Life. Love. Food

Raisin and carrots fried rice

Besides sharing make-up secrets, brain-storming on business ideas and combing through our latest fashion finds, among the things my sisters and I enjoy doing are exchanging recipes. Be it from a good meal one of us ate at someone’else’s home or from a recipe we saw on TV, if it is makeable, we always share it.

This recipe was inspired by my eldest sister, Cheredi after she returned home from her friend’s place with a certain book that had the best cooking secrets.  The recipe I read had several ingredients which I did not have at hand. This called for creativity on my part and in the process, this baby was born. Its fast, super easy and in the usual KK fashion, very delicious.

raisin and carrot fried rice by top kenyan food blogger kaluhi adagala of kaluhiskitchen.com_fried rice recipes



carrots and raisin fried rice ingredients_kaluhiskitchen.com_fried rice

2 handfulls raisins

1 cup of rice

3 large carrots

1 handfull of groundnuts

1 onion diced

1 teaspoon of pepper

1 teaspoon of butter

1 Tablespoon of Soy sauce



In a sauce pan, add the onions, the carrots and the ground nuts. Let them sautee for about 4 minutes.

sauteeing the carrots , onions and peanuts not only softens them but greatly develops their

After that, add the cooked rice and the raisins to the sauce pan and mix it in.  Do this with a fork preferrably so that the rice does not get smashed up.

To prevent your carrot and raisin fried rice from sticking together, mix all ingredients togetherwith a fork, lightly but

Add the soy sauce and mix. Add the coriander then allow this to stay in the heat for about 4 minutes.

carrot and raisin fried rice with soy sauce adds some color and alot of earthy

Turn off the heat and serve.

Kenyan food_top kenyan food blogger_kaluhiskitchen.com_fried rice

Did you not see how easy that really was?? Nothing makes my heart happier than easy recipes that are so easy but super tasty. The raisins, the nuts, the carrots….oh! This was heavenly!

kenyan food blogs_best kenyan food blog_how to make fried rice with carrots and

This got finished so fast. And that is a sure sign that this was tasty. It had the perfect contrast of textures and of flavors. And because it was speedy, its perfect to make when you are busy, when you have impromptu guests or for a week night but you still want something delicious to eat.

Joy and Love,


Download the full recipe here:

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  1. Irene Wa Kilingi

    Hey.i tried this for dinner.Tonight it was sumptious.My hubby loved it.Accompanied it with the tartar sauce.I read previosly from your blog.Thanks

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Hey Irene, thank you for giving this a try. As I always say, if hubby loves it, it is really good. Plus I love that you added the tartar sauce, that must have been extra tasty :))). And you are most welcome :))

  2. Spirit

    This looks good but for me to enjoy it I’d have to add some protein e.g. chicken, fish etc. The problem is I just can’t see those going well with raisins because raisins are sweet. I’m thinking about how to make this work. Proteins help me feel more satisfied.

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      Just one question, have you tried it? Do not dismiss it without trying it first

      Unless you put too many raisins, it is not overpowering at all. Cooking is about balance of flavor. So to make this dish great, balance is key. The day I made this, we ate it with chicken stew. Did it work? Yes! The next day I had it with beef leftovers. Did it work? Yes! Try something new. The unknown is always pleasurable once you get the courage to take it up.

  3. Cheptoo Cece

    Ohh My!!!! this is definitely something I would love to try out. {Foodie Heaven}

    • Kaluhi's_Kitchen

      You got that right! It is different but in a very delicious way :))

  4. Lillian G

    Hey KK..Thaaaaanks for this recipe. Tried it last Sunday…coupled with minced meat –Heavenly!

    I’m trying to trace the tartar sauce recipe…and matoke varieties.
    Hopefully, will come back on a happy tummy!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am absolutely sure that you will enjoy any other recipe you attempt as much as you liked my raisin and carrot fried rice :)))

  5. Angeline

    Hey dear, I am wondering……what of the groundnuts, are they already cooked?……just wondering before I go ham in the kitchen.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      I am not too sure what you mean by cooked… They are just the kawaida groundnuts you buy or eat, when you cook them they slightly soften.

  6. karamoja

    just looking at this and thinking…flipping the scripts a bit….imagine it if you add cardamons and jaggery on this…a dessert..probably..

  7. Nyokabi

    Tried this out tonight and my boyfriend won’t stop smiling ????????????????????

    • kaluhiskitchen

      And when bae is happy, you know how fantastic it must have tasted ;))

  8. lydia

    which butter did you use?

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