Life. Love. Food

Mango Blackberry Mocktail

Finally the sun is out as it really should be in what is typically our hot season! January was shockingly cool, and even more startling, rainy!! I love sunny weather and not that the sun is out in full glory, you bet I will be going for more walks to soak it in. Heck, I am completing this blog post from the back yard, on my leso and in the sun. What I wish I had too is this mango blackberry mocktail, that I made a few weeks back and am literally salivating at, and really missing and I get this post finished for you guys to try it out as well.

This is super simple, but I know you are really going to enjoy this!!

I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Do watch below, and subscribe!

PREP TIME: 4min    COOK TIME: 10min        SERVES: 2


1 mango cheek

1/2 a cup of blackberries

1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary

2 limes, juiced

Soda water, to top

2 tablespoons of honey


Place the mango, berries, lime juice and the rosemary in your blender and let this run until it is a smooth puree. In place of blackberries, you can use strawberries or raspberries.

As I mentioned in the video, I chose not to sweeten this further because I do not like sweet drinks. However, If you desire to have this alittle bit on the sweeter side, add some honey and taste and adjust upwards if you need any more.

In your glasses, add your ice, rosemary sprigs and lime slithers. Add your mango-blackberry puree, then top it up with some soda water. You can check the process from my video.

Serve it up and enjoy!!!

Refreshing! Mellow! Easy to make too and that is the best plus ever!

I love how the sweetness of the mango really goes well with that of the blackberries. I love the herby complexity the rosemary introduces. I love how well lime always compliments the taste and warmth of mango!

So perfect, so easy to make and so easy to fall inlove with! Try this out and let me know how you enjoyed it. If you decided to turn it into a cocktail, let me know which draaaank you chose to give it that kaupgrade!

Do subscribe to my channel; i would love to have you as part of my tribe. We are nearly at 35k subbies, and I thank all of you for making this growth happen.

Thank you so much for making my brand and my job so much fun!!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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    I love your recipes so much and the photos of the food you take they are mesmerizing and gorgeous.. I wish one day to meet you and share with you one cooking lessons.. Love you ❤❤❤

    • kaluhiskitchen

      One day we shall! Cheers!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So happy you love my work and hope you enjoy every single recipe you get to try out!!

  2. Sarah

    Hi. Where did you get the blackberries?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It is explained in both the blog post and video

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