Life. Love. Food

Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

My Papa like s having a full meal for breakfast. It not only keeps him fuller for longer but is also healthier. On certain specific weekdays my mum usually makes for him unskinned potatoes and coleslaw with pineapple or raisin, and maybe a cup of tea afterwards. #LuhyasWillBeLuhyas LOL

I also tend to get very hungry soon after having my breakfast. And the more of a full meal I eat in the morning, the more energy I will have to power me through the first hours of the day. I decided to make  what mum makes for daddy in the morning abit more exciting with flavors I know go very well with potatoes. If you are looking for a hearty filling breakfast, you are in the right place :))

Today: Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute

potato and pepper breakfast saute by kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_breakfast recipes_best kenyan food blog


potato and bell pepper breakfast saute ingredients_kaluhiskitchen.com_best kenyan food blogs

5 potatoes, unpeeled, washed and sliced

1/2  a  teaspoon of black pepper

1 tablespoon of ground coriander

1 large red onion, finely diced

1 sprig of fresh rosemary

4 cloves of garlic, minced

2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped

1 green bell pepper, finely diced

Avocado and tomatoes as accompaniments (optional)



Thoroughly wash your potatoes. Slice them in half lengthwise then cut the halves into inch-thick pieces.

slice your potatoes for the breakfast sautee at an angle and at a thickness of about an inch_kaluhiskitchen.com_breakfast recipes

Put these to boil together with fresh rosemary, some salt and the roughly chopped garlic. Poke with a fork and when they are just done, turn of the heat and drain away excess water if any. Set aside.

boiling potatoes in fresh rosemary and garlic adds alot of flavor and are well absorbed by the

In a separate sufuria, heat some oil and put the red onion, hoho, minced garlic and the spices. Let these simmer until the onions have softened. Be careful not to burn the garlic.

www.kaluhiskitchen.com_the vegetables required for the potato breakfast sautee are onion bell pepper and garlic_kenyan food blogs

Add the potatoes and toss them with the veggies. Let these stay on the heat for an additional 2-4 minutes then serve.

tossing the potatoes in the sauteed vegetables allow everything to mix well without them getting smashed up in the

This potato and pepper breakfast sautee ensures you have your A-game from the moment you finish eating breakfast to the hours before lunch. Say goodbye to feeling hungry 2 hours after breakfast.

kenyan food_best breakfast recipes for energy through out the day_potato and pepper breakfast

To make this even more wholesome, throw in some avocado and tomato. Or maybe some coleslaw. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, why not pack it with super foods? And the best thing about this Potato and Pepper Breakfast Saute  is, you can make it at night and just warm it in the morning. Alternatively, you can prep everything so that in the morning its just straight to cooking. You can also have this for brunch one lazy saturday morning.

kenyan food blogs_kaluhiskitchen.com_potato and pepper breakfast

Wanna be on your A-game each morning? Eat something super at the start of the day!



Download the full recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. WatyWambu

    wow… this blog 🙂

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Karibu sana to the family :)). I hope you are intending to try out plenty of my recipes too!

      • WatyWambu

        I have tried one… Will be doing more very soon…. Awesome work. God bless

  2. Yvonne

    Hey Kaluhi,what is the essence of not peeling the potato skin?I have always been so skeptical about it

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Hey Yvonne,
      Not peeling the potato not only saves time, but adds an earthy flavor to the dish and presents a difference in texture which is otherwise absent in peeled potatoes. Just as some people peel their tomatoes while others do not find any difference whether the sking is there or not.
      It is not a must for you to unskin your potatoes. If you prefer not to have your skins, you are totally free to follow your preference.

  3. Aziza Muriuki

    will have to try this one of those who feel hungry when i reach the office in the morning

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      I can sooo relate! This breakfast meal is really filling. I am sure your tummy will appreciate it :))

  4. Wanjiru

    You are God sent!

    • kaluhiskitchen


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