Life. Love. Food

Lemon Rosemary Chicken Strips

Let me admit: I struggle to make my chicken breast moist. Be it through frying or baking, somedays it comes out nice and juicy, other days it comes out dry. And when I say dry I mean as dry as kuni :DD. It is something I am yet to master, but in the cooking world, one never knows everything and each day is a chance to learn, yes? I still however almost always have chicken breast in my freezer, just in case I need to whip up something in a short amount of time. To go around the problem of dry chicken breast, I always make chicken strips with some kind of sauce. Chicken strips take such a short time to cook and having them drenched in a sauce gives them much needed juiciness. Cooking my chicken  breast this way has never failed me.

Today I give you my third chicken strips recipe; this time drenched in a rich cheesy lemon rosemary sauce. So so easy you can cook it with your hands tied and eyes shut! Lets do this!

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PREP TIME: 10 MINUTES                       COOK TIME:20 MINUTES                   SERVES:2


ingredients fo lemon rosemary chicken _chicken strips_african food blogs

200g of chicken breast

1/2 a cup of finely chopped red onion

1/2 a tablespoon of tomato paste

5 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon of lemon zest

1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary (or 1/2 a tablespoon of dried rosemary)

1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric

1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric

1/4 teaspoon of Kez O. chilli paste

1 cup of parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon of coriander powder

Salt to taste

Vegetable oil for cooking



In a pan add your red onion, finely chopped rosemary, chili paste, garlic and let this simmer until it becomes fragrant. This will take about a minute or two. You rosemary has to be finely chopped so that it does not overwhelm the other flavors.

fry the onions rosemary and garlic together until they are fragrant_lemon rosemary chicken

Add your spices together with the tomato paste along with 1/2 a cup of hot water and let this simmer down for about 5-8 minutes. The water allows the spices to mix well and also provides a medium for them to meld and will make a base for a beautiful thick mchuzi. It is important for the spices to cook down so do not rush or skip this step.

add the spices and the tomato paste together with some water and allow them to cook down for some minutes so that all the spices

After that, add your chicken strips followed by the lemon zest and the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Let this cook for about 8 minutes on medium high heat. The time taken may vary according to the thickness of your chicken strips. But in general, it takes a short time to cook.

add the chicken strips together with the lemon zest, lemon juice and stir them on the sauce and let them cook down for 5-8

Add the parmesan cheese and let it melt in. You can use cheddar cheese instead or you can use both cheddar and parmesan for extra cheesiness. Once done, add your finely chopped  coriander and mix it in.

after the cicken is cooked through, add some finely chopped corander and mix it in until evenly

Now its time to EAT!!!!!

Oh Lord! This was so so sooooo good! And I am not just saying that for the sake of saying. It is one of those chicken recipes that you can cook in a short time but still deliver on flavor. You can have this with any starch, if not every starch! And that’s a huge win! From ugali, to rice, to chapati, it will still be as bomb. You can also  have your lemon rosemary strips as part of your sandwich or stuffed in some pita bread. So good!

african food_african food bloggers_kenyan food_kenyan food bloggers_kaluhiskitchen.com_kaluhi adagala_lemon rosemary chicken strips

You can taste the rosemary and the mild tartness of the lemon with each bite. The chili is mild, but you can definitely vary the chili if you prefer your chicken a lot more hotter.

lemon rosemary chicken strips_how to make chicken stgrips_best kenyan food blogger kaluhi

You can also check out my other chicken strips recipe: one in a rich turmeric and coconut cream and the other one in a juicy orange ginger sauce. Double Yum!!! You can also try them and tell me which one you like best :))

Happy Friday!



Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Bellla

    Lemon chicken is my all time favorite chicken recipe. Looking forward to try this .

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

      • Mim


        • kaluhiskitchen

          Very very delicious indeed! I hope you get to try it out! :))

  2. Shiru

    Hi fellow foodie. I’m your biggest fan. Could you please do a chicken and beef marinade recipe , pretty please????? You’re recipes are awesome!!!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I have so many chicken marinade recipes on the blog already!!!!! So many! Just google “kaluhi chicken marinade” and the respective links will come up. Remember, google always has your back :)))

  3. Tim

    am gonna try this

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am so sure you will love it!!!!

  4. Reshma ruhy

    Why dnt u hve an application for your food types

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Because a website already exists. Having an app is just repetition of the same.

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