Life. Love. Food

Karafuu and Rosemary Carrot Soup

August started with such a huge burst of sunshine and warmth. Glorious month it is, even more so that it is my birth day month! Unlike this year,  last year or the year before it always has the first two weeks of August still  shaking off the July freeze. This year has been different. Warmer. I however feel we have one more week of cold temperatures before we finally move on and enjoy beautiful sunshine. I prepared this carrot soup in anticipation of cozy cold nights in, but the weather decided to surprise us with some warmth. But in all honesty, soups can be taken in any weather. And I believe my soothing karafuu and rosemary carrot soup will warm your body and keep you comfy.

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Prep time: 10 Min               Cook time: 20 Minutes             Serves:2


3 carrots

2 cloves (karafuu)

½ a teaspoon of minced ginger

3/4 tablespon of black pepper

1  cup of milk or heavy cream

Salt to taste.



Peel your carrots and  slice then into strips. Put it to boil in a sufuria together with the rosemary,ginger and cloves. Allow this to boil down until the carrots have completely softened. Do not put too much water, but just enough to boil the carrots through.

Karafuu (cloves) can be really assertive in taste, and a little goes a long way. For this soup, two of these little pods was enough.

begin by boiling your carrots, karafuu, ginger and rosemary together until the carrots are completely

Allow this to cool down for about 5 minutes then ad to a blender. Blitz until smooth. You can add the boiled veggied and herbs together with any water that has remained after the boiling process since it is nutrient rich.

after the carrots have n=boiled, place them in a blender after they have cooled down and blend till smooth_karafuu & rosemary carrot

Pour this into a sufuria and add the milk, the pepper and some salt to taste. You can use heavy cream if you prefer a richer soup. Also, you can vary the amount of milk to suit your personal taste. If you like light soup add more milk. And if you don’t, do the opposite :)). Let it simmer down for about 5-9 minutes then remove from heat. Ladle onto your bowl, garnish with some heavy cream and some pumpkin seeds.

garnish your soup with heavy cream_kaluhiskitchen.com_carrot soup_karafuu and rosemary carrot soup


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The warming flavors of ginger, karafuu and rosemary really compliment each other and make it so perfect for getting your self warmed up. You can have this on its own as a snack or an appetizer or throw in some fresh bread and make this a full meal.

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Besides garnishing with fresh rosemary, I always love garnishing with pumpkin seeds. Not only do they provide a nutrient boost, but they also provide a fantastic textural contrast and crunch with each bite.

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You have to sample this hug in a bowl! Much love,


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. adashofpepper

    Yum! Keep up the good job Kaluhi.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you dear!

  2. claire

    Many Thanks for this yummy but simple recipe. Kindly correct the downloadable recipe though. It has a mistake on the ingredients.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thanks for the heads up. I will def make the correction.

  3. Ann

    The ingredients on downloadable recipe page are not similar to the recipe here

    • Kaluhi

      Let me change it

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