Life. Love. Food

Red Onion and Button Mushroom Omelette

Am I the only one who still gets super excited when parents return home from upcountry and they bring lots of fresh FOOD with them? Maybe its a foodie thing, or maybe its just me LOL. My parents always bring fresh produce with them since it is cheaper there and overall of better health and quality. The best honey we have is always from Maragoli and also, the best mushrooms I have ever tasted were from Maragoli. ‘Ovwova’, as we call them, are eaten quite often in shagz. I was so scared about giving them a try but after my mum made them and I had my first taste, I was sold! And that was the day my love affair with mushrooms started. I try add them to nearly anything and to my surprise, they go with almost anything in my opinion.

When I have eggs for breakfast, I like mine scrambled. But when I incorporate other things, I like making an omelette.. Oh! This button mushroom and red onion omelette was so so so good I am literally drooling as I type this out. And in true #KK fashion, it was so easy to whip up 🙂

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Mushroom Omelette Ingredients

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4 Eggs

2 cloves of garlic, minced

½ of green bell pepper, finely chopped

1/2 red onion, finely chopped

8 button mushrooms, sliced

Salt and pepper to taste



Put some vegetable oil in a pan and heat it. Add your red onion, green bell pepper and garlic and allow this to sauté until soft and fragrant. Add your sliced button mushrooms and let this cook down for about 3-5 minutes until they slightly soften and shrink. Take from heat and set aside.

button ushrooms have excellent flavor and add a meaty taste to

These are the same mushrooms I had left over after making this other BOMB mushroom dish and I bought them from Nakumatt. I am totally addicted to mushrooms!!

cook the mushrooms together with the green bell pepper and red onion until they have just

Whisk your eggs with the salt and pepper and add to the heated pan. This should be followed immediately by the mushroom sautee. Do not allow the eggs to set before adding the mushroom. The egg should set while the mushroom is already on it so that it does not slide off.

add your eggs to the cooked mushroom and allow it to set _how to make a mushroom

How yellow are these eggs? I love the gorgeous color they had yet they have totally nothing added to them. These eggs come from the chicken we breed at home. Is it not exciting to know exactly where your food comes from? I will always love Kenya for that <3

flip your omelette swiftly and in one sweep to aviod having it split_kaluhiskitchen.com_mushroom omelette

Flipping an omelette that has additions to it is kinda tricky. It gets so heavy and tears while flipping. One minute you are making an omelette and the next minute it’s scrambled eggs you’re having, you feel me? :(. We all have those moments, myself included. This baby almost tore . When flipping, ensure you have carried most of the mushroom omelette on your spoon. The less of it that hangs over, the less likely it is to tear. Then flip as fast as you can. Do not pause and wait for it to tear as you watch,no child! Chap! Chap! Alternatively, you can forego flipping and place the pan in an oven and let it finish cooking there.

Once your glorious red onion and button mushroom omelette is done, serve!

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It was meaty, so protein rich and perfect way to kick start any day. But besides having it for breakfast with your tea and bread, you can have this too with ugali and any creamed veggie, Yum!

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Cheers to great food!


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  1. Debbie

    I thought I was the only one who struggles with flipping an omelette SHM LOL!!!! The struggle is very real!

    • kaluhiskitchen

      The flipping struggel is a universal challenge :DDD

  2. Kadenyeka

    Hi there,

    where in Nairobi can I buy mushrooms? Feeling adventurous and wanna try some of the mushroom recipes you’ve published.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Supermarket. Any well stocked upermarket i.e Carrefour, Large Tuskys, Food Plus, Chandarana, Nakumatt

  3. Berin Otieno

    Hello Kaluhi, I recently discovered your blog while Googling for ideas on how to make a good njahi stew. I haven’t stopped looking at your blog since, thanks for for making my life easier. 😊.
    PS a friend of mine taught me how to flip an omelette using a large flat plate. It’s super easy. You cover your pan with the plate then the uncooked side will sit on the bottom of the plate, put your pan back on the stove and slide the omelette back into the pan.

    • kaluhiskitchen

      Glad you are enjoying!!

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