Life. Love. Food

Plum Ukwaju Juice

I love my morning jogs!!! I slacked a little bit towards the end of last year when I made the morning November rains an very very valid excuse for me not to go. However, once the rains stopped, I was back on it so hard!! Running in the flood of brilliant January morning sunshine is such a magical experience. Lemme just say this, I am not a fitness junkie, I know almost nothing about fitness, but all i know is, I feel super fantastic, light and good after a sweaty jogs and that is all that matters to me so I run with it, pun intended! *waves pompoms in the air*. I used to hate doing laps in highschool, and I find it funny that nowadays it is what I really love. That does not mean it is breezy! About 3/4 way of my 6 km jog I usually always regret. I get so tired and my lungs start burning because of breathing too hard. I ask myself why it is really worth it. I imagine how easy it would be if I could just teleport back home.  I picture myself getting back home and replenishing my energy with fresh juice. I imagine myself finally freshening up, having my breakfast and getting work going. And when I do get home, the sweaty run is always worth it!

I have in particular loving my plum ukwaju juice, for all times of day, but specifically after my runs. And today, I will share my fave with you! <3

Here is the short video. Watch it then let’s proceed :



2 cups of red plums

3  tablespoons of raw forest honey

1 tablespoon of grated ginger

1/4 cup of ukwaju pulp


First thing, extract your ukwaju. Place the shelled ukwaju in a container. I bought by ukwaju from Ngara Fig Tree Market, but you can always get some at City Market, Bus Station and sometimes Zucchini as well. Add some hot water to it until they are 3/4 way submerged and let it soak for about 2 hours, but best overnight.

Mine soaked for 24 hours. It should be silky and thick by this time.

Once done, separate the fibers and seeds from the pulp itself preferably by sieving as this video shows you. Store any surplus in your fridge and you can also it to make some sauces and for marination as we did in this chicken thigh recipe.

Take 1/4 cup to use in your juice.

Separate the plum flesh from the seed and set aside. Remember, the darker the plums, the sweeter they will be. Plus they are in season, so you have to get on this recipe!!! Mango are in season and they would work just as beautifully if incorporated in this recipe. I add them in from time to time as well.

For the plums that will remain use them to make my B.O.M.B plum marinated pork. Grate your fresh ginger. You can use honey& ginger honey by BeeHappy and skip using fresh ginger all together. I however opted for their raw forest honey + fresh ginger.

The only honey I use for everything is by BeeHappy as I told you in this video. You can get your very own jar via their direct line: 0700 453 377. Do not waste time please!

And once everything is prepped, add everything into a blender and blend until everything is completely combined.

Serve chilled.

This plum ukwaju juice is the most delicious juice you will ever have after a work out or just a run! But do not limit yourself to only that, you can enjoy it any time of day, especially now that it is extremely hot in Nairobi. Play around with other fruit additions, but make sure your ukwaju shines as a key ingredient. Read up on its awesome nutritional benefits here.

Happy Tuesday!


Get your downloadable recipe here :))

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  1. Sheela

    I have been following you on Instagram but for some reason I did not stop to think about looking you up until I saw the sweet sour pork. Thanks a lot for your inspirations. Nowadays I do not need to scratch my head over what new thing to try. God bless you big time…Oh! The ukwaju, plum juice…my indulgence!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Enjoy every little recipe you try out!! <3

  2. Bella Chanzu

    What type of blender is this you are using??Looking for a powerful version yenye haitadisappoint.

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