Kaluhi's Kitchen

Life. Love. Food

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Custard Pancakes with Tangerine Syrup

Boy, doesn’t it feel good to slow down! After dishing out 8 new recipes each month this year religiously and almost always being present on social media, I feel it is only fair to slow down and give myself a break. I will be more silent on social media this month (only this month), but that does not mean I have been wiped off the face of the earth. I am simply rejuvenating and getting the creative juices flowing once more. I mean isn’t December the month of relaxation after all?!

I made these pancakes early last month. I have no idea what inspired this but the first try was  the mother of all flops. I adjusted my proportions and tried again and the second time with plenty of success. I threw in some tangerine syrup just because! This is absolutely tasty and you must try this out too.

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Le Diner en Blanc Nairobi

So here we are: Diner en Blanc is coming to Nairobi!!! For those of you who may not know, diner en blanc is a high end dinner where all the attendees are required to dress in white, carry their finest dishes and dine under the stars in a location revealed only at the last moment. They can carry drinks, but only fine ones such as wine, no hard liquor in an attempt to make the event even ‘classy’. I must be honest and admit, I find it strange that one may leave home with food and drinks, and eat at an unknown location, but as an invited blogger, I was curious to see what the hype is all about.  This exclusive event originated from France and made its way through out the globe and has left its foot print in cities such as Toronto, Sydney, Cape Town, San Diego and Boston. It claims to be an experience like no other, and I was curious to see how the inaugural one in Nairobi would pan out!

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was invited in the capacity of  blogger/media. I did not purchase a ticket, I did not bring food or book a table. My work was to attend the event and write about it. I did not partake as a guest but for exclusively for work and to review it.

Here is how diner en blanc Nairobi went down:


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Chicken Pilau with garlic sauce

Am I the only one who fears upgrading software coz of the very real possibility that you could loose everything?? After putting this off for so long, I finally upgraded my computer to windows 10. And exactly what I was afraid of happened. My computer went into shock, everything went crazy and all I could see was the white screen of death. I put everything on hold until I resolved this. I literally cried at the thought of loosing all my content. After a heart attack, long prayers, sacrificing an unblemished white lamb a short while, everything came back to normal. I realized my computer was just acting up (and I was panicking LOL) and everything was right where I left it.

After getting everything in order, I somewhat felt great that I went one full day without working on the blog. Maybe I really needed that down time to rest and reboot. And I went ahead and gave myself a three day break. As a choleric-melancholic, breaks are always much welcome since this temperament leaves us subject to burn outs. But now, allow me to treat you with something so good, it will take you to another universe.

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Pumpkin and Cardamom French toast

When my sisters and I were little girls, my mother had employed a help named Maggie to assist her with the house hold chores and help her keep an eye on her hyper active girls. I always remember how we sometimes used to stress Maggie when we would mess the house LOL, but she still enjoyed having us around more so during the holidays. I remember the first time I tasted pumpkin chapati. She was the one who made them for us under the guidance of my mum. Like many kids, we never liked eating pumpkin. Together with my mum they tried various ways of sneaking this into our food and they finally succeeded when we liked pumpkin chapati they made for us.

There are so many ways of having your pumpkin. I asked you guys on Instagram how you liked having your pumpkin and it was evident how there are so many ways to creatively have your pumpkin. Today, I give you one of my now favorite breakfast meals: Pumpkin and Cardamom french toast.

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Carrot and Grilled Pumpkin Soup

I once heard someone say “If you find yourself talking about the weather on a first date, its time to goooo” LOL Our generation has issues! Anyway, lets talk about the weather. Last week was pretty frigid. I wanted to bump this post and have it earlier but I was too excited about my biryani and tilapia peri peri recipes and decided to stick to how I had originally scheduled my posts. This soup would be perfect for last week’s weather. But as you know with November, the weather is rather unpredictable. Yesterday was beautifully sunny but it could be rainy later this week or today. Today looks like a soup day! This is one recipe you should save for a rainy day ;)).

