Life. Love. Food

Pumpkin and Cardamom French toast

When my sisters and I were little girls, my mother had employed a help named Maggie to assist her with the house hold chores and help her keep an eye on her hyper active girls. I always remember how we sometimes used to stress Maggie when we would mess the house LOL, but she still enjoyed having us around more so during the holidays. I remember the first time I tasted pumpkin chapati. She was the one who made them for us under the guidance of my mum. Like many kids, we never liked eating pumpkin. Together with my mum they tried various ways of sneaking this into our food and they finally succeeded when we liked pumpkin chapati they made for us.

There are so many ways of having your pumpkin. I asked you guys on Instagram how you liked having your pumpkin and it was evident how there are so many ways to creatively have your pumpkin. Today, I give you one of my now favorite breakfast meals: Pumpkin and Cardamom french toast.

pumpkin and cardamon french toast_kenyan food bloggers_foodbloggers in Kenya


Pumpkin and Cardamom French Toast Ingredients:

Ingredients for pumpkin and cardamom french toast_french toast
1 egg
1/4 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of sugar
A pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder
2  1/2 heaped tablespoons of pumpkin puree
4 slices of bread

Take your pumpkin, peel it and slice it up. Put it to boil. Once it is tender, put it in a blender and blitz this until it is totally smooth and creamy. I made a moderately huge batch so I saved some for future use. Those used glass jars always come in handy :))

pureeing the pumpkin until it is totally smooth makes it ideal for the pumpkin and cardamom french

store your pumkin puree in a jar and make in batches for future use_pumpkin and cardamom french

In a container, crack your egg, add your pumpkin puree and all the other ingredients. Whist everything until well combined.

french toast with cardamom and cinnamon_african food bloggers_how to make french toast delicious

whisking all the ingredients fo the french toast_kaluhiskitchen.com_pumpkin and cardamom french toast

Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. Put some butter or margerine on its surface.Dip both sides of each piece of bread in the batter and then place in the pan. I usually flash dip my bread sone I prefer not to have the french toast soak in too much of the egg mixture since I personally find this soggy. However if you like your french toast a lot richer, allow your bread to soak in as much egg mixture as you like.

soaking the bread for a short while ensures the bread does not get too soggy_pumpkin and cardamom french

Cook on each side until golden brown. This may take about 2 minutes on each side.

ensure the french toast is golden brown before taking it form the heat_kaluhiskitchen.com_african food bloggers

Once you are done, remove from the heat and serve with some cream, syrup or some toasted seeds.

african food_african food bloggers_pumpkin and cardamom french toast_french toast recipes

I think the quality that stood out for me while making these french toast was how amazingly silky and golden they were. This was definitely as a result of using the pumpkin.

African Food bloggers _how to make frecnsh

They were also beautifully layered in flavor and the cardamom and cinnamon really came through so so well and complimented the flavor of the pumpkin (and each other) to a tee. This is perfect for a slow morning or brunch. It is also so perfect for sneaking in something that is not too tasty on its own by transforming it into a master piece.

Best frech toats recipe_kenyan food recipe_kenyan food_best food bloggers in

If you ever hear someone saying that pumpkin is disgusting, just hold their hand, seat them down and direct them to this blog. This pumpkin and cardamom french toast, especially, will be their point of no return.

Ready for a party on your taste buds? Try this!


Download the recipe here:

Kenyan food blog_downloadable recipes

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  1. Debbie

    I bought pumpkin just so that I can try this hehe

    • kaluhiskitchen

      LOL… the recipes have to be attempted hehe

  2. adashofpepper

    Bread and pumpkin that’s why I keep coming back to your blog for the new ideas. Keep up

    • kaluhiskitchen

      There is always a new way to incorporate the unlikely into one dish. Hope you try this out too miss :))

  3. kelvin munene

    its amazing how you think outside the box on a very simple recipe, and this, its a MUST TRY!!! I am also a food enthusiast and i try out the simple ones with readily available ingredients. Thank you

    • kaluhiskitchen

      This is a Must try for sure! Thank you for the compliment Kelvin. Cooking is best with simple ingredients and even better with ingredients we can find :))

  4. lulu_the_designer

    WhicjWhich pumpkin is better?? the small yellow ones on the outside or the greenish round ones??

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Hey Lulu. I used the green one because that is the one I had at hand. You can use butternut as well since they are in the same family.

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