Life. Love. Food

Poached Eggs with chunky Tomato Salsa

I like having my eggs in different kinds of ways. Poached eggs are very popular globally but I have never tired them just due to one reason. Fear. Fear of all that wetness and liquid yolk which I personally do not find appealing. While that is what excites most people, for me, that made me stay clear of poached eggs. But I decided to take the plunge after realizing that maybe it is not that bad after all. I did and I was so impressed. When I was doing my online research, I got the implication that making poached eggs is so complicated. But I found that not to be true. All you need is your ingredients, and an eager heart :). Hope you enjoy this to the max as much as I did.

 Kenyan food_poached egg with esame seeds and tomto salsa_best poached egg recipe_top kenyan food blog

Serves: 1           Prep Time: 4 Minutes         Cook Time:10 minutes

Ingredients for the poached egg

poached onion ingredients_poached egg recipe_peached egg with tomato salsa_

1 egg

Salt for seasoning

Apple cider vinegar

Red Onions


Sesame seeds

Fresh coriander for garnishing


Get yourself a wide  pan or a small-medium size sufuria and fill it with boiling water from the kettle. Bring it to a light simmer over a medium heat, add a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Crack one of your eggs into a cup ensuring that the yolk remains intact. Stir the water until it forms a whirl pool. Gently pour it into the center of the whirl pool in one fluid movement. This whirl pool allows the egg to stick together and somehow wraps the egg white around the yolk. You’ll see it begin to cook immediately – don’t worry if the edges look a little whispy. Perfect is boring anyway 🙂

crack the egg in a cup before adding it to the water. Be careful not to crack the yolk. Poached egg recipe and cooking method

apple cider vinegar recipes_apple cider vinegar with poached egg_poached egg recipes_american garden apple cider vinegar

adding poached egg to water after swirling the water and poringhte egg in one fluid motion

It may look a little bit messy at first, but just relax as it will all come together eventually. If the egg sticks to the bottom of the pan, just gently nudge it gently with a spoon to release it. Be gentle enough so as not to burst it.

A really soft poached egg , the ones that ooze, should take around 2 minutes. They will wobble when taken from the heat.  A soft to firm one will need 4 minutes and will feel firmer to the touch. It will depend on the size of the egg too and whether they are fresh or from the fridge. To check whether they’re done, remove one carefully from the pan with a slotted spoon and give it a gentle push with a teaspoon. If it feels too soft (use your instincts), put it back and give the eggs a minute or two more in the water to firm up. I liked mine a lot more firm.

When they’re ready, remove them to some kitchen paper to dry off and garnish with some sesame seeds. Serve with buttered toast and salsa or with avocados.

For the salsa

Slice your tomatoes. Do the same to your onions and soak them in some vinegar or some hot water with salt for about 4 minutes.Drain them and then mix the tomatoes and onions together. Garish with your fresh coriander. (I wish i had avocado to add to this, it would have been out-of-this-world good.)

After everything is complete, begin plating. Have your salsa at the bottom then put your poached egg on top of it all. Maybe you can try this with avocado and brag to me how good this was 😀

plating of poached egg with tomato salsa_similar to kachumbari_Kenyan Food

Sprinkle your sesame seeds and you have your perfect brunch or power-packed breakfast.

poached egg_kenyan food_egg recipes_poached egg with sesame seeds_poached egg with tomato salsa

The only way you can ever know whether something is really good is by trying it. I am glad I got over my poached-egg fear and really saw that they could possibly be one of the most wonderful things on earth <3

Promise me that you will give this a try…yes?

Stay Happy 🙂


Kaluhi's Kitchen Recipes

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  1. Waruguru

    I have always wanted to poach eggs…thanks! I did the fatal mistake of doing it with some excess oil I had…let’s just say ‘poached’ was never in my vocab again. But I will do it even here in school. Thanks again!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I have successfully gotten over my poached egg fear, and I am happy to inspire you to give this a try once again. Hope you love it 🙂 🙂

      • gladys

        why do we put vinegar into the water before the egg
        can I use salt only
        its a must try

        • kaluhiskitchen

          Hey Gladys,
          The vinegar is not only for flavor but helps keep the egg together while it is in the water. Without it, you will still have your poached egg but it will be very whispy and it will stick ti the pan. The vinegar helps avert all that.

  2. tess

    Tried this and failed kumbe the vinegar was not in any of my recipes….will try this one more time

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I was so nervous while trying this coz the idea of putting egg in water just did not make sense to me. But it worked. And it is always nice to discover where you previously stumbled and try again with a small addition. Do try this out again and let me know how it all goes. I would love to know 🙂

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