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Spanish Festival at Sarova Stanely

I enjoy experiencing other cultures and their cuisines. If you are like me and globe trotting is still among your life goals, the best way of experiencing how life is in another country is through their cuisine. Sarova Stanley is hosting Spanish Week and this was one chance I jumped on with both feet. Today is Friday and why not ring in the weekend with great food,  and good music in the top 5-star hotel in Nairobi.

spanish festival week nairobi

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Garlic and Lemon Tilapia Peri Peri

Like many ladies in Nairobi, I always go to Kenyatta Market to have my hair braided. They are not only done cheaply there, but very fast too. I find it comical how the wasusi (salonists) almost come to blows when they spot someone with open hair walking their way. To avoid all that commotion, I have my msusi pick me from the stage when I arrive.  Her name is Connie but I call her Aunty Connie.  She is so nice and I always get braided in her stall. Some weeks back as we snaked our way through the open  fruit market and through the car wash, the aroma of fried tilapia wafted our way. I asked her where I could get some and she promised to direct me after my braids were done. As I got my hair fixed, I thought about all the possible ways I could make my fish (that was before I fell asleep on the salon chair).

I remembered discovering peri peri is what our brothers and sisters down south refer to what we East Africans know as pilipili. It really is the same thing- bird’s eye chilli. Feeling inspired by my new discovery, I decided to make my fish spicy and saucy. I just have to warn you before trying my tilapia peri peri, there is a high possibility that you may develop serious addictions to tilapia cooked with this recipe. It is that good! Proceed.

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Egg Sandwich with Honey Vinaigrette Drizzle

Confession: I am a cooking show junkie. I can watch cooking shows till kingdom come. It just never gets boring…well, for me atleast :)). One of the most common things I see on Chopped is the use of vinaigrettes especially on Salads and stuff. Because I have no culinary training, I always turn to Uncle Google to break things down for me. Turns out it is not something complicated and can be made from nearly anything.

I love sweet and sour anything. So I made my vinaigrette using honey, apple cider vinegar and some oil to capture one of my favorite flavors. I was rushing somewhere and decided to make a sandwich to have on the go. After quickly taking my photos, I downded these sandwiches and boy, didn’t they just hit the right spots!!! If you are always on the go, or are going through one of those lazy days, this one is for you :)).

SIDENOTE: Have you checked out recipes on my YouTube channel? Have you subscribed? 🙂

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Ginger and Chilli Spaghetti fritters

Sometimes the best things are bourne out of the worst situations. Sometimes, you land on your true calling after leaving that job your thought was heaven sent. Sometimes you finally get the person who truly gets you after letting go of the other one  who was not really worth it. Sometimes, you really discover amazing qualities you never knew you had when in the most uncomfortable situations. And in everyday (kitchen) life, sometimes, you discover the best recipes after failing in those you thought would be the best. There is a silver lining in everything.

This recipe was a second attempt at fritters I tried in September. They looked good on camera, but tasted like Satan’s favorite snack, no kidding. After rethinking everything and giving it a second try, my ginger and chilli spaghetti fritters were born.

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Sage and Garlic Githeri

On this day, I was home alone. And when there are few people at home, obviously less food is cooked. The fridge was undergoing its seasonal sparseness and I knew exactly what I wanted to eat: githeri. Yes, I love githeri that much and that is the only meal I wanted. Mum had already boiled some maize and beans and froze them for future use. I defrosted some and prepared one of the best githeri yet. When mum came home she shared some of the githeri I had prepared with her friend, mrs.Kamau, and she tooootally loved this! For the weekend, my mum prepared a larger quantity of githeri but using the same recipe I had developed earlier that week. My sisters who were home over the weekend also really loved this new recipe. Seeing how it was so well received at home, I am certain you will enjoy it too :))

Today, we turn one of my FAVORITE Kenyan delicacies into one unforgettable feast!

