Life. Love. Food

Mango Mint Salad with Passion Fruit Syrup

Admit it, that title made your mouth water, even just a little ;). For me, each time I read it, I literally drool like a wild beast. And when I remember how fantastic it tasted, I literally drive myself to the brink of insanity. My mango mint salad with passion fruit syrup is a taste of heaven. It captures the warmth of golden Kenyan sunshine and almost embodies the fullness of the hearts of the Kenyan people and beauty of Mango season. I am in love with this salad!

I love my mangoes. They are still in season for the next few weeks and I want to make the most of it. Last year, I was busy eating mangoes (duh!) and experimented very little with them in the kitchen. This year, I have really tried :)). As we head into the dusk of 2016’s mango season, let me leave you with a salad with flavors so beautiful it tastes like music <3.

mango mint salad with passion fruit salad_kaluhiskitchen.com_how to make a salad with mango_mango recipes



how to make mango mint salad_how to make a salad with mint_tropical salads_cooking with passion fruit_kenyan food blogs

1 large mango, diced

A handfull of mint leaves, finely chopped

Palm sized pineapple, sliced

5 passion fruits

3 tablespoons of sugar

3/4 cup of water


In a sufuria, add your water, sugar and passion fruit pulp. Mix this and allow it to cook down for 10-15 minutes until it thickens. Set aside and allow to cool to room temparature.

how to make passion fruit syrup at home_ all you need is sugar and passion fruit pulp to stay on heat for several minutes then remove from

sieve your passion fruitsyrup and allow it to cool down to room temparature before adding it to your salad_mango mint

Chop up your mango, pineapple and mint and add these to your bowl. Toss it all together. Remember to dice your fruit in small meat cubes so that you can have a taste of everything in one bite.

add the mint to the pineapple then allow it to sit for a while before

ad the mango nad mix it in with the pineapple and mint and allow it to sit for a while_mango mint salad_how to make mango mint salad

mix all the fruits of your mango mint salad together amd allow it to rest for a few minutes so that all the flavors mix in_kaluhiskitchen.ocm

I know what you are thinking… “Where can I get fresh mint from?” And my answer is still very much the same: From your supermarket in the veg section. It usually comes and goes really fast but it is stocked.

mint can be bought in all supermarkets in Kenyan cheaply and goes very well with all salads_kaluhiskitchen.com_how to add mint in your salads

I buy mine from Nakumatt/Tuskys/Food Plus/Zucchini depending on where I am. Yes, you can find mint in your local supermarket. If you do not find some at the moment you are there, you can ask the fruit attendants when they stock this herb and buy when you are sure its there.

Once it has cooled down, drizzle your passion fruit syrup over this, lightly mix then serve. How easy was that?! Very unique in taste but so easy to whip up.

add the passion fruit syrup to the salad after it has cooled down and toss it all together_kaluhiskitchen.com_mango mint salad

As the Nairobi heat gets even more sweltering, nothing would be more refreshing than this cool mango mint salad with homemade passion fruit syrup. It is healthy, delicious and very refreshing! So perfect to take on the March heat.

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The pineapple and mango goes so well with the mint. And the mint, for me, was the best part of this salad since it was so refreshing and cooling. It went so well with the pineapple and mango. The passion fruit syrup tied everything together. Believe me, each bite was ecstasy!

kenyan food_kenyan food blogs_kenyan food bloggers_kenyan food recipes_kaluhiskitchen.com_mango mint salad

You know what also would be sweet, your vote for #KK as best food blog in Kenya. I have provided a link just below the downloadable recipe. If you have already voted, there would be no harm in sharing the link with friends :))

Stay hydrated and give this salad a try.

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Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Njeri

    Hi Kaluhi,

    Great blog. Where does the ginger come in?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      That was an error.I was meant to use it but I decided half way not to because it would have overpowered the freshness of the mint. Let me correct it. Thank you for telling me :))

  2. Njeri

    Thanks! Also, I just made your okra rosemary fried rice!!! Yum Yum!!!

    Great job, thanks for inspiring us culinary challenged ones.


  3. Oscar Reyes

    These ingredients are pretty common ‘the other side of the pond’, in my country, Colombia!

    A really simple recipe that even the most inept cook can prepare (yours truly, for instance)

    My, my, this a really superb salad with an extra touch with that Passion fruit!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So fantastic to know that! Kenya and Colombia both being warm countries have so much in common especially when it comes to food!! I hope to visit your lovely country one day!

  4. Leah Wairimu

    I was wondering if you can use the other type of passion fruit instead of the one’s you use.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Any kind can work

  5. virginia

    This recipe sounds delicious cant wait trying

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hope you enjoy it!!

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