Life. Love. Food


Do you ever have those moments where you have been saying you will eat a particular meal but you just keep postponing to make it? “I’ll make it tomorrow!” Tomorrow comes and goes and nothing! “I’ll start cooking at 2 sharp!!” 6 p.m comes and goes and you are instead immersed in a series or eating out. That has been me with naan. I love it since it is a great substitute to chapati, but kept postponing making it for reasons only God knows :DD. After my trip to South Africa, I returned well rested and my creative juices are now back and I got to work. I have developed so many new recipes (Nov & Dec posts are ready and will be so L.I.T!!), and I wanted to post this one mid November. But since sooooooo many of you have been crying in my DMs for this naan recipe, I decided today should be the day and not any later!

So lets get down to it!


Naan Ingredients

1 1/2 cup of self raising flour

3/4 cup of mala

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 a teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of butter

Fresh rosemary



In a bowl mix all your dry ingredients (flour, salt, sugar) until completely combined. Because I use self raising flour, adding baking powder and baking soda was not necessary. However, it you use all purpose flour, you will need to use the aforementioned so that your naan rises as required.

There after, add the mala and the milk and mix it in until JUST combined. Instead of mala, you can use plain yoghurt/amasi/buttermilk. They both have creaminess and mild acidity that aid in softening the end product.

Once just combined, begin kneading and do so for 10-15 minutes. It will be one hell of an arm work out, but nothing good comes easy. Werk those arms and weeeeeeeeeeerk that dough!

Remember I told you here why it is so important to knead for long? It will apply to this as well. If you will be working your dough with a kneading machine, all good! Just observe and keep the kneading time. Towards the end of your knead, fold in your butter then once done, let it rest for about 30-60 min.

Roll out the dough as you would for chapati. But unlike chapati, naan does not have to be perfectly circular. Sprinkle fresh rosemary over the surface and roll it in. That way, it will stick in even as you cook. You can also roll in finely chopped onion or fresh dhania or a combination of both. The fresh herbs introduce extra savoriness that is always much welcome! On a very lightly greased pan, places your rolled out dough and let it cook until the top part develops bubbles.

Take it out and let the other  side cook over an open flame either on your stove top or over a jiko. Use whatever works for you, and use some tongs as well so that you do not burn your self and do not burn your naan.

Once browned, chow it down with your fave rich stew.

This would be sooooooo good with some beef stew or kuku kienyeji, or some meatball tikka masala or even kamande! Heck, it can go with everything!!!!!

Perfect substitute to our favorite flatbread chapati, naan provides a much welcome change and a delicious one at that! Promise me you will give this a try <3

Much love


Get your downloadable recipe here :))download best african recipes_ recipes_kenyan food recipes

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  1. Olivia

    This looks so good, I have tried this meal once and I loved it. Now after seeing your mouth watering photos I’m so craving them.


    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will totally enjoy this olivia <3!!!

  2. Martina

    Very interesting..I will definitely try this

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Fabtastic!!! Let me know how it all goes <3

  3. Emmah

    Woi, it’s morning and am already hungry just by looking at those photos…must I cook them on an open fire? can i use a pan?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      If you use a pan you will not have the swell of the naan. They will still be naan, only without the swell.

  4. Sheyr

    My favorite naan recipe… The only one actually.. Thanks alot

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you love it sweetie!

  5. Lilian

    Am definately trying this 😍

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Dope! Let me know how it goes! <3

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