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Garlic & Cumin Matoke

Besides potatoes, we almost always have matoke in our house. Every weekend, my dad collects a package form Maragoli delivering traditional veggies such as kunde, mto and mrenda, fresh peas and beans and almost always, matoke. The matoke are usually wrapped in some banana leaves to preserve their freshness. They are usually a bit dewy by the time they get to Nairobi but beaming with the bountifulness and greenness of the emerald rolling Maragoli hills.

Because we have a constant supply of one ingredient means we have to create different ways of  making one thing. One of one of the most mellow matoke recipes is my garlic and cumin matoke. It is so easy and unleashes one hell of a party on your taste buds. #MUSTTRY

garlic and cumin matoke by best kenyan food blogger Kaluhi Adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com

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The Ocean Basket Experience

When Ocean Basket began their operations in our beautiful country, I was beyond excited to know that sea food has been brought closer to us by a brand that prides itself in quality. Living in an inland city has us deprived from the goodness of seafood so I felt Ocean Basket establishing itself in Nairobi was a gift to us.

I decided to visit Ocean Basket with my man because I knew we would have a good time, satisfy his huge appetite in the process get to sample one of the best eateries in town. The world decided that September is ‘take your man on a date month’. But why limit yourself to just one month when we have the entire year so I treated him to the ocean basket experience. We had a phenomenal time at Ocean Basket, and I highly recommend the same experience for each one of you.

Sea Food Restaurants in Nairobi_Best sea food restaurant in Nairobi_Restaurant review by top Kenyan Food blogger kaluhi adagala of Kaluhiskitchen.com

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Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce

Food unrelated news: I decided to start exercising. For those who know me, they know I am pretty tiny (by Kenyan Standards) but truth be told, I am so unfit. As I am growing older, I feel it is so important to keep my body in the best state, even if I do not gain weight that easily. It has nothing to do with weight, but more to do with simply staying fit. I have been doing core work outs and I feel so sore but soooo good! Goal: These abs. And judging by the way I am going so far, this is within reach. I just hope I won’t give get bored along the way LOL

Anyway, back to business. For today, something rich and savory. This Garlic Chicken Strips in Coconut Sauce is one of those meals you can whip up in just a few minutes but have everyone blown away by how beautifully layered the flavors are.

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Chicken Mshikaki with Sticky Honey Sauce

I owe nearly all of my best childhood memories to growing up in Langata. Even now, living in a different part of town, I remember my days in Langata with so much nostalgia. I particularly remember how everyone seemed to come out of their houses in the evening once the hot sun has gone down and the streets are bustling with activity. Under the light of street lamps, a sea of street vendors would litter the walk ways with the hope of walking away with their wallet much fuller than when they arrived. From the soft negotiations between gentlemen selling clothes and their buyers, to aroma of fried tilapia of the ever vivacious ladies selling fish, to people from work in their power suits vigorously rubbing lemon and chilli on their roast maize, to smoke illuminated by the soft dusk light rising from the Mutura grills, Langata really did come to life at sunset. My favorite street food had always been, and still is, Mshikaki.

Today I decided to take my all time fave street food, originally a Kenyan coast delicacy, and transform it into a real feast. My chicken mshikaki with sticky honey sauce will take you to the moon and back!

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Red Wine Beef Stir Fry

The day I bought this meat I went to a butchery I have never purchased meat from. For some reason, the butcher was cutting the meat while blocking my view. So I just asked “Hiyo ni fresh?” (Is that fresh?) With slight hesitation, he replied “Hii ni ya leo, tumetoka kuchinja mangombe sahi sahi” (It’s today’s cut, we are just from the slaughter house) But my sixth sense just felt something was off. So I asked him to let me see it before packaging just to confirm if I needed some fat trimmed off. But really, I just wanted to ascertain the condition of the meat. To my dismay, the cut he was about to package for me was green around the edges and literally beginning to decay. I was dissapointed and asked him why he is lying to his buyer. Instead of apologizing, he just said “Wewe utakuwa bibi mzuri kwa sababu haudanganyiki” (You will make a good wife since you are not easily swindled) SMH. Why swindle me in the first place anyway??? Oh, Kenya! I left and bought my meat from another butchery.

