does not become as fluffy as allpurpose + baking powder)

  4. Shyy

    Perfect๐Ÿ‘Œ I love love love how they look๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹.. โค๏ธ

    • Kaluhi


  5. Gift

    Wow this is amazing. Your iliki pancakes are looking soo yummy. The recipe is also easy to follow. I enjoyed every bit ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • Kaluhi

      Music to my ears!!! Happy you enjoyed it!

  6. Abby

    This is the first recipe of yours that I have tried, and it was so delicious! I will be coming back for more. Thank you!

    • Kaluhi

      Cheers to many many more and hope you love each one you try out!

  7. Sharey

    Hey Kaluhi mine is a question, can i use plain yogurt in the place of mala?

    • Kaluhi

      For sure hun!

  8. Joy

    Will definitely try.

    • Kaluhi

      You will love it!!

  9. Izzie

    Tried them today and I thoroughly enjoyed them.

    • Kaluhi


  10. Sofia Mueni

    Hey Kaluhi, your recipes never disappoint. just made the banana pancakes and my family looooves them๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹.
    thank you.

    • Kaluhi

      If the fam loves them then you know it really hitttt!!!

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