Life. Love. Food

#Kaluhi’s Kravings -Turmeric Chicken Sausage Pasua Combi

If you went to a boarding school in high school, you understand how important those occasional outings were! We called them ‘funkies’ back in my day, and we scrambled to be on the bus whenever each one came. It was a breath of fresh air to be in a different environment and meet new people and of course, mingle with cute boys. The two main funkies that had a sequence of events were Drama festivals in the first term and music festivals second term. I was all in during drama festivals. Besides all the fun activities, I also lived for eating good food especially considering my school, Precious Blood Riruta, banned most junk food.

As girls, most boys just bought us food. I guess as an ice breaker, but we knew they knew it was the best way to get our attention. Yes, we were shamelessly greedy. I loved Lenana School (or Changes as we used to call it) because they had a wide variety of snacks they had. I especially loved their Combi, which is basically a combination of a filling of choice inside a maandazi. At the end of the funkie, we would anticipate receiving mail from our crushes and since most of us did not have mobile phones while in school. Times have changed and now, our crushes are just a call away. Just a message away. And with a strong network such as Safaricom 4G, days of waiting for mail to hear form our crushes are long behind us! Each time I have a sausage pasua in town, I get major throwback of the good ol days! This recipe was inspired by my favorite high school period as and one of my favorite Kravings I indulge in when hunger strikes, but ofcourse with a touch of K!


PREP TIME: 15 MIN        COOK TIME: 25 MIN           MAKES: 2


1 large maandazi

Fresh coriander

For the sausage pasua

2  beef sausages

2 tomatoes

1/2 a red onion, finely chopped

1 tablespoon of finely chopped dhania

1/2 a lemon

1/4 teaspoon of black pepper

Salt to taste


‘Pasua’ is a swahili word for split. A sausage pasua, in direct translation, means sausage split. In the split, a filling of choice is added to make this even more savory. Usually Kachumbari, but I  have a twist of my own :))


For the Turmeric chicken


1 cup of chopped left over chicken

1/2 a lemon, juiced

1/2 red onion, finely chopped

3 garlic cloves

1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric

1 teaspoon of mixed spices

1/2 a teaspoon of black pepper

1/2 teaspoon of Kez organics chili paste

1 tablespoon of tomato paste


In a pan fry your sausages until browned and crispy. Set aside. Do not discard the fat as that is what we will be using to fry the chicken. Remember, this is all about building of flavors, so this step does come in handy.


In the same pan, add your finely chopped red onion, garlic, rosemary and let this cook until softened. After that add your shredded chicken, the spices, chili paste tomato paste with a tiny bit of water and let this cook down until everything is completely combined and well melded.


This will take 5-8 minutes. Just before taking it form the heat, squeeze in some fresh lemon juice, give it one more minute on the heat then take it off. This awakens all the flavors that come together in this dish.


Prepare your kachumbari. I like mine with plenty of fresh flavors and not just onion and tomato. It MUST have flavor!!! I make mine with tomatoes, onions, fresh dhania, a splash of fresh lemon juice, freshly crushed black pepper (pre-ground pepper is ok too) and salt to taste. Sometimes I add a tiny bit of fresh ginger too.


We live in a country where its easy to source fresh ingredients at cheap prices, lets celebrate that in our food!!

Now that everything is ready, it is time to assemble out combi: Take your maandazi and slit one side. Add your turmeric chicken first, followed by your fresh coriander.


Slit your sausage and in the cavity, fill it with your kachumbari, making your sausage pasua. Place the sausage pasua making the top layer of the filling.


Make room in your tummy and get ready for a party on your taste buds!!!


This is one hell of a combination! The turmeric chicken elevated this to another level! This is not your ordinary combi! This is a Kombi!!! Now you know what you should be doing to your left over chicken :)))


I honestly did not think my very little airtime would last during the time I was doing my insta story for this segment. But it did!! Switching to 4G gave me faster speeds and is still cost effective. My money starved pocket did not get hurt? Are you on 4G? If not, what are you waiting for?!! You need to watch my insta story without excessive buffering and loading. Think this is too good to be true, well you deserve it! Watch a compilation of my InstaStory from the video below. Don’t Wait! Do things Safaricom 4G!!

But now, let as appreciate the beauty of this combi!


I hope you give this a try! You will not regret it! A beautiful twist to a Kenyan favorite street food.

Happy Friday!!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Victor

    As I don’t eat chicken, what can I suitably use as a substitute?

    And I see all the throwback terms here ????. If you know of Combi, I so can guess your age ????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOOOOOL!!! I am 25, I even made a post on the my birthday. My age has never been a secret or a mystery :DDDD. If you use any other meat, it will change the taste of the entire combi, and you will also have to change some of the spices. It will not be the same. I would advise you to make it with a dry fry of your choice.

  2. Waridi

    Oooooozing out nothing but juicy flavours!!!
    God bless you Kaluhi!!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Vey juicy without doubt!!! I hope you give it a try!!

  3. Eve

    Yummy yummy yummy.. Thanks kk ????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Anytime!! :))

  4. Samoina (@Samoina)

    gah, this is a majooor throwback!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Tell me about it!!!! Good ol’ days!!

  5. Grace

    Mine was an avocado inside a mandazi back in a primary school boarding school.. tooo yummy!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Very interesting combination!!!! Boarding school made us so creative!!!

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