A bad experience was compensated for by finally getting beautiful fresh beef which I transformed to this amazing dish. After my chase for fresh meat and a spectacular red wine beef dry fry recipe, the search was well worth it!

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Red Wine and Tomato Cheesy Pasta

I have always been fascinated with wine. Not just for drinking but by the amount of stuff you can use it in to trasform your cooking. I once read this quote “When in doubt, add wine” and I can help but agree. It really does add this soft yet assertive taste to food without making it seem like you tried too hard.

I made this pasta dish when my sisters were home in August during their semester break. They always DEMAND that I make them nice things before they go back to college. But who can blame them?! And after all, that is part of what makes me a big sister- To spoil those who come after me 🙂 after plenty of coersion and bribes that come in the form of jewellery and cute dresses. This dish is delighfully saucy & cheesy. And as the clouds roll in and rainy season starts, have this on your to-make list.

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Creamy Honey Uji

In high school, Saturday morning breakfast was uji. Yes, uji for saturday. In as much as you don’t really wanna have some, you have no option, so you fill your tummy  with some. Not that I hate it, i just found it bland since it was maize flour porridge and I am used to sorghum porrige. The later is richer in flavor, has more nutritional content compared to the former.

The first time I tried making uji, I made ugali instead. The second time I made uji, it was too light. #DoubleFail. I knew that I had to balance my water/flour ration coz that was where the problem lay each time. Once I got that balance right, I began experimenting with ways to make this phenomenal dish even better. Healthy does not have to be boring.

Are you ready for this? :))

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Cooking Challenge – #KupikaNaKaluhi

Every Monday, I always give you guys an ingredient of the week and show you how you can use it in your cooking to spruce things up. Today, I am giving you a set of ingredients only difference is, you are making a dish of your choice and a fantastic prize is up for grabs for the best recipe and the best picture of the prepared dish. This challenge is dubbed #KupikaNaKaluhi and it is in partnership with Infinix Mobile. Kaluhi’s Kitchen is all about innovative recipes while infinix mobile is all about innovative mobile trends so we want to honor one of my readers who shall embody the same quality both brands have: Innovation.

#KupikaNaKaluhi (1)

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Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

My Papa like s having a full meal for breakfast. It not only keeps him fuller for longer but is also healthier. On certain specific weekdays my mum usually makes for him unskinned potatoes and coleslaw with pineapple or raisin, and maybe a cup of tea afterwards. #LuhyasWillBeLuhyas LOL

I also tend to get very hungry soon after having my breakfast. And the more of a full meal I eat in the morning, the more energy I will have to power me through the first hours of the day. I decided to make  what mum makes for daddy in the morning abit more exciting with flavors I know go very well with potatoes. If you are looking for a hearty filling breakfast, you are in the right place :))

Today: Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

potato and pepper breakfast saute by kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_breakfast recipes_best kenyan food blog

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Lunch at Sankara courtesy of Rupu

If you have read 30 random things about me, I have pointed out that I am a really frugal spender. This means that I do not mind spending on my self, but I especially like to do so when I can save a few coins in the process. Do you ever walk in town and pass outside posh hotels and wonder how it would feel to dine there? I do that all the time! I imagine how the food would taste, how the ambiance would feel and even what I would wear LOL! But thanks to Rupu, all this is possible! You get to dine at the best restaurants in town, walk in as though you run this  and save a pretty penny in the process. Win-Win!

Here is my Sankara Experience courtesy of RUPU.

Best Nairobi Restaurants_Lunch at Sankara courtesy of RUPU Kenya as reviewed by kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com

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