Life. Love. Food

Orange and White Chocolate no-bake Cheese Cake

Is it just me or the more you don’t want your mom to find out about something, the more likely she is to find out about it? I don’t know it that sentence makes sense, but if you get what I mean, I think you can relate. Moms have a inbuilt “mischief sensors” that kick in whenever we secretly do what they tell not to do. My mom is TOTALLY against food wastage. I had bought some strawberries to make this cheese cake with. I got so busy in between and I kept postponing. Slowly but surely, the strawberries got spoilt. I felt guilty, but knew I had to throw them away before mom saw them. I hid them amongst some veggies so that I could throw them away when she was not around and guess what, she found them in just a few minutes. Did she sense I was up to something? I think she did. One lecture on food wastage later, I realized that was stupid of me and decided to use oranges instead. The result: stellar as always. I will show you what to substitute a bread or biscuit crust with to give you the same A+ results.

orange and white chocolate cheese cake_no bake cheese cake_cheese cake recipes-kaluhiskitchen.com_kenyan food blogs

For the crust

4 oatibix biscuits

3 tablespoons of desiccated coconut

5 tablespoons of butter

For the cheese filling

100 g of white chocolate

125 g of crème cheese

1 orange, zested

For the orange compote

2 oranges, peeled and sliced

3 tablespoons of sugar

1/2 a cup of orange juiced


Take oatibix biscuit and crush it with your hands until it forms fine crumbs. You can use a food processor if you please, but your hands works just as well :)). To this add your desiccated coconut and mix it all up. Normally, the base for cheese cake are usually crushed biscuit of choice however these usually have high amounts of salt. I settled for oatibix as a substitute since it has a lower amount of salt at just 0.01g. What a win!!!

crush the oatibix palettes which will be key in making the base for the cheese cake_orange and whitechisolate cheese

Also, unlike a biscuit base for your cheesecake, using an oat base via oatibix helps in lowering of cholesterol which in turn keeps our blood vessels and heart healthy. Also, unlike a biscuit base, an oatibix base has high fiber making you get fuller faster. This means a small piece of the cheese cake will satisfy you instead of eating a mountain load. You can indulge without over doing it, and enjoy all the health benefits that come along with having an oatibix cheese cake base.

adding cocout to the oatibix crust makes it alot more wholesome and adds even more flavor to it_orange and white chocolate no-bake cheese

Melt your butter in the microwave for a few seconds and add it to these two ingredients. Mix it all up until combined throughout then press it to the bottom of your container.

mix the coconut together with the oatibis, the melted butter and mold and press this to the base of your

Prepare your cheese filling. In a bowl, add your crème cheese. It should be at room temperature. I bought my creme cheese form Nakumatt and chose Happy Cow brand. Buy Kenya Build Kenya, yes? :)) Whisk it for about a minute then set aside. Melt your white chocolate and add it to the cheese followed by your orange zest. Because the chocolate is already sweet, I did not add more sugar to this.

to make your chocolate melt alot easier, to

orange zest_how to make orange zest_adding orange zest to cheese cake makes it more delicious_orange and whitechocolate no-bake

adding the orange rind to the creme cheese adds an appealing orande flavor to the cheese

Mix these all up then spread evenly these over the oatibix crust. Refrigerate for a few hours. Since I do not own a detachable baking tray, I improvised by lining an ordinary storage tin with translucent paper which would then make it easy to make the cheesecake detach without any hurdles.

You can of course make your cheese layer thicker if you so please. I personally prefer a slimmer cheese layer since that gives me a chance to also savor the crust and enjoy amazing textural contrast.

add your cheese over the base which is oatibix mixed with coconut and melted

Then you can begin working on your compote. In a pan, add your sliced orange, together with the sugar and the fresh orange juice. Let this simmer, on low heat, until it thickens and the orange buds burst.

to make the orange compote, add some sugar to a pot and allow this to simmer for about 10 min until it softens and

Remove from the heat and allow to cool down to room temperature. Of course you can use any other fruit, mangoes, passion fruit, and strawberries too :)) The compote will add sweetness to the cheese cake, but not make it cloyingly sweet.

add the orange compote on top of the cheesecake. it provides aditional sweetness and compliments the zestiness of the cheese

After your cheese cake has set, add your orange compote on top as the final layer and serve!

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The oatibix crust made the perfect substitute for breadcrumbs. Not only did it hold up well, they tasted a lot more wholesome compared to bread/cracker crumbs. The cheese has notes of white chocolate and the zest in the cheese was picked by the fullness of the orange compote which tied it all together.

no bake cheese cake_kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_how to make cheese cake_kenyan food blogs_kenyan food bloggers

Dead simple no-bake orange kissed layers of creamy goodness!!!. Be it for brunch or dessert, or just to satisfy those cravings, this is for you!!!

Much love!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Debbie

    your creativity is unparalleled!!!!! to be honest, you have a creative food mind and that can’t be copied. who thought I can use oatibix for a cheese cake base??? genius!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you much Debbie!!! It is definately one of my very fave ways of using my oatibix

  2. mirriam ndunge

    this is creativity

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Thank you!!!

  3. Aziza Muriuki

    Thank you.
    Now i can make my own cheese cake .

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yup!!! :))) And its so easy, yea??

  4. Michael Patrick

    very simple and easy to make, was surprised made it and everyone was happy.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      It is so easy and really delicious! So glad you enjoyed it as well :))

  5. joseph

    looks yummy and quite simple to try, will definitely give it a try, Thank you for sharing

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Very very easy and so delicious. and with oats as the crust, at least you get some health benefits while indulging :))

  6. Priya

    Your cake is yummy

    • kaluhiskitchen

      100% it is!!!

  7. Cheptoo Cece

    I get the hang of your version, since I made something similar to this but of an Oreo flavored “No bake” cheese cake.
    Nice article.


    • kaluhiskitchen

      I also did an oreo no bake cheese cake waaaay back in 2014. I think I will make another one in September when it s warmer. :))

  8. caroline

    very easy and healthy,but itabidi tumechanga ya chopping board mpya!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Very very easy. And I like my chopping board as it is, thank you :)).

  9. Kokola

    Imma try this

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Let me know how it goes :))

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