Life. Love. Food

Outback Sandwich

During the weekends, I usually unwind while watching a nice movie or series or immersing myself in a novel. When I engage in either of these activities, I usually like to have a snack by my side. Most of the time I just have a fruit but sometimes I like have something richer and with diverse flavors.
One of my favourite snacks is my mouthwatering Outback Sandwich. I made it once as I was playing around with different ingredients and lucky for me, the first time I made it it turned out fantastic and I have not made a single change to the recipe.
The sweet and sour sauce of this sandwich is the highlight  and it marries all the other ingredients with the ham so beautifully. The best part of it all, as usual, is that you can make this at home. Believe me, one bite of this sandwich will give you some serious intergalactic taste bud euphoria!!!

Whether you are watching an EPL match, binging on your favourite series or snacking after your hike, this is the sandwich that you should be biting into!


  1. White bread slices
  2. 5 slices of ham (or finely chopped beef,goat meat)
  3. ½ Onion
  4. 1 lemon
  5. 1 tomato
  6. Fresh Coriander
  7. 3 tablespoons of honey
  8. ½ a tea spoon of the following spices:

Black pepper, Cumin, Ground garlic (optional), Ground mustard (optional)

For the sauce
Grate (do not slice) your tomato and put it into a small saucepan without any oil. However if you have to slice your tomato, ensure that it is very ripe.
Let it simmer for about 2 minutes.
Add one table spoon of your soy sauce and mix.
Follow this with your freshly squeezed lemon juice and your honey.

Let the sauce simmer for 2 minutes then remove from the heat.

**The sauce cooks really fast, be careful not to let it burn.

Let’s be honest, this looks like something you would be served at a really expensive restaurant. The flavors are so complex one would think its bought or took 600 years to make, but it takes less than 10 minutes and uses only four ingredients! Win-Win!

This sauce can also go really well with fried fish, pork and it can make for a delicious samosa dip.

For the ham
Put the ham slices in a greased pan along with a pinch of each spice. Allow each side to get a sear and once they have a slight char take them from the heat and begin piling your sandwich.

** You can use any type of meat. The only thing you have to ensure is that it is cut into really thin slices or into very small pieces.

The sandwich
Put the bottom slice on a plate. Start with the ham.I always start with the ham or a piece of lettuce because they hold the sauce and prevents the bread from becoming soggy. No one likes a soggy sandwich!

Then put your onions that have been sliced.

Add our fantastic sweet and sour sauce on top.

Then your roughly chopped coriander. You may replace this with cilantro too. Looks delicious already!!

Then the remaining ham and finally, your bread.

Look at that beauty!


Outback Sandwich


This is mouthwatering snack has just redefined what it takes to be a sandwich!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Love & Light’



Like what you see? Download the recipe and try it!

Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes- outback sandwich

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  1. Janet Gardiner

    trying these over the weekend

  2. Tabitha

    First of..let me just say…this is by far the most amazing blog ever(i shit you not).
    Your food looks amazing…it’s so easy to try out and it always ends up looking as good as it does on this page..i especially like how you always use cumin. we always had cumin in the house but we never used it so much so my mum wanted to throw it out. atleast now we dont have to waste it. thankyou so much for the great tips.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Tabitha,
      I am thrilled that you love the blog, and because you love it, I have succeeded at something :). I have a real obsession with cumin spice, it is one of my absolute favorite spices since it adds flavor to nearly everything. Hope you totally enjoy all my recipes 🙂 Cheers

  3. Juanita

    Have I already said this is my new foodie blog

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Yea you have girl!! 🙂

  4. Doll

    My mind and taste buds are seriously blown away by this recipe……… Congrats.
    Btw, i tried it with bacon not ham n it still turned out great

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Doll! :))

      This has got to be one of my favorite sandwich recipes. Glad you like d it too. I should try it with bacon soon, that must have been extremely tasty!

  5. chica_amiga

    I have found my new love, and his/her name is Kaluhi’s kitchen. Your recipes are amazeballs!!! Keep up the good work. You make the world a much more better and tolerable place.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Why thank you sooo much! And karibu sana to the #KK family. This miss is happy to have you :))

  6. Edel

    am not really good cook, but now i might just become one with your great post. your recipes are all amazing yet so simple to follow. thanks

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I think everyone has potential of becoming a great cook. You just need to try and slowly but surely you will improve :))

  7. sophia

    how can i subscribe?are your recipes on instagram?

    • kaluhiskitchen

      madam, my recipes are on the blog, not on instagram. you are on the blog right now writing this comment, and i am dead sure the recipes are right in front of you, yes?

  8. Aol

    Well , after trying your triple D recipe the other day and having achieved fantastic results I delved into trying the outback sandwich today! You are my official new online best friend!!!! This was so yummy, easy to prepare. Appreciate your effort in sharing with us!!! I will try every single recipe on here and support any book if any that you have published. E-books included.!!!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Best friends by default united by good food!!! I am happy you tried this out and enjoyed it!! So sure you will love the other recipes as well :))

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