Life. Love. Food

Peas and Red Bell Pepper Fried Rice

I love peas. It is one of those meals I can have all day every day with nearly everything. We are really blessed to come from a country where we can find organic fruits and veggies at a really affordable prices, peas being one of them. Hence, when ever I can, I always get myself some. I was walking towards my bus stage one evening and I saw this lady removing peas straight from their pods. Nothing looks fresher and more inviting than that. I stopped and got myself some and decided to make a rice dish with them.

This is a light fried rice dish. It is wholesome very healthy and very warm if I may say. I has this charm that will make where ever you are feel like home. As an addition to our many rice recipes, sample my pea and red bell pepper fried rice.

peas and red bell pepper fried rice_fried rice recipes_fried rice_kenyan food


peas and red bell pepper fried rice_fried rice recipes

  • 2 Cups Long Grain Rice
  • 1 Large Onion Chopped roughly
  • 5 Garlic Cloves
  • 3 Medium Tomatoes Chopped
  • 1/2 large red bell pepper, finely diced
  • 4 Cups Hot water or Vegetable Stock
  • 1  Cup Green peas
  • Salt as required
  • Ground Black Pepper as per your taste
  • Finely chopped coriander to taste

Method fro the fried rice

Wash Rice and soak it in hot water for 15 minutes. Drain and set aside. Put it to boil and after the rice is cooked just let it stay there as we await the next steps. If you already have cooked rice you can use that.
As that is happening, put your peas in a sufurai and let them boil. Once they are done, drain the hot water and place the boiled peas in a jug  or container that has ice cold water. This is important as it will help retain the vibrant green color. This method is called shocking. I learnt it while watching chopped. I just love chopped!!!!!! The peas below are cooked and still look green.
shocking peas immediately after boiling them helps retain their green color, preventing them form tuning grey
Dice onion,  pound your garlic cloves and dice the red bell pepper and tomatoes.  In a separate frying pan, heat 2 tablespoon oil. Add  the onion and the garlic and sautee them until they are soft. Add your tomatoes and tomato paste.
onions and garlic add more flavor to maumbo. Tomatoes form the base of the tomatoes
tomato reduction for fried rice_kenyan food bloggers
Pour in a small amount of vegetable stock or water to form a thick soup. Do not make it too watery. Cover with a lid and let this saute for about 5 minutes .
Add rice the cooked rice  and give it a good stir. Bring it boil, once It starts boiling , reduce the heat to lowest setting, add the red bell pepper and close the pan with a lid.
red bell pepper with fried rice_fried rice recipes
Let the rice cook on low flame for about 5 to 10 minutes. Add your peas and mix them in and after another 2 minutes, your rice is ready to serve.
adding peas to peas and red bell pepper fried rice_fried rice recipes
fried rice recipes_kenyan food bloggers_
Add chopped coriander leaves , mix them in and switch off the flame. You are now ready to go! The thing I love about fried rice is that there are infinite recipes to try. Add this one to your list 🙂
best fried rice recipes_easy rice recipes_peas and red bell pepper fried rice
Serve hot with delicious kachumbari , coleslaw or my honey and rosemary salad or even downed with my chilled purple rain smoothie. This is a rice dish you need to try if you want something different from your usual plain white rice.
fired rice with peas and red bell pepper
Love and Light,

Download the full recipe here

Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes

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  1. Shee

    Morning, I’m a big fan of your blog keep up with the good work your doing for our stomachs :)!! However, I wanted to try out this recipe but I don’t understand why you soaked your rice in hot water, like what is the main reason for that?…

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Shee,
      I am equally honored to have you as a reader :). It is not mandatory to soak rice before cooking it, but it is good to do it so as to allow it to cook faster, reduce the starchiness and makes them remain separate after cooking. You soak the rice in water at room temparature

  2. Fred Anyona

    So I love cooking and funny enough I have never cooked peas before! This is my first time and I intend on using this recipe. Will show you the results soon on Instagram.
    Till then! ‘Love your blog and keep on keeping on!
    Fellow Blogger
    Fred Anyona

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am so glad you tried and enjoyed this recipe. its undoubtedly one of my fave recipes. I also wish blessings and success for your blogging journey!


  3. Jane


    Thanks for sharing out the recipes..

    I got a question though on the rice / peas recipe..

    Doesn’t the rice get overcooked if it it first soaked, then boiled and then boiled again in the frying?


    • kaluhiskitchen

      You cook the rice until it is almost done to allow it to finish cooking in the other steps. No it does not get overcooked

  4. Risper

    This am amazing…. and am definitely trying it

    • kaluhiskitchen

      You will love it!

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