Life. Love. Food

Mini Kenyan Style Kebabs

I remember the first time I ate a kebab. I remember standing very eagerly in a sweaty, packed Kenchic, in a queue that never seemed to move any faster, and my tummy that couldn’t rumble any harder. I remember passing my chance to have fries, topping up the cost with my mearger coins just so that I can buy my kebab. I remember smiling once my kebabs were wrapped and handed to me. And I remember this day in particular, not because I enjoyed my kebabs, but because I fell really sick there after. I moved form hunger pangs to running stomach really quick! My first kebab experience was pretty horrific, and such experiences really leave a mark in your psyche! I must admit, since then, I never ever EVER order kebabs form fast food joints. However, there is always a way around every issue. And for e and my kebabs, I decided to learn how to make mine at home. That way, I am 100% sure of the sanitation, their freshness, and a huge bonus being, I have complete freedom regarding the spices herbs and flavors I would like to have! Now, they are one of my fave snacks ever!

The kind of kebabs we have here in Kenya are different form the ones from other nations but delicious nonetheless. Today I am gonna show you how to make them, both in today’s video and this blog post. You are gonna see how easy they are to make! <3

Peep the video on my channel and subscribe if you are yet to <3

PREP TIME: 20 min     COOK TIME:  30 min       SERVES: 5


300g of minced beef

1/2 a cup of bread crumbs

1 cup of chopped spring onion

1 red onion, diced

1/2 a cup of dania stems

1 teaspoon of black pepper

1 teaspoon of cumin

1/2 a teaspoon of thyme

3 eggs

5 cloves of garlic, minced


First, put the onions plus dania stems to cook. Once softened and fragrant. I used tow kinds of onions since they pack a load of flavor. Spring onion are what our mama mboga refer to as kitunguu matawi and you can very readily get locally. The reason why we cook the onions first is so that their flavor develops and the taste of the red onion specifically is not as sharp.

Once done, remove from the heat, and set aside.

In a bowl, add the meat, followed by one egg (The other two will be used in the coating), breadcrumbs, the cooked onions, the thyme, cumin and pepper. The bread crumbs and the eggs act as your binding ingredients; meaning they are the ones that hold the kebab together. Some people may prefer not to include either, but I like having both. To prevent them from being dense, when rolling I do not do so too tightly. Incase you need guidance on this, watch today’s video.

Mix everything once completely combined. Roll them into sausage shaped pieces and set aside. Remember, do not roll them too tightly. You are also free to roll them as large or as long as you fancy, I just prefer having mine as minis and that way they also get to cook really fast.

The coating is made with eggs. Remember we started with three eggs-  One went into the meat mixture (3 eggs – 1 egg = 2 eggs) – and the remaining two are for the coating . Traditionally, just eggs only. But you know we always have to go the extra mile here! For the egg mixture, crack your eggs in a bowl, and whisk them together with your minced garlic. Dip the kebab and once coated, fry in some oil on medium low heat. This is much clearly shown in this post’s complimentary video. Dip the cooked kebab again and repeat the process for about three times until the coating is thick and crispy.

The more times you dip and fry the kebab, the crispier the coating will be. Mine went for three rounds. Make sure you keep your heat medium low for the first two rounds, then medium high on the last round so that it cooks through completely and browns well on the outside. Do not loose control over how you regulate your heat.

Remove from the heat and serve with your favorite condiment. I served mine with African Kaya Sweet Chili Jam, same one I had with my sweet potato fries. You can place your order by calling 0710 111 105.

Perfection in one plate! Perfectly crispy on the outside, and meaty, juicy and herby on the inside!

The flavor of the cumin,thyme and pepper are beyond perfect for the beef. The herbiness of the two onions and the dania stems added some much welcome freshness. fullness and flavor. The coating, with it’s garlic, was complimentary to the explosive flavor of the meat. Flavorful, crispy coating and a herby juicy meaty interior make for the perfect kebab!

To amazing food!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Sandra

    Making this for my babies this weekend!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am sure they will enjoy this so so much!

  2. Janet

    Great and a must try

    • kaluhiskitchen

      For sure!!

  3. Ezekiel

    Finally!!!! Love your recipes this half of the year!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hope to give you alot more dope ones!

  4. Rose Kiarie

    Waaao…lov is explanations n it’s a must try 4 this weekend. Can u train smone in a simple basic way to be cooking at home ?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I do not offer training unfortunately :))

  5. Nelly Wachuka Gichohi

    Hi Kaluhi, i love your work and i will cook this tomorrow, kindly asking, is there at any point we add salt?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Before mixing. Salt MUST always be added and sometimes when I have not expressly written it, trust your gut and follow your intuition and add some. Dont overthink it love! 🙂

  6. lena

    Hey Kaluhi,
    I have been following keenly but you lost me at the eggs, because we have three eggs, the first bowl we put egss, meat,breadcrumbs etc…
    Then we need extra eggs for the coating and ginger, so you did not specify hoe many eggs we put in both the bowl and use for the mixture.
    Kindly clarify

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The egg quantities are very clearly specified in the ingredient list: 3 eggs. Kindly reread the blog post and make sure you watch the video too. Everything is clear.

      Yes, one egg goes in with the meat mixture. With one egg out of three gone, we remain with 2 (3-1=2). Those remaining eggs are the ones that are used in the coating.

      • Nelly

        Thanks for the recipe. Your recipes are so straightforward and easy to follow.

        I also got lost at the eggs, wondering how many eggs are used for what procedure. Maybe you could edit the recipe to include this instruction that is not quite clear.

        • kaluhiskitchen

          The instructions are clear. The recipe calls for three eggs, One was used for the mixture. And when you use one out of three eggs, you remain with 2 i.e 3-1 =2, and the two remaining eggs are for the coating

          • Nelly

            Hi Kaluhi,

            This is just feedback from the reader that the instruction on the egg was not expressly clear and could be construed in more than one way. I believe the recipe is written for us and thus it may be very clear to you but not everyone else.
            That said, I’m trying out the recipe today and hope the outcome looks as lovely as yours.

          • kaluhiskitchen

            I deeply appreciate feedback and I also have the right to respond as is befitting in the situation. I stand very firmly by my response- THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE EXTREMELY CLEAR AND IF YOU READ WELL YOU WILL UNDERSTAND. Feedback from my readers is ok, but sometimes, just reading through the blogpost saves you alot of trouble. Information about the eggs is explained in the third and fifth paragraphs in the method section. I have explained twice and in the simplest of terms so that even children reading this can understand- which they do. Kindly go back to the blog post, Method section- reread paragraph 3 and five. It is beyond clear and truly there is no further way I can simplify it. Hadi nimewafanyia subtruction (3-1= 2). Surely it is VERY clear and I stand by that.

  7. Makena

    Love your page watched you yesterday on living with ESS & I really got inspired & found you so encouraging. I need to now start my blog with what I have.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yes boo! Just start with what you have, where you are <3

  8. Kate

    Worried about the mince meat and if they cook enough just by deep frying?Is one allowed to first cook the mince meat?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Please DO NOT PRE COOK THE MEAT. You will already have failed at the recipe if you do that. Watch the video to see that mine cooked through.

  9. Mso

    Kumbe making kebabs is this easy. Ni mimi na hii recipe Saturday. Thanks KK!!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      So easy! You will enjoy it!

  10. Mama Jojo

    Hey, I made these yesterday….. turned out really good! My kids didn’t know what kebabs are.. hahaha! so I had the liberty to tweek it a bit…. didn’t want too much of that eggy coating, so only dipped twice, and added the garlic inside the mince mixture. BTW, any reason why you left out salt in the ingredients? I put some, coz I don’t like that saltless taste of kebabs, burger patties, etc….
    This was a good one! simple recipe, fun to cook with kids! thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Salt was part of the ingredients. It may not have been EXPRESSLY mentioned, but it has to be there. I think I assume this is obvious to everyone- that salt MUST be there- but I guess i just have to mention because if I dont some people eat saltless food. Salt is essential and MUST be there.

      Also, if you read someone’s blog and they do not take salt but you do, imagine you just add some. The recipes are not written in stone. Or is I do not eat chili but you want some, you just add. Do not overthing it. Relax and please follow your intuition

  11. ashok

    My Family Loved it. I am definitely sharing Guys, Thanks For sharing this Great Recipe. this recipe and this website with my friend. Hope they also love it. Thank you again for sharing such a great recipe.

    • Kaluhi

      That makes me so so happy to know!! Happy that both you and your family loved it!

  12. Brigitte

    I made this today, the fillings was very nice.
    And I dipped them 3times in the eggs wash, next time I won’t ,I found it too eggy. But I also did 4 in puff pastry like a sausages roll.
    I liked that.
    Thank you for a lovely recipe.

    • Kaluhi

      Happy you enjoyed!

  13. jacque

    just made these and my oh my!!! amazing!!! the comments are also hilarious coz people dont read hehehehe

    • Kaluhi

      People really do not read, I accepted such comments as part of my proffesional journey hihihi

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