Life. Love. Food

Lime Raspberry Coke-Tail

I have been enjoying my memories of Mays past in my Google Photos. Last year in particular was crazy busy for me.  I was mid-year in the YouTubeBlack Trainee course. I was neck deep in the process of writing my second book. At this time last year, I had just finished photographing the recipe pictures for the book. I was looking for an affordable printer, as I was self-publishing. All the while, I was still actively creating for my blog and YouTube channel. And I was also crazy crazy exhausted. Last year was really fast paced!! Last May was also icy-cold. I bought my favorite warm knits last May. This year is not as hot as January – for sure- but it has been mild and warm. However with the June-July deep freeze just about the corner, let us take advantage of the mild May we have this year and enjoy one mellow cocktail before temperatures drop.

I love me a cocktail and I enjoy making them at home because it allows one to customize the flavors as per their palate. For today, I give you the loveliest lime raspberry coke-tail.

PREP TIME:  5 min   MAKE TIME: 5 min        SERVES: 1


¼ cup whiskey (or gin)

¼ cup fresh lime juice

¼ teaspoon of roughly chopped ginger

½ cup frozen raspberries

1 tablespoon of sugar

250 ml of coca cola


I love making cocktails because it allows you guys some wiggle room to customize the flavors according to your personal preferences. Kwanza wakenya mnapenda kukua experimental lol, so I feel that cocktails are perfect for you guys to explore. The quantities I have given you are a blue-print, but feel free to adjust this to your preference.

We first begin by preparing the fruit base. You can use any other berry for this recipe, however for this particular day, raspberries were perfect.  In a jug, place the raspberries, sugar, lime juice and ginger.

I personally don’t enjoy sweet cocktails, that’s why I used very little sugar. But love, if you love cocktails on the sweeter end of the spectrum, feel free to add the sweetness level.

Blend until smooth and silky. The consistency you see at 2.49 – 2.54. You can use a pestle and mortar in place of a blender, it will certainly take a bit more time, but it will get the job done.

Pour into a mixer and add in the whiskey and a tiny bit of coke give this a good shake. Coke is very fizzy, so add a tiny bit at this stage so that it does not bubble over during your shake. I loved coke for this recipe because of the depth of color it added, how well it paired with the lime and ginger notes and the element of fizz it introduced to the cocktail. Or should I say coke-tail lol.

In place of whiskey, you can use gin.

Pour into your iced and garnished glass and then top with your coke.  You can watch how I assembled my coke-tail form today’s video from 4.03 – 4.18.

If you know me well enough by now you know I buy anything hear-shaped. I spoke about this cute heart-shaped ice tray on this twitter thread which I love so much. I bought it from CarreFour last year and it is simply adorable!!

And with the assembly done, our gorgeous cocktail is done too!

Looks super refreshing, does it not?

I really enjoyed this cocktail! The flavors were perfect and went so so well together! The pop of the coke was assertive and blended well with the zestiness of the lime. The warmth of the ginger awakened the fruitiness of the raspberries and the booziness of the whiskey elevated this!

It is the perfect drink for a hot afternoon. It is the perfect drink for a slow brunch morning at home. And it is the perfect drink for any other time you are just at home chillin!

I am so looking forward to seeing you guys try this out! I know for sure you will really enjoy this one! Pass by my channel and watch the complimentary video. If you are yet to subscribe, please do, I would love to have you as part of my growing community!

Happy Wednesday!

Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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1 Comment


    Thanks for the Lime Raspberry Coke-Tail recipe.

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