Life. Love. Food

Mint Strawberry Posset

The past week had been a huge adventure!!!! We first visited Anfield in Liverpool for a live Liverpool vs Manchester United match courtesy of Guinness. The next two days we spent in Dublin, Ireland which has become one of my favorite places to be. Besides the genuinely nice people, I loved getting immersed in the history of the city which is well preserved and proudly shown off. This too was the case at the Guinness Storehouse where we managed to learn the history of Guinness beer, its introduction into various markets, especially the Kenyan one, how the beer is brewed and various foods that can be prepared with the brew. What struck me was how seamlessly Guinness can be used to bring out flavors in both sweet and savory dishes; something most beers cannot really emulate.

I was telling my younger sister about my Dublin adventures and she was particularly curious by how an assertive beer would taste in a sweet dish. I decided to give her a taste and she was absolutely blown away with how delicious my minty strawberry posset, laced with Guinness was. She is such a sweet tooth, and this dessert completely won her over to team Guinness!! It was over in minutes!!! And that is always a good sign as to how good the dish tastes. This sweet chilled treat is perfect for sunny Nairobi. So easy to make and unforgettable to have!


PREP TIME: 15 MIN                       MAKE TIME: 2 HOURS                  MAKES: 1



1 cup of fresh strawberries

4 tablespoons of granulated sugar

1 teaspoon of finely chopped mint

3 tablespoons of Guinness Stout

200 g of double cream


Slice your strawberries and blend them together with the mint until they are completely pureed. Set this aside. In the event you do not have strawberries, you can use lemons or limes. I think you can use any fruit, but those that have a degree of acidity work best.


In a sauce pan, add your double cream. I bought my double cream from Nakumatt and I am certain you can also find some too in any large supermarket. To the double cream, add your granulated sugar and three tablespoons of Guinness. The Guinness will slightly darken the color of your cream but it works wonders on amplifying the sweet flavors! Guinness has inherent sweetness as a result of the malt, and this is complimented and brought out well with the sweetness of the sugar and the creme.


Allow this to simmer for about 4 minutes, then add your pureed strawberries. I added mint to this and it made the favor a lot more profiled and delicious. Let it simmer for 2 more minutes then remove from the heat.


Ladle this into a goblet and a lot to solidify in your freezer for about 2 hours or until set. The time taken for it to set will of course vary according to your quantities.


Once set, garnish with more fresh strawberries and a couple of fresh mint leaves to tie everything together and serve.


Nothing makes eating a great dessert even better than knowing you can make it right at home and within a short amount of time!! I would definitely love it if I came home to this beautiful chilled sweet minty strawberry posset after an afternoon in the intense Nairobi heat.


We have done savory dishes with Guinness; such as these drumsticks and this mouth watering burger. Now let us get into the sweet. Guinness can bring out flavors in both sweet and savory dishes, something other beers cannot replicate.

This is my second posset recipe. You can check out my first one HERE.


Dare to do something different and open your mind up to new exciting things! The amount of dishes that can be prepared with Guinness are infinite! I hope you join me on this journey of experimentation and you trulywill surprise yourself with  the magic you will create in your kitchen!

To new discoveries!

To delicious food!

To sunny days!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Nkatha

    Too beautiful I could cry 😭

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Wacha tu!! <